module Qcore module Authorization def qcore_autherization send :include, InstanceMethods send :extend, ClassMethods before_filter :authorisation end module ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods # Autherisation for controller # Maps user roles to controller/actions def authorisation crud_map = { 'index' => 'read', 'show' => 'read', 'new' => 'create', 'create' => 'create', 'edit' => 'update', 'update' => 'update', 'destroy' => 'delete'} allowed = false # load auth file for current environment auth_file = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config', 'authorisation.yml') raise "authorisation.yml missing" unless File.exists? auth_file auth = YAML::load([RAILS_ENV] # TODO: replace with this (upgrade to latest settingslogic as to_hash does not return a Hash) #auth = controller_name = self.class.to_s.gsub('Controller', '').downcase # 'ReportsController' becomes 'reports' # get hash for controller (navigate down namespacing) controller_name.split('::').each do | c | auth = auth[c] break if auth.is_a? String # leaf end # hash of actions and roles if auth.is_a? Hash action_name = crud_map[self.action_name] || self.action_name auth = auth[action_name] || auth['all'] unless auth.nil? auth = auth.split(' ') else render :text => "Action (#{action_name}) not found" and return if RAILS_ENV == 'development' end end auth = auth.split(' ') if auth.is_a? String # turn single role in to an array # auth is now an array of roles if auth.is_a? Array allowed = true if auth.include? 'public' if current_user allowed = true if current_user.roles.any? { |r| auth.include? r } allowed = true if current_user.roles.include? 'super' logger.debug 'No roles' if current_user.roles.empty? else logger.debug 'Not logged in' end end logger.debug "**********" logger.debug "controller: #{self.controller_name} action: #{self.action_name}" logger.debug "controller: #{controller_name}" logger.debug "action roles: #{auth.inspect} " logger.debug "user roles: #{current_user.roles.inspect}" if current_user logger.debug "allowed: #{allowed}" logger.debug "**********" unless allowed if current_user render :text => 'Not allowed' and return else store_location flash[:notice] = 'Please login to continue' redirect_to login_path and return end end end end end end