''CBTJD'': 2020/03/12 START: INPUT "Enter two integers (a,b):"; a!, b! IF a = 0 THEN END IF b = 0 THEN PRINT "Second integer is zero. Zero not allowed for Quotient or Remainder." GOTO START END IF PRINT PRINT " Sum = "; a + b PRINT " Difference = "; a - b PRINT " Product = "; a * b ' Notice the use of the INTEGER Divisor "\" as opposed to the regular divisor "/". PRINT "Integer Quotient = "; a \ b, , "* Rounds toward 0." PRINT " Remainder = "; a MOD b, , "* Sign matches first operand." PRINT " Exponentiation = "; a ^ b PRINT INPUT "Again? (y/N)"; a$ IF UCASE$(a$) = "Y" THEN CLS: GOTO START CLS END