module Parliament module Grom module Decorator # Decorator namespace for Grom::Node instances with type: # rubocop:disable ModuleLength module Person include Helpers::DateHelper # Alias personGivenName with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the given name of the Grom::Node or an empty string. def given_name respond_to?(:personGivenName) ? personGivenName : '' end # Alias personFamilyName with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the family name of the Grom::Node or an empty string. def family_name respond_to?(:personFamilyName) ? personFamilyName : '' end # Alias personOtherNames with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the other names of the Grom::Node or an empty string. def other_name respond_to?(:personOtherNames) ? personOtherNames : '' end # Alias personDateOfBirth with fallback. # # @return [DateTime, nil] the date of birth of the Grom::Node or nil. def date_of_birth @date_of_birth ||= respond_to?(:personDateOfBirth) ? DateTime.parse(personDateOfBirth) : nil end # Builds a full name using personGivenName and personFamilyName. # # @return [String, String] the full name of the Grom::Node or an empty string. def full_name return @full_name unless @full_name.nil? full_name = [] full_name << personGivenName if respond_to?(:personGivenName) full_name << personFamilyName if respond_to?(:personFamilyName) @full_name = full_name.join(' ') end # Alias personHasPersonImage with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the image location of the Grom::Node or a placeholder string. def image_id(show_placeholder: true) if respond_to?(:memberHasMemberImage) memberHasMemberImage.first.graph_id else show_placeholder ? 'placeholder' : nil end end # Alias memberHasParliamentaryIncumbency with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] all the incumbencies of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def incumbencies respond_to?(:memberHasParliamentaryIncumbency) ? memberHasParliamentaryIncumbency : [] end # Alias memberHasParliamentaryIncumbency with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the seat incumbencies of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def seat_incumbencies @seat_incumbencies ||= { |inc| inc.type == '' } end # Alias memberHasParliamentaryIncumbency with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the house incumbencies of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def house_incumbencies @house_incumbencies ||= { |inc| inc.type == '' } end # Alias seatIncumbencyHasHouseSeat with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the seats of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def seats @seats ||= end # Alias houseSeatHasHouse with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the houses of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def houses @houses ||= [,].flatten.uniq.compact end # Alias houseSeatHasConstituencyGroup with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the constituencies of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def constituencies @constituencies ||= end # Alias partyMemberHasPartyMembership with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the party memberships of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def party_memberships respond_to?(:partyMemberHasPartyMembership) ? partyMemberHasPartyMembership : [] end # Alias partyMembershipHasParty with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the parties of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def parties @parties ||= end # Alias partyMembershipHasParty with fallback. # # @return [Grom::Node] the current party of the Grom::Node or nil. def current_party @current_party ||= end # Alias partyMembershipHasParty with fallback. # # @return [Grom::Node] the current party membership of the Grom::Node or nil. def current_party_membership @current_party_membership ||= end # Alias personHasContactPoint with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the contact points of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def contact_points respond_to?(:personHasContactPoint) ? personHasContactPoint : [] end # Alias personHasGenderIdentity with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the gender identities of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def gender_identities respond_to?(:personHasGenderIdentity) ? personHasGenderIdentity : [] end # Alias genderIdentityHasGender with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the gender of the Grom::Node or nil. def gender gender_identities.empty? ? nil : gender_identities.first.gender end # Checks the statuses of the Grom::Node. # # @return [Hash, Hash] the statuses of the Grom::Node or an empty hash. def statuses return @statuses unless @statuses.nil? statuses = {} statuses[:house_membership_status] = house_membership_status statuses[:general_membership_status] = general_membership_status @statuses = statuses end # Check whether #statuses includes 'Current MP'. # # @return [Boolean] a boolean depending on whether or not the result of #statuses includes 'Current MP'. def current_mp? statuses[:house_membership_status].include?('Current MP') end # Check whether #statuses includes 'Member of the House of Lords'. # # @return [Boolean] a boolean depending on whether or not the result of #statuses includes 'Member of the House of Lords'. def current_lord? statuses[:house_membership_status].include?('Member of the House of Lords') end # Alias D79B0BAC513C4A9A87C9D5AFF1FC632F with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the full title of the Grom::Node or an empty string. def full_title respond_to?(:D79B0BAC513C4A9A87C9D5AFF1FC632F) ? self.D79B0BAC513C4A9A87C9D5AFF1FC632F : '' end # Alias F31CBD81AD8343898B49DC65743F0BDF with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the display name of the Grom::Node or the full name. def display_name respond_to?(:F31CBD81AD8343898B49DC65743F0BDF) ? self.F31CBD81AD8343898B49DC65743F0BDF : full_name end # Alias A5EE13ABE03C4D3A8F1A274F57097B6C with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the sort name of the Grom::Node or an empty string. def sort_name respond_to?(:A5EE13ABE03C4D3A8F1A274F57097B6C) ? self.A5EE13ABE03C4D3A8F1A274F57097B6C : '' end # Alias memberHasFormalBodyMembership with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] all the formal body memberships of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def formal_body_memberships respond_to?(:memberHasFormalBodyMembership) ? memberHasFormalBodyMembership : [] end # Alias governmentIncumbency with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] all the formal body memberships of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def government_incumbencies respond_to?(:governmentIncumbency) ? governmentIncumbency : [] end # Alias personHasPersonalWebLink with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] all the personal weblinks of the Grom::Node or an empty Array. def personal_weblinks [*get_weblinks_by_predicate(:personHasPersonalWebLink)] end # Alias personHasTwitterWebLink with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] all the Twitter weblinks of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def twitter_weblinks [*get_weblinks_by_predicate(:personHasTwitterWebLink)] end # Alias personHasFacebookWebLink with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] all the Facebook weblinks of the Grom::Node or an empty array. def facebook_weblinks [*get_weblinks_by_predicate(:personHasFacebookWebLink)] end private def house_membership_status no_current_seat_incumbency = no_current_house_incumbency = former_lord = (!house_incumbencies.empty? && no_current_house_incumbency) former_mp = (!seat_incumbencies.empty? && no_current_seat_incumbency) build_house_membership_status(no_current_seat_incumbency, no_current_house_incumbency, former_lord, former_mp) end def build_house_membership_status(no_current_seat_incumbency, no_current_house_incumbency, former_lord, former_mp) statuses = [] statuses << I18n.t('') unless no_current_seat_incumbency statuses << I18n.t('person.current.member_of_the_house_of_lords') unless no_current_house_incumbency statuses << I18n.t('person.former.member_of_the_house_of_lords') if former_lord statuses << I18n.t('') if former_mp convert_house_membership_status(statuses) end def general_membership_status statuses = [] statuses << I18n.t('person.current.member') unless statuses << I18n.t('person.former.member') if !incumbencies.empty? && statuses end def convert_house_membership_status(statuses) statuses.each_with_index do |status, index| status[0] = status[0].downcase if index != 0 end end def get_weblinks_by_predicate(weblink_predicate) (respond_to?(weblink_predicate) && (current_mp? || current_lord?) ? send(weblink_predicate) : nil) end end end end end