require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) class TestRakeApplication < Rake::TestCase def setup super @app = Rake.application @app.options.rakelib = [] end def setup_command_line(*options) ARGV.clear options.each do |option| ARGV << option end end def test_display_exception_details begin raise 'test' rescue => ex end out, err = capture_io do @app.display_error_message ex end assert_empty out assert_match 'rake aborted!', err assert_match __method__.to_s, err end def test_display_exception_details_cause skip 'Exception#cause not implemented' unless Exception.method_defined? :cause begin raise 'cause a' rescue begin raise 'cause b' rescue => ex end end out, err = capture_io do @app.display_error_message ex end assert_empty out assert_match 'cause a', err assert_match 'cause b', err end def test_display_exception_details_cause_loop skip 'Exception#cause not implemented' unless Exception.method_defined? :cause begin begin raise 'cause a' rescue => a begin raise 'cause b' rescue raise a end end rescue => ex end out, err = capture_io do @app.display_error_message ex end assert_empty out assert_match 'cause a', err assert_match 'cause b', err end def test_display_tasks @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.last_description = "COMMENT" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t/, out) assert_match(/# COMMENT/, out) end def test_display_tasks_with_long_comments @app.terminal_columns = 80 @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks @app.options.show_task_pattern = // numbers = "1234567890" * 8 @app.last_description = numbers @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t/, out) assert_match(/# #{numbers[0, 65]}\.\.\./, out) end def test_display_tasks_with_task_name_wider_than_tty_display @app.terminal_columns = 80 @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks @app.options.show_task_pattern = // task_name = "task name" * 80 @app.last_description = "something short" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, task_name) out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end # Ensure the entire task name is output and we end up showing no description assert_match(/rake #{task_name} # .../, out) end def test_display_tasks_with_very_long_task_name_to_a_non_tty_shows_name_and_comment @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.tty_output = false description = "something short" task_name = "task name" * 80 @app.last_description = "something short" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, task_name) out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end # Ensure the entire task name is output and we end up showing no description assert_match(/rake #{task_name} # #{description}/, out) end def test_display_tasks_with_long_comments_to_a_non_tty_shows_entire_comment @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.tty_output = false @app.last_description = "1234567890" * 8 @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t/, out) assert_match(/# #{@app.last_description}/, out) end def test_truncating_comments_to_a_non_tty @app.terminal_columns = 80 @app.options.show_tasks = :tasks @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.tty_output = false numbers = "1234567890" * 8 @app.last_description = numbers @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t/, out) assert_match(/# #{numbers[0, 65]}\.\.\./, out) end def test_describe_tasks @app.options.show_tasks = :describe @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.last_description = "COMMENT" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t$/, out) assert_match(/^ {4}COMMENT$/, out) end def test_show_lines @app.options.show_tasks = :lines @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.last_description = "COMMENT" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") @app['t'].locations << "HERE:1" out, = capture_io do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t +[^:]+:\d+ *$/, out) end def test_finding_rakefile rakefile_default assert_match(/Rakefile/i, @app.instance_eval { have_rakefile }) end def test_not_finding_rakefile @app.instance_eval { @rakefiles = ['NEVER_FOUND'] } assert(! @app.instance_eval do have_rakefile end) assert_nil @app.rakefile end def test_load_rakefile rakefile_unittest @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true load_rakefile end assert_equal "rakefile", @app.rakefile.downcase assert_equal @tempdir, Dir.pwd end def test_load_rakefile_doesnt_print_rakefile_directory_from_same_dir rakefile_unittest _, err = capture_io do @app.instance_eval do # pretend we started from the unittest dir @original_dir = File.expand_path(".") raw_load_rakefile end end assert_empty err end def test_load_rakefile_from_subdir rakefile_unittest Dir.chdir 'subdir' @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true load_rakefile end assert_equal "rakefile", @app.rakefile.downcase assert_equal @tempdir, Dir.pwd end def test_load_rakefile_prints_rakefile_directory_from_subdir rakefile_unittest Dir.chdir 'subdir' app = app.options.rakelib = [] _, err = capture_io do app.instance_eval do raw_load_rakefile end end assert_equal "(in #{@tempdir}\)\n", err end def test_load_rakefile_doesnt_print_rakefile_directory_from_subdir_if_silent rakefile_unittest Dir.chdir 'subdir' _, err = capture_io do @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true raw_load_rakefile end end assert_empty err end def test_load_rakefile_not_found ARGV.clear Dir.chdir @tempdir ENV['RAKE_SYSTEM'] = 'not_exist' @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true end ex = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @app.instance_eval do raw_load_rakefile end end assert_match(/no rakefile found/i, ex.message) end def test_load_from_system_rakefile rake_system_dir @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true options.load_system = true options.rakelib = [] load_rakefile end assert_equal @system_dir, @app.system_dir assert_nil @app.rakefile rescue SystemExit flunk 'failed to load rakefile' end def test_load_from_calculated_system_rakefile rakefile_default def @app.standard_system_dir "__STD_SYS_DIR__" end ENV['RAKE_SYSTEM'] = nil @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true options.load_system = true options.rakelib = [] load_rakefile end assert_equal "__STD_SYS_DIR__", @app.system_dir rescue SystemExit flunk 'failed to find system rakefile' end def test_terminal_columns old_rake_columns = ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'] ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'] = '42' app = assert_equal 42, app.terminal_columns ensure if old_rake_columns ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'].delete else ENV['RAKE_COLUMNS'] = old_rake_columns end end def test_windows assert ! ( && @app.unix?) end def test_loading_imports loader = util_loader @app.instance_eval do add_loader("dummy", loader) add_import("x.dummy") load_imports end # HACK no assertions end def test_building_imported_files_on_demand loader = util_loader @app.instance_eval do intern(Rake::Task, "x.dummy").enhance do loader.make_dummy end add_loader("dummy", loader) add_import("x.dummy") load_imports end # HACK no assertions end def test_handle_options_should_strip_options_from_argv assert !@app.options.trace valid_option = '--trace' setup_command_line(valid_option) @app.handle_options assert !ARGV.include?(valid_option) assert @app.options.trace end def test_handle_options_trace_default_is_stderr setup_command_line("--trace") @app.handle_options assert_equal STDERR, @app.options.trace_output assert @app.options.trace end def test_handle_options_trace_overrides_to_stdout setup_command_line("--trace=stdout") @app.handle_options assert_equal STDOUT, @app.options.trace_output assert @app.options.trace end def test_handle_options_trace_does_not_eat_following_task_names assert !@app.options.trace setup_command_line("--trace", "sometask") @app.handle_options assert ARGV.include?("sometask") assert @app.options.trace end def test_good_run ran = false ARGV << '--rakelib=""' @app.options.silent = true @app.instance_eval do intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { ran = true } end rakefile_default out, err = capture_io do end assert ran assert_empty err assert_equal "DEFAULT\n", out end def test_display_task_run ran = false setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--tasks', '--rakelib=""') @app.last_description = "COMMENT" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "default") out, = capture_io { } assert @app.options.show_tasks assert ! ran assert_match(/rake default/, out) assert_match(/# COMMENT/, out) end def test_display_prereqs ran = false setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--prereqs', '--rakelib=""') @app.last_description = "COMMENT" t = @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "default") t.enhance([:a, :b]) @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "a") @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "b") out, = capture_io { } assert @app.options.show_prereqs assert ! ran assert_match(/rake a$/, out) assert_match(/rake b$/, out) assert_match(/rake default\n( *(a|b)\n){2}/m, out) end def test_bad_run @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail } setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--rakelib=""') _, err = capture_io { assert_raises(SystemExit){ } } assert_match(/see full trace/i, err) ensure ARGV.clear end def test_bad_run_with_trace @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail } setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '-t') _, err = capture_io { assert_raises(SystemExit) { } } refute_match(/see full trace/i, err) ensure ARGV.clear end def test_bad_run_with_backtrace @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail } setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--backtrace') _, err = capture_io { assert_raises(SystemExit) { } } refute_match(/see full trace/, err) ensure ARGV.clear end CustomError = def test_bad_run_includes_exception_name @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { raise CustomError, "intentional" } setup_command_line('-f', '-s') _, err = capture_io { assert_raises(SystemExit) { } } assert_match(/CustomError: intentional/, err) end def test_rake_error_excludes_exception_name @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail "intentional" } setup_command_line('-f', '-s') _, err = capture_io { assert_raises(SystemExit) { } } refute_match(/RuntimeError/, err) assert_match(/intentional/, err) end def cause_supported? ex = ex.respond_to?(:cause) end def test_printing_original_exception_cause custom_error = @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { begin raise custom_error, "Original Error" rescue custom_error raise custom_error, "Secondary Error" end } setup_command_line('-f', '-s') _ ,err = capture_io { assert_raises(SystemExit) { } } if cause_supported? assert_match(/Original Error/, err) end assert_match(/Secondary Error/, err) ensure ARGV.clear end def test_run_with_bad_options @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail } setup_command_line('-f', '-s', '--xyzzy') assert_raises(SystemExit) { capture_io { } } ensure ARGV.clear end def test_standard_exception_handling_invalid_option out, err = capture_io do e = assert_raises SystemExit do @app.standard_exception_handling do raise OptionParser::InvalidOption, 'blah' end end assert_equal 1, e.status end assert_empty out assert_equal "invalid option: blah\n", err end def test_standard_exception_handling_other out, err = capture_io do e = assert_raises SystemExit do @app.standard_exception_handling do raise 'blah' end end assert_equal 1, e.status end assert_empty out assert_match "rake aborted!\n", err assert_match "blah\n", err end def test_standard_exception_handling_system_exit out, err = capture_io do e = assert_raises SystemExit do @app.standard_exception_handling do exit 0 end end assert_equal 0, e.status end assert_empty out assert_empty err end def test_standard_exception_handling_system_exit_nonzero out, err = capture_io do e = assert_raises SystemExit do @app.standard_exception_handling do exit 5 end end assert_equal 5, e.status end assert_empty out assert_empty err end def util_loader loader = loader.instance_variable_set :@load_called, false def loader.load arg raise ArgumentError, arg unless arg == 'x.dummy' @load_called = true end loader.instance_variable_set :@make_dummy_called, false def loader.make_dummy @make_dummy_called = true end loader end end