/*! Picturefill - v3.0.2 * http://scottjehl.github.io/picturefill * Copyright (c) 2015 https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill/blob/master/Authors.txt; * License: MIT */ (function( window, document, undefined ) { // Enable strict mode "use strict"; // HTML shim|v it for old IE (IE9 will still need the HTML video tag workaround) document.createElement( "picture" ); var warn, eminpx, alwaysCheckWDescriptor, evalId; // local object for method references and testing exposure var pf = {}; var isSupportTestReady = false; var noop = function() {}; var image = document.createElement( "img" ); var getImgAttr = image.getAttribute; var setImgAttr = image.setAttribute; var removeImgAttr = image.removeAttribute; var docElem = document.documentElement; var types = {}; var cfg = { //resource selection: algorithm: "" }; var srcAttr = "data-pfsrc"; var srcsetAttr = srcAttr + "set"; // ua sniffing is done for undetectable img loading features, // to do some non crucial perf optimizations var ua = navigator.userAgent; var supportAbort = (/rident/).test(ua) || ((/ecko/).test(ua) && ua.match(/rv\:(\d+)/) && RegExp.$1 > 35 ); var curSrcProp = "currentSrc"; var regWDesc = /\s+\+?\d+(e\d+)?w/; var regSize = /(\([^)]+\))?\s*(.+)/; var setOptions = window.picturefillCFG; /** * Shortcut property for https://w3c.github.io/webappsec/specs/mixedcontent/#restricts-mixed-content ( for easy overriding in tests ) */ // baseStyle also used by getEmValue (i.e.: width: 1em is important) var baseStyle = "position:absolute;left:0;visibility:hidden;display:block;padding:0;border:none;font-size:1em;width:1em;overflow:hidden;clip:rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px)"; var fsCss = "font-size:100%!important;"; var isVwDirty = true; var cssCache = {}; var sizeLengthCache = {}; var DPR = window.devicePixelRatio; var units = { px: 1, "in": 96 }; var anchor = document.createElement( "a" ); /** * alreadyRun flag used for setOptions. is it true setOptions will reevaluate * @type {boolean} */ var alreadyRun = false; // Reusable, non-"g" Regexes // (Don't use \s, to avoid matching non-breaking space.) var regexLeadingSpaces = /^[ \t\n\r\u000c]+/, regexLeadingCommasOrSpaces = /^[, \t\n\r\u000c]+/, regexLeadingNotSpaces = /^[^ \t\n\r\u000c]+/, regexTrailingCommas = /[,]+$/, regexNonNegativeInteger = /^\d+$/, // ( Positive or negative or unsigned integers or decimals, without or without exponents. // Must include at least one digit. // According to spec tests any decimal point must be followed by a digit. // No leading plus sign is allowed.) // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/infrastructure.html#valid-floating-point-number regexFloatingPoint = /^-?(?:[0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$/; var on = function(obj, evt, fn, capture) { if ( obj.addEventListener ) { obj.addEventListener(evt, fn, capture || false); } else if ( obj.attachEvent ) { obj.attachEvent( "on" + evt, fn); } }; /** * simple memoize function: */ var memoize = function(fn) { var cache = {}; return function(input) { if ( !(input in cache) ) { cache[ input ] = fn(input); } return cache[ input ]; }; }; // UTILITY FUNCTIONS // Manual is faster than RegEx // http://jsperf.com/whitespace-character/5 function isSpace(c) { return (c === "\u0020" || // space c === "\u0009" || // horizontal tab c === "\u000A" || // new line c === "\u000C" || // form feed c === "\u000D"); // carriage return } /** * gets a mediaquery and returns a boolean or gets a css length and returns a number * @param css mediaqueries or css length * @returns {boolean|number} * * based on: https://gist.github.com/jonathantneal/db4f77009b155f083738 */ var evalCSS = (function() { var regLength = /^([\d\.]+)(em|vw|px)$/; var replace = function() { var args = arguments, index = 0, string = args[0]; while (++index in args) { string = string.replace(args[index], args[++index]); } return string; }; var buildStr = memoize(function(css) { return "return " + replace((css || "").toLowerCase(), // interpret `and` /\band\b/g, "&&", // interpret `,` /,/g, "||", // interpret `min-` as >= /min-([a-z-\s]+):/g, "e.$1>=", // interpret `max-` as <= /max-([a-z-\s]+):/g, "e.$1<=", //calc value /calc([^)]+)/g, "($1)", // interpret css values /(\d+[\.]*[\d]*)([a-z]+)/g, "($1 * e.$2)", //make eval less evil /^(?!