#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Created by Luke A. Kanies on 2006-02-20. # Copyright (c) 2006. All rights reserved. $:.unshift("../../lib") if __FILE__ =~ /\.rb$/ require 'puppettest' require 'puppettest/parsertesting' require 'puppettest/resourcetesting' require 'mocha' class TestASTHostClass < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest include PuppetTest::ParserTesting include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting AST = Puppet::Parser::AST def test_hostclass interp, scope, source = mkclassframing # Create the class we're testing, first with no parent klass = interp.newclass "first", :code => AST::ASTArray.new( :children => [resourcedef("file", "/tmp", "owner" => "nobody", "mode" => "755")] ) assert_nothing_raised do klass.evaluate(:scope => scope) end # Then try it again assert_nothing_raised do klass.evaluate(:scope => scope) end assert(scope.class_scope(klass), "Class was not considered evaluated") tmp = scope.findresource("File[/tmp]") assert(tmp, "Could not find file /tmp") assert_equal("nobody", tmp[:owner]) assert_equal("755", tmp[:mode]) # Now create a couple more classes. newbase = interp.newclass "newbase", :code => AST::ASTArray.new( :children => [resourcedef("file", "/tmp/other", "owner" => "nobody", "mode" => "644")] ) newsub = interp.newclass "newsub", :parent => "newbase", :code => AST::ASTArray.new( :children => [resourcedef("file", "/tmp/yay", "owner" => "nobody", "mode" => "755"), resourceoverride("file", "/tmp/other", "owner" => "daemon") ] ) # Override a different variable in the top scope. moresub = interp.newclass "moresub", :parent => "newbase", :code => AST::ASTArray.new( :children => [resourceoverride("file", "/tmp/other", "mode" => "755")] ) assert_nothing_raised do newsub.evaluate(:scope => scope) end assert_nothing_raised do moresub.evaluate(:scope => scope) end assert(scope.class_scope(newbase), "Did not eval newbase") assert(scope.class_scope(newsub), "Did not eval newsub") yay = scope.findresource("File[/tmp/yay]") assert(yay, "Did not find file /tmp/yay") assert_equal("nobody", yay[:owner]) assert_equal("755", yay[:mode]) other = scope.findresource("File[/tmp/other]") assert(other, "Did not find file /tmp/other") assert_equal("daemon", other[:owner]) assert_equal("755", other[:mode]) end # Make sure that classes set their namespaces to themselves. This # way they start looking for definitions in their own namespace. def test_hostclass_namespace interp, scope, source = mkclassframing # Create a new class klass = nil assert_nothing_raised do klass = interp.newclass "funtest" end # Now define a definition in that namespace define = nil assert_nothing_raised do define = interp.newdefine "funtest::mydefine" end assert_equal("funtest", klass.namespace, "component namespace was not set in the class") assert_equal("funtest", define.namespace, "component namespace was not set in the definition") newscope = klass.subscope(scope) assert_equal(["funtest"], newscope.namespaces, "Scope did not inherit namespace") # Now make sure we can find the define assert(newscope.finddefine("mydefine"), "Could not find definition in my enclosing class") end # Make sure that our scope is a subscope of the parentclass's scope. # At the same time, make sure definitions in the parent class can be # found within the subclass (#517). def test_parent_scope_from_parentclass interp = mkinterp interp.newclass("base") fun = interp.newdefine("base::fun") interp.newclass("middle", :parent => "base") interp.newclass("sub", :parent => "middle") scope = mkscope :interp => interp ret = nil assert_nothing_raised do ret = scope.evalclasses("sub") end subscope = scope.class_scope(scope.findclass("sub")) assert(subscope, "could not find sub scope") mscope = scope.class_scope(scope.findclass("middle")) assert(mscope, "could not find middle scope") pscope = scope.class_scope(scope.findclass("base")) assert(pscope, "could not find parent scope") assert(pscope == mscope.parent, "parent scope of middle was not set correctly") assert(mscope == subscope.parent, "parent scope of sub was not set correctly") result = mscope.finddefine("fun") assert(result, "could not find parent-defined definition from middle") assert(fun == result, "found incorrect parent-defined definition from middle") result = subscope.finddefine("fun") assert(result, "could not find parent-defined definition from sub") assert(fun == result, "found incorrect parent-defined definition from sub") end end # $Id: hostclass.rb 2730 2007-07-31 02:34:07Z luke $