require 'spec_helper' describe 'Infix expression parsing' do class InfixExpressionParser < Parslet::Parser rule(:space) { match['\s'] } def cts atom atom >> space.repeat end def infix *args*args) end rule(:mul_op) { match['*/'] >> str(' ').maybe } rule(:add_op) { match['+-'] >> str(' ').maybe } rule(:digit) { match['0-9'] } rule(:integer) { cts digit.repeat(1) } rule(:expression) { infix_expression(integer, [mul_op, 2, :left], [add_op, 1, :right]) } end let(:p) { } describe '#integer' do let(:i) { p.integer } it "parses integers" do i.should parse('1') i.should parse('123') end it "consumes trailing white space" do i.should parse('1 ') i.should parse('134 ') end it "doesn't parse floats" do i.should_not parse('1.3') end end describe '#multiplication' do let(:m) { p.expression } it "parses simple multiplication" do m.should parse('1*2').as(l: '1', o: '*', r: '2') end it "parses simple multiplication with spaces" do m.should parse('1 * 2').as(l: '1 ', o: '* ', r: '2') end it "parses division" do m.should parse('1/2') end end describe '#addition' do let(:a) { p.expression } it "parses simple addition" do a.should parse('1+2') end it "parses complex addition" do a.should parse('1+2+3-4') end it "parses a single element" do a.should parse('1') end end describe 'mixed operations' do let(:mo) { p.expression } describe 'inspection' do it 'produces useful expressions' do p.expression.parslet.inspect.should == "infix_expression(INTEGER, [MUL_OP, ADD_OP])" end end describe 'right associativity' do it 'produces trees that lean right' do mo.should parse('1+2+3').as( l: '1', o: '+', r: {l: '2', o: '+', r: '3'}) end end describe 'left associativity' do it 'produces trees that lean left' do mo.should parse('1*2*3').as( l: {l:'1', o:'*', r:'2'}, o:'*', r:'3') end end describe 'error handling' do describe 'incomplete expression' do it 'produces the right error' do cause = catch_failed_parse { mo.parse('1+') } cause.ascii_tree.to_s.should == <<-ERROR INTEGER was expected at line 1 char 3. `- Failed to match sequence (DIGIT{1, } SPACE{0, }) at line 1 char 3. `- Expected at least 1 of DIGIT at line 1 char 3. `- Premature end of input at line 1 char 3. ERROR end end describe 'invalid operator' do it 'produces the right error' do cause = catch_failed_parse { mo.parse('1%') } cause.ascii_tree.to_s.should == <<-ERROR Don't know what to do with "%" at line 1 char 2. ERROR end end end end describe "providing a reducer block" do class InfixExpressionReducerParser < Parslet::Parser rule(:top) { infix_expression(str('a'), [str('-'), 1, :right]) { |l,o,r| {:and=>[l,r]} } } end it "applies the reducer" do"a-a-a").should == {:and=>["a", {:and=>["a", "a"]}]} end end end