(e.[a-z]|[0-9\.&=|><\+\-\*\(\)\/])).*/ig, "" ) + ";"; }); return function(css, length) { var parsedLength; if (!(css in cssCache)) { cssCache[css] = false; if (length && (parsedLength = css.match( regLength ))) { cssCache[css] = parsedLength[ 1 ] * units[parsedLength[ 2 ]]; } else { /*jshint evil:true */ try{ cssCache[css] = new Function("e", buildStr(css))(units); } catch(e) {} /*jshint evil:false */ } } return cssCache[css]; }; })(); var setResolution = function( candidate, sizesattr ) { if ( candidate.w ) { // h = means height: || descriptor.type === 'h' do not handle yet... candidate.cWidth = pf.calcListLength( sizesattr || "100vw" ); candidate.res = candidate.w / candidate.cWidth ; } else { candidate.res = candidate.d; } return candidate; }; /** * * @param opt */ var picturefill = function( opt ) { if (!isSupportTestReady) {return;} var elements, i, plen; var options = opt || {}; if ( options.elements && options.elements.nodeType === 1 ) { if ( options.elements.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "IMG" ) { options.elements = [ options.elements ]; } else { options.context = options.elements; options.elements = null; } } elements = options.elements || pf.qsa( (options.context || document), ( options.reevaluate || options.reselect ) ? pf.sel : pf.selShort ); if ( (plen = elements.length) ) { pf.setupRun( options ); alreadyRun = true; // Loop through all elements for ( i = 0; i < plen; i++ ) { pf.fillImg(elements[ i ], options); } pf.teardownRun( options ); } }; /** * outputs a warning for the developer * @param {message} * @type {Function} */ warn = ( window.console && console.warn ) ? function( message ) { console.warn( message ); } : noop ; if ( !(curSrcProp in image) ) { curSrcProp = "src"; } // Add support for standard mime types. types[ "image/jpeg" ] = true; types[ "image/gif" ] = true; types[ "image/png" ] = true; function detectTypeSupport( type, typeUri ) { // based on Modernizr's lossless img-webp test // note: asynchronous var image = new window.Image(); image.onerror = function() { types[ type ] = false; picturefill(); }; image.onload = function() { types[ type ] = image.width === 1; picturefill(); }; image.src = typeUri; return "pending"; } // test svg support types[ "image/svg+xml" ] = document.implementation.hasFeature( "http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Image", "1.1" ); /** * updates the internal vW property with the current viewport width in px */ function updateMetrics() { isVwDirty = false; DPR = window.devicePixelRatio; cssCache = {}; sizeLengthCache = {}; pf.DPR = DPR || 1; units.width = Math.max(window.innerWidth || 0, docElem.clientWidth); units.height = Math.max(window.innerHeight || 0, docElem.clientHeight); units.vw = units.width / 100; units.vh = units.height / 100; evalId = [ units.height, units.width, DPR ].join("-"); units.em = pf.getEmValue(); units.rem = units.em; } function chooseLowRes( lowerValue, higherValue, dprValue, isCached ) { var bonusFactor, tooMuch, bonus, meanDensity; //experimental if (cfg.algorithm === "saveData" ){ if ( lowerValue > 2.7 ) { meanDensity = dprValue + 1; } else { tooMuch = higherValue - dprValue; bonusFactor = Math.pow(lowerValue - 0.6, 1.5); bonus = tooMuch * bonusFactor; if (isCached) { bonus += 0.1 * bonusFactor; } meanDensity = lowerValue + bonus; } } else { meanDensity = (dprValue > 1) ? Math.sqrt(lowerValue * higherValue) : lowerValue; } return meanDensity > dprValue; } function applyBestCandidate( img ) { var srcSetCandidates; var matchingSet = pf.getSet( img ); var evaluated = false; if ( matchingSet !== "pending" ) { evaluated = evalId; if ( matchingSet ) { srcSetCandidates = pf.setRes( matchingSet ); pf.applySetCandidate( srcSetCandidates, img ); } } img[ pf.ns ].evaled = evaluated; } function ascendingSort( a, b ) { return a.res - b.res; } function setSrcToCur( img, src, set ) { var candidate; if ( !set && src ) { set = img[ pf.ns ].sets; set = set && set[set.length - 1]; } candidate = getCandidateForSrc(src, set); if ( candidate ) { src = pf.makeUrl(src); img[ pf.ns ].curSrc = src; img[ pf.ns ].curCan = candidate; if ( !candidate.res ) { setResolution( candidate, candidate.set.sizes ); } } return candidate; } function getCandidateForSrc( src, set ) { var i, candidate, candidates; if ( src && set ) { candidates = pf.parseSet( set ); src = pf.makeUrl(src); for ( i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++ ) { if ( src === pf.makeUrl(candidates[ i ].url) ) { candidate = candidates[ i ]; break; } } } return candidate; } function getAllSourceElements( picture, candidates ) { var i, len, source, srcset; // SPEC mismatch intended for size and perf: // actually only source elements preceding the img should be used // also note: don't use qsa here, because IE8 sometimes doesn't like source as the key part in a selector var sources = picture.getElementsByTagName( "source" ); for ( i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++ ) { source = sources[ i ]; source[ pf.ns ] = true; srcset = source.getAttribute( "srcset" ); // if source does not have a srcset attribute, skip if ( srcset ) { candidates.push( { srcset: srcset, media: source.getAttribute( "media" ), type: source.getAttribute( "type" ), sizes: source.getAttribute( "sizes" ) } ); } } } /** * Srcset Parser * By Alex Bell | MIT License * * @returns Array [{url: _, d: _, w: _, h:_, set:_(????)}, ...] * * Based super duper closely on the reference algorithm at: * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#parse-a-srcset-attribute */ // 1. Let input be the value passed to this algorithm. // (TO-DO : Explain what "set" argument is here. Maybe choose a more // descriptive & more searchable name. Since passing the "set" in really has // nothing to do with parsing proper, I would prefer this assignment eventually // go in an external fn.) function parseSrcset(input, set) { function collectCharacters(regEx) { var chars, match = regEx.exec(input.substring(pos)); if (match) { chars = match[ 0 ]; pos += chars.length; return chars; } } var inputLength = input.length, url, descriptors, currentDescriptor, state, c, // 2. Let position be a pointer into input, initially pointing at the start // of the string. pos = 0, // 3. Let candidates be an initially empty source set. candidates = []; /** * Adds descriptor properties to a candidate, pushes to the candidates array * @return undefined */ // (Declared outside of the while loop so that it's only created once. // (This fn is defined before it is used, in order to pass JSHINT. // Unfortunately this breaks the sequencing of the spec comments. :/ ) function parseDescriptors() { // 9. Descriptor parser: Let error be no. var pError = false, // 10. Let width be absent. // 11. Let density be absent. // 12. Let future-compat-h be absent. (We're implementing it now as h) w, d, h, i, candidate = {}, desc, lastChar, value, intVal, floatVal; // 13. For each descriptor in descriptors, run the appropriate set of steps // from the following list: for (i = 0 ; i < descriptors.length; i++) { desc = descriptors[ i ]; lastChar = desc[ desc.length - 1 ]; value = desc.substring(0, desc.length - 1); intVal = parseInt(value, 10); floatVal = parseFloat(value); // If the descriptor consists of a valid non-negative integer followed by // a U+0077 LATIN SMALL LETTER W character if (regexNonNegativeInteger.test(value) && (lastChar === "w")) { // If width and density are not both absent, then let error be yes. if (w || d) {pError = true;} // Apply the rules for parsing non-negative integers to the descriptor. // If the result is zero, let error be yes. // Otherwise, let width be the result. if (intVal === 0) {pError = true;} else {w = intVal;} // If the descriptor consists of a valid floating-point number followed by // a U+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER X character } else if (regexFloatingPoint.test(value) && (lastChar === "x")) { // If width, density and future-compat-h are not all absent, then let error // be yes. if (w || d || h) {pError = true;} // Apply the rules for parsing floating-point number values to the descriptor. // If the result is less than zero, let error be yes. Otherwise, let density // be the result. if (floatVal < 0) {pError = true;} else {d = floatVal;} // If the descriptor consists of a valid non-negative integer followed by // a U+0068 LATIN SMALL LETTER H character } else if (regexNonNegativeInteger.test(value) && (lastChar === "h")) { // If height and density are not both absent, then let error be yes. if (h || d) {pError = true;} // Apply the rules for parsing non-negative integers to the descriptor. // If the result is zero, let error be yes. Otherwise, let future-compat-h // be the result. if (intVal === 0) {pError = true;} else {h = intVal;} // Anything else, Let error be yes. } else {pError = true;} } // (close step 13 for loop) // 15. If error is still no, then append a new image source to candidates whose // URL is url, associated with a width width if not absent and a pixel // density density if not absent. Otherwise, there is a parse error. if (!pError) { candidate.url = url; if (w) { candidate.w = w;} if (d) { candidate.d = d;} if (h) { candidate.h = h;} if (!h && !d && !w) {candidate.d = 1;} if (candidate.d === 1) {set.has1x = true;} candidate.set = set; candidates.push(candidate); } } // (close parseDescriptors fn) /** * Tokenizes descriptor properties prior to parsing * Returns undefined. * (Again, this fn is defined before it is used, in order to pass JSHINT. * Unfortunately this breaks the logical sequencing of the spec comments. :/ ) */ function tokenize() { // 8.1. Descriptor tokeniser: Skip whitespace collectCharacters(regexLeadingSpaces); // 8.2. Let current descriptor be the empty string. currentDescriptor = ""; // 8.3. Let state be in descriptor. state = "in descriptor"; while (true) { // 8.4. Let c be the character at position. c = input.charAt(pos); // Do the following depending on the value of state. // For the purpose of this step, "EOF" is a special character representing // that position is past the end of input. // In descriptor if (state === "in descriptor") { // Do the following, depending on the value of c: // Space character // If current descriptor is not empty, append current descriptor to // descriptors and let current descriptor be the empty string. // Set state to after descriptor. if (isSpace(c)) { if (currentDescriptor) { descriptors.push(currentDescriptor); currentDescriptor = ""; state = "after descriptor"; } // U+002C COMMA (,) // Advance position to the next character in input. If current descriptor // is not empty, append current descriptor to descriptors. Jump to the step // labeled descriptor parser. } else if (c === ",") { pos += 1; if (currentDescriptor) { descriptors.push(currentDescriptor); } parseDescriptors(); return; // U+0028 LEFT PARENTHESIS (() // Append c to current descriptor. Set state to in parens. } else if (c === "\u0028") { currentDescriptor = currentDescriptor + c; state = "in parens"; // EOF // If current descriptor is not empty, append current descriptor to // descriptors. Jump to the step labeled descriptor parser. } else if (c === "") { if (currentDescriptor) { descriptors.push(currentDescriptor); } parseDescriptors(); return; // Anything else // Append c to current descriptor. } else { currentDescriptor = currentDescriptor + c; } // (end "in descriptor" // In parens } else if (state === "in parens") { // U+0029 RIGHT PARENTHESIS ()) // Append c to current descriptor. Set state to in descriptor. if (c === ")") { currentDescriptor = currentDescriptor + c; state = "in descriptor"; // EOF // Append current descriptor to descriptors. Jump to the step labeled // descriptor parser. } else if (c === "") { descriptors.push(currentDescriptor); parseDescriptors(); return; // Anything else // Append c to current descriptor. } else { currentDescriptor = currentDescriptor + c; } // After descriptor } else if (state === "after descriptor") { // Do the following, depending on the value of c: // Space character: Stay in this state. if (isSpace(c)) { // EOF: Jump to the step labeled descriptor parser. } else if (c === "") { parseDescriptors(); return; // Anything else // Set state to in descriptor. Set position to the previous character in input. } else { state = "in descriptor"; pos -= 1; } } // Advance position to the next character in input. pos += 1; // Repeat this step. } // (close while true loop) } // 4. Splitting loop: Collect a sequence of characters that are space // characters or U+002C COMMA characters. If any U+002C COMMA characters // were collected, that is a parse error. while (true) { collectCharacters(regexLeadingCommasOrSpaces); // 5. If position is past the end of input, return candidates and abort these steps. if (pos >= inputLength) { return candidates; // (we're done, this is the sole return path) } // 6. Collect a sequence of characters that are not space characters, // and let that be url. url = collectCharacters(regexLeadingNotSpaces); // 7. Let descriptors be a new empty list. descriptors = []; // 8. If url ends with a U+002C COMMA character (,), follow these substeps: // (1). Remove all trailing U+002C COMMA characters from url. If this removed // more than one character, that is a parse error. if (url.slice(-1) === ",") { url = url.replace(regexTrailingCommas, ""); // (Jump ahead to step 9 to skip tokenization and just push the candidate). parseDescriptors(); // Otherwise, follow these substeps: } else { tokenize(); } // (close else of step 8) // 16. Return to the step labeled splitting loop. } // (Close of big while loop.) } /* * Sizes Parser * * By Alex Bell | MIT License * * Non-strict but accurate and lightweight JS Parser for the string value * * Reference algorithm at: * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#parse-a-sizes-attribute * * Most comments are copied in directly from the spec * (except for comments in parens). * * Grammar is: * = # [ , ]? | * = * = * http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/embedded-content.html#attr-img-sizes * * E.g. "(max-width: 30em) 100vw, (max-width: 50em) 70vw, 100vw" * or "(min-width: 30em), calc(30vw - 15px)" or just "30vw" * * Returns the first valid with a media condition that evaluates to true, * or "100vw" if all valid media conditions evaluate to false. * */ function parseSizes(strValue) { // (Percentage CSS lengths are not allowed in this case, to avoid confusion: // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#valid-source-size-list // CSS allows a single optional plus or minus sign: // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/syndata.html#numbers // CSS is ASCII case-insensitive: // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/syndata.html#characters ) // Spec allows exponential notation for type: // http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-values/#numbers var regexCssLengthWithUnits = /^(?:[+-]?[0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?(?:ch|cm|em|ex|in|mm|pc|pt|px|rem|vh|vmin|vmax|vw)$/i; // (This is a quick and lenient test. Because of optional unlimited-depth internal // grouping parens and strict spacing rules, this could get very complicated.) var regexCssCalc = /^calc\((?:[0-9a-z \.\+\-\*\/\(\)]+)\)$/i; var i; var unparsedSizesList; var unparsedSizesListLength; var unparsedSize; var lastComponentValue; var size; // UTILITY FUNCTIONS // (Toy CSS parser. The goals here are: // 1) expansive test coverage without the weight of a full CSS parser. // 2) Avoiding regex wherever convenient. // Quick tests: http://jsfiddle.net/gtntL4gr/3/ // Returns an array of arrays.) function parseComponentValues(str) { var chrctr; var component = ""; var componentArray = []; var listArray = []; var parenDepth = 0; var pos = 0; var inComment = false; function pushComponent() { if (component) { componentArray.push(component); component = ""; } } function pushComponentArray() { if (componentArray[0]) { listArray.push(componentArray); componentArray = []; } } // (Loop forwards from the beginning of the string.) while (true) { chrctr = str.charAt(pos); if (chrctr === "") { // ( End of string reached.) pushComponent(); pushComponentArray(); return listArray; } else if (inComment) { if ((chrctr === "*") && (str[pos + 1] === "/")) { // (At end of a comment.) inComment = false; pos += 2; pushComponent(); continue; } else { pos += 1; // (Skip all characters inside comments.) continue; } } else if (isSpace(chrctr)) { // (If previous character in loop was also a space, or if // at the beginning of the string, do not add space char to // component.) if ( (str.charAt(pos - 1) && isSpace( str.charAt(pos - 1) ) ) || !component ) { pos += 1; continue; } else if (parenDepth === 0) { pushComponent(); pos +=1; continue; } else { // (Replace any space character with a plain space for legibility.) chrctr = " "; } } else if (chrctr === "(") { parenDepth += 1; } else if (chrctr === ")") { parenDepth -= 1; } else if (chrctr === ",") { pushComponent(); pushComponentArray(); pos += 1; continue; } else if ( (chrctr === "/") && (str.charAt(pos + 1) === "*") ) { inComment = true; pos += 2; continue; } component = component + chrctr; pos += 1; } } function isValