master ------ 0.7.4 ----- * Fix dependencies check for compile command. [#455] * Introduce the `silent` configuration value. [#445] [#455]: [#445]: 0.7.3 ----- * Stream output instead of waiting until subprocesses finish. [#423] * Update `ember-cli-rails-assets` dependency. [#422] * Only write errors to `STDERR`. [#421] * Remove dependency on `tee`. Fixes bug [#417]. [#420] [#423]: [#422]: [#421]: [#420]: [#417]: 0.7.2 ----- * Enhance `rake ember:install` to fully reinstall if necessary. [#396] * `EmberCli::Deploy::File` serves assets with Rails' `static_cache_control` value. [#403] [#396]: [#403]: 0.7.1 ----- * Resolve `ember` executable with full path within `node_modules`, instead of depending on the presence of `node_modules/.bin`. [#395] * Introduce the idea of `App#mountable?` and `App#to_rack` for handling deploys that don't serve assets from the file system (Redis, for example). * Fix bug with generated `bin/heroku_install` script iterating through multiple * Don't mount route helpers at top-level. Instead, mount within the surrounding context with which they're invoked. [#381] [#395]: [#381]: 0.7.0 ----- * Introduce the `deploy` configuration option. * Translate Rails environments other than `test` or `development` to `production`, unless an `EMBER_ENV` is specified. [#366] [#366]: 0.6.1 ----- * Extract `include_ember_*_tags` and the associated code to the `ember-cli-rails-assets` gem. Add `ember-cli-rails-assets` as a dependency. [#363] * Introduce `mount_ember_assets` to serve Ember assets in asset-helper style projects. [#363]: 0.6.0 ----- * Use system-level `tee` to pipe `STDOUT` to both `STDOUT` and the logs. [#351] * Invoke `EmberCli[ember_app].build` from helpers to ensure everything is built before serving. [#347] * Remove dependency on `sprockets`. Serve generated files with `Rack::File`. [#336] * Rename generator namespace from `ember-cli` to `ember`. [#344] * Ensure `Rails.root.join("log")` exists when writing to logs. * Remove deprecated `include_ember_index_html` helper and deprecated `build_timeout` and `enabled` configurations. [#334] * Raise build errors for `render_ember_app` failures. [#325] * Remove `before_{action,filter}` in favor of explicit `` call. [#327] [#351]: [#347]: [#336]: [#344]: [#334]: [#327]: [#325]: 0.5.8 ----- * Ensure cleanup method can destroy temporary folders. [#330] [#330]: 0.5.7 ----- * Improve command failure reporting. [#324] * Use latest EmberCLI-generated asset files. [#316] * Delete previous build output on application boot instead of on process exit. [#308] [#324]: [#316]: [#308]: 0.5.6 ----- * Fallback to `before_filter` for Rails 3.2. [#306] * No longer depend on `tee` executable. Use `Kernel#{spawn,system}` with redirection options. [#299] [#306]: [#299]: 0.5.5 ----- * Expose `EmberCli::App#root` for Heroku generator. Fixes [#295]. [#296] [#295]: [#296]: 0.5.4 ----- * Escape generated CLI strings. Adds support for paths with spaces. 0.5.3 ----- * No longer redirect `STDERR` to `STDOUT` when executing `ember` commands. This fixes some JRuby bugs. [#288] * Don't `prune` in generated Heroku setup script. [#286] [#288]: [#286]: 0.5.2 ----- * Register EmberCLI app with Sprockets on application initialization * Rename `ember-cli` to `ember_cli` in Ruby. 0.5.1 ----- * Invoke `EmberCli::App#compile` in `test` environment, spawn `build` process in development, rely on `rake assets:precompile` in `production`-like environments. 0.5.0 ----- * Deprecate `include_ember_index_html` in favor of the renamed `render_ember_app`. * Always pass `--environment test` to Rails-generated `ember test` commands. [#277] * No longer check dependencies within the app. Defer to EmberCLI's `stderr` streaming. [#267] * Remove `enable` configuration in favor of using `mount_ember_app`. [#261] * Introduce `mount_ember_app` route helper [#263] * Remove support for viewing Ember tests through Rails. Instead, use `ember test` or `ember test --serve` from within the Ember directory. [#264] * Remove `build_timeout` configuration [#259] * Disable JS minification when generating Heroku setup [#238] * `BuildError#message` includes first line of backtrace. [#256] * Symlink `dist/` directly to Asset Pipeline [#250] * Merge EmberCLI-generated `manifest.json` into Sprocket's [#250] * `manifest.json`. Since we now defer to EmberCLI, we no longer need to manually resolve asset URLs. [#250] [#277]: [#267]: [#264]: [#263]: [#259]: [#238]: [#256]: [#250]: [#261]: 0.4.3 ----- * Failures in `{bundle,npm,bower} install` will now fail the host process with a non-zero exit status. [#236] * Improve error reporting: Redirect `ember build` from `$STDERR` to the build error file. [#245] [#236]: [#245]: 0.4.2 ----- * Use the `EmberCli` module in implementation. Ensure backward compatibility by aliasing the `EmberCli` to `EmberCLI`. [#233] [#233]: 0.4.1 ----- * `<%= head.append do %>` will now return `nil` so that accidentally using `<%= %>` variety of ERB tags won't render the contents of the capture [#231] [#231]: 0.4.0 ----- * Extend `include_ember_index_html` helper to accept a block. The contents of the block will be injected into the page [#228] * Drop support for Ruby `< 2.1.0` and Rails `4.0.0, < 3.2.0` [#227] * Introduce `rails g ember-cli:heroku` generator to configure a project for deploying to Heroku [#230] * Introduce `include_ember_index_html` helper [#226] [#226]: [#227]: [#228]: [#230]: 0.3.5 ----- * Update addon to 0.0.12 0.3.4 ----- * Add `watcher` option 0.3.3 ----- * Support ember-cli 1.13 0.3.2 ----- * Inject `RAILS_ENV` into `ember build` process [#168][] * Explicitly register view helpers [#148]( 0.3.1 ----- * Fix `assets:precompile` missing EmberCLI.compile! method 0.3.0 ----- * Add enable option to speficy what paths should have ember compiled [#145]( * Add Runner class to monitor ember deamon failures in development [#145]( 0.2.3 ----- * Handle Legacy Rails' lack of acronym support [#144]( 0.2.2 ----- * Don't use frozen version string in gemspec [#142]( 0.2.1 ----- * Fix missing App#configuration method [#141]( 0.2.0 ----- * Rename rake namespace from ember-cli to ember [commit]( * Allow helpers to take optons for ember assets [commit]( * Make EmberCLI.skip? predicate return boolean [commit]( * Introduce EmberCLI.env and ember\_cli\_rails\_mode config option [commit]( * Rename EmberCLI.get\_app to .app and add .[] alias [commit]( 0.1.13 ------ * Don't Compile Assets if `SKIP_EMBER` set [#122]( [@seanpdoyle]( 0.1.12 ------ * Fix inflector initializer for older Rails [#115]( [#117]( 0.1.11 ------ * Do not include rake tasks twice [#110]( [@BlakeWilliams]( 0.1.10 ------ * Support ember-cli 0.2.\* [#88]( 0.1.9 ----- * Only set `BUNDLE_GEMFILE` to shell environment if it exists [#92]( [@seanpdoyle]( * Add Support for Rails 3.1 [#99]( [@seanpdoyle]( * Use Rails' configured asset prefix in tests [#104]( [@seanpdoyle]( 0.1.8 ----- * Include engine file into gemspec [#91]( [@jesenko]( 0.1.7 ----- * Serve EmberCLI tests as mountable engine [#90]( [@seanpdoyle]( 0.1.6 ----- * Support Gemfile in EmberCLI app [#84]( [@sevos]( * Allow relative path to be set via initializer [#72]( * Conditionally silence build output [#82]( * [DEPRECATION] Default EmberCLI application in Rails' app path [#66]( [@jesenko]( 0.1.5 ----- * Compilation and dependencies Rake tasks improved [#79]( 0.1.4 ----- * Expose `ember-cli:compile` rake task [#73]( 0.1.3 ----- * Make sure setting optional config parameters override defaults [#70]( 0.1.2 ----- * Bump addon version to prevent missing tmp folder error [ember-cli-rails-addon#8]( * Add configuration to control Middleware and live recompilation [#64]( 0.1.1 ----- * Add ember-cli:test take task [#60]( 0.1.0 ----- * Expose rake task for `npm install` [#59]( * Detect and raise EmberCLI build errors [#23]( 0.0.18 ------ * Remove suppress jQuery feature [#49]( * Add option to manually suppress Ember dependencies [#55]( 0.0.17 ------ * Only precompile assets that start with <ember-app-name> [#53]( 0.0.16 ------ * Use local executable for ember-cli instead of global one. [Commit]( * Use `Dir.chdir` instead of passing `chdir` to `system`/`spawn`. Seems like JRuby doesn't yet support `chdir` option for these methods. Commits: [1](, [2]( 0.0.15 ------ * Fix NameError when addon version doesn't match. [#47]( * Fix race condition in symlink creation when run multiple workers (again). [#22]( 0.0.14 ------ * Do not include jQuery into vendor.js when jquery-rails is available. [#32]( 0.0.13 ------ * Fix assets:precompile in production environment. [#38]( 0.0.12 ------ * Make sure ember-cli-dependency-checker is present. [#35]( 0.0.11 ------ * Fix locking feature by bumping addon version to 0.0.5. [#31]( 0.0.10 ------ * Add locking feature to prevent stale code. [#25]( 0.0.9 ----- * Fix a bug when path provided as a string, not pathname. [#24]( 0.0.8 ----- * Add support for including Ember stylesheet link tags. [#21]( * Fix an error when the symlink already exists. [#22]( 0.0.7 ----- * Add sprockets-rails to dependency list. [Commit]( * Add a flag to skip ember-cli integration. [#17]( 0.0.6 ----- * Fix compiling assets in test environment. [#15]( * Use only development/production Ember environments. [#16]( * Make the gem compatible with ruby 1.9.3. [#20]( 0.0.5 ----- * Fix generator. [Commit]( 0.0.4 ----- * Add assets:precompile hook. [#11]( 0.0.3 ----- * Make gem Ruby 2.0 compatible. [#12]( 0.0.2 ----- * Do not assume ember-cli app name is equal to configured name. [#5](