What is Pimki?

Pimki is a Personal Information Manager based on Instiki's Wiki technology.

It has some added features over Instiki, while keeping the simplicity of 

Instiki Features:
* Regular expression search: Find deep stuff really fast
* Revisions: Follow the changes on every page from birth. Rollback to an earlier rev
* Export to HTML or markup in a zip: Take the entire wiki with you home or for reference
* RSS feeds to track recently revised pages
* Multiple webs: Create separate wikis with their own namespace
* Password-protected webs: Keep it private
* Authors: Each revision is associated with an author, so you can see who changed what
* Reference tracker: Which other pages are pointing to the current?
* Speed: Using Madelein for persistence (all pages are in memory)
* Three markup choices: Textile (default / RedCloth), Markdown (BlueCloth), and RDoc
* Embedded webserver: Through WEBrick
* Internationalization: Wiki words in any latin, greek, cyrillian, or armenian characters
* Color diffs: Track changes through revisions

Pimki added features:
* Mind Map: a graph of wiki connections (made with GraphViz). All graphs can be 
  laid-out with the 4 GraphViz engines. Graph contents can be arranged as:
   * Page ? linked pages
   * Authors ? pages
   * Categories ? pages
* Bliki: a blog integrated with the wiki. Blog entries are simply wiki-pages in
  a special space. Can link from an entry to wiki pages.
* Todo Items & List:
   * ‘todo:’ items are highlighted on each page.
   * Added a capacity to pull and list todo items from all pages.
   * On main list, items are highlighted according to date (if there is one).
* Added capacity to (persistently :) delete/rename pages through the 'All Pages'
* Added left-side menu. Content options are:
   * Only pages that reference other pages (default)
   * All pages: by name
   * All pages: recently revised
   * All pages: recently visited
   * All pages: most often visited
   * User definable wiki-text
* Expanded Search:
   * Search also tries to match the page names (not just contents).
   * Now showing part of sentance around match in search-results page
* Removed unnecessary (for me) stuff from the nav-bar: RSS, authors, export. 
  Moved to bottom of Home Page.


* Expand todo with more task types?
* Expand Search
   * Highlight on individual page when clicked form search results
   * Advanced Search (not just regexp, case sensitivity)?
* Editable left-side menu options: by search results? by author?
* Bliki: allow linking from wiki-pages to bliki entries.

Command-line options:
Run "ruby pimki.rb --help"


0.9.2-7 Initial Public Release
        I have been working on Pimki for my own use for quite some time. It is
        fairly mature and stable. The version number reflects the base Instiki
        version (0.9.2; or actually the latest CVS that's markes so) and the
        running number of my feature-addition releases.

Download latest from: 

Visit the official Pimki home page at:

Visit the official Instiki wiki:

License is the same as Ruby's.

Assaph Mehr