module ActiveAdmin class Resource module Scopes # Return an array of scopes for this resource def scopes @scopes ||= [] end # Returns a scope for this object by its identifier def get_scope_by_id(id) id = id.to_s scopes.find{|s| == id } end def default_scope(context = nil) scopes.detect do |scope| if scope.default_block.is_a?(Proc) render_in_context(context, scope.default_block) else scope.default_block end end end # Create a new scope object for this resource. # If you want to internationalize the scope name, you can add # to your i18n files a key like "active_admin.scopes.scope_method". def scope(*args, &block) options = args.extract_options! title = args[0] rescue nil method = args[1] rescue nil options[:localizer] ||= ActiveAdmin::Localizers.resource(self) scope =, method, options, &block) # Finds and replaces a scope by the same name if it already exists existing_scope_index = scopes.index{|existing_scope| == } if existing_scope_index scopes.delete_at(existing_scope_index) scopes.insert(existing_scope_index, scope) else self.scopes << scope end scope end end end end