require 'cgi' require 'time' class SimpleRSS attr_reader :items, :source alias :entries :items @@feed_tags = [ :id, :title, :subtitle, :link, :description, :author, :webMaster, :managingEditor, :contributor, :pubDate, :lastBuildDate, :updated, :generator, :language, :docs, :cloud, :ttl, :skipHours, :skipDays, :image, :logo, :icon, :rating, :rights, :copyright, :textInput ] @@item_tags = [ :id, :title, :link, :author, :contributor, :description, :summary, :content, :'content:encoded', :comments, :pubDate, :published, :updated, :expirationDate, :category, :guid, :'trackback:ping', :'trackback:about', :'dc:creator', :'dc:title', :'dc:subject', :'dc:rights', :'dc:publisher' ] def initialize(source) @source = source.respond_to?(:read) ? : source.to_s @items = parse end def channel() self end alias :feed :channel class << self def feed_tags @@feed_tags end def feed_tags=(ft) @@feed_tags = ft end def item_tags @@item_tags end def item_tags=(it) @@item_tags = it end # The strict attribute is for compatibility with Ruby's standard RSS parser def parse(source, strict=false) new source end end private def parse raise SimpleRSSError, "Poorly formatted feed" unless @source =~ %r{<(channel|feed).*?>.*?}mi # Feed's title and link feed_content = $1 if @source =~ %r{(.*?)<(rss:|atom:)?(item|entry).*?>.*?}mi @@feed_tags.each do |tag| if feed_content && feed_content =~ %r{<(rss:|atom:)?#{tag}(.*?)>(.*?)}mi nil elsif feed_content && feed_content =~ %r{<(rss:|atom:)?#{tag}(.*?)\/\s*>}mi nil elsif @source =~ %r{<(rss:|atom:)?#{tag}(.*?)>(.*?)}mi nil elsif @source =~ %r{<(rss:|atom:)?#{tag}(.*?)\/\s*>}mi nil end if $2 || $3 eval %{ @#{ clean_tag tag } = clean_content(tag, $2, $3) } self.class.class_eval %{ attr_reader tag } end end # RSS items' title, link, and description @source.scan( %r{<(rss:|atom:)?(item|entry).*?>(.*?)}mi ) do |match| item = @@item_tags.each do |tag| if match[2] =~ %r{<(rss:|atom:)?#{tag}(.*?)>(.*?)}mi nil elsif match[2] =~ %r{<(rss:|atom:)?#{tag}(.*?)/\s*>}mi nil end item[clean_tag(tag)] = clean_content(tag, $2, $3) if $2 || $3 end def item.method_missing(name, *args) self[name] end @items << item end end def clean_content(tag, attrs, content) content = content.to_s case tag when :pubDate, :lastBuildDate, :published, :updated, :expirationDate Time.parse(content) when :author, :contributor, :skipHours, :skipDays unescape(content.gsub(/<.*?>/,'')) else content.empty? && "#{attrs} " =~ /href=['"]?([^'"]*)['" ]/mi ? $1.strip : unescape(content) end end def clean_tag(tag) tag.to_s.gsub(':','_').intern end def unescape(content) CGI.unescape(content).gsub(/()/,'').strip end end class SimpleRSSError < StandardError end