require 'rspec/core' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' APP_ROOT="." # for jettywrapper require 'jettywrapper' ENV["RAILS_ROOT"] ||= 'spec/internal' desc 'Spin up hydra-jetty and run specs' task :ci => ['jetty:config'] do puts 'running continuous integration' jetty_params = Jettywrapper.load_config error = Jettywrapper.wrap(jetty_params) do Rake::Task['spec'].invoke end raise "test failures: #{error}" if error end desc "Run specs" # Note: this is _not_ an RSpec::Core::RakeTask. # It's a regular rake task that calls the RSpec RakeTask that's defined in spec/support/lib/tasks/rspec.rake task :spec => [:generate] do |t| focused_spec = ENV['SPEC'] ? " SPEC=#{File.join(GEM_ROOT, ENV['SPEC'])}" : '' Bundler.with_clean_env do within_test_app do system "rake myspec#{focused_spec}" abort "Error running hydra-collections" unless $?.success? end end end desc "Create the test rails app" task :generate do unless File.exists?('spec/internal/Rakefile') puts "Generating rails app" `rails new spec/internal` puts "Updating gemfile" `echo "gem 'hydra-collections', :path=>'../../../hydra-collections' gem 'factory_girl_rails' " >> spec/internal/Gemfile` puts "Copying generator" `cp -r spec/support/lib/generators spec/internal/lib` Bundler.with_clean_env do within_test_app do puts "Bundle install" `bundle install` puts "running test_app_generator" system "rails generate test_app" # These factories are autogenerated and conflict with our factories system 'rm test/factories/users.rb' puts "running migrations" puts `rake db:migrate db:test:prepare` end end end puts "Done generating test app" end desc "Clean out the test rails app" task :clean do puts "Removing sample rails app" `rm -rf spec/internal` end def within_test_app'spec/internal') yield'../..') end namespace :meme do desc "configure jetty to generate checksums" task :config do end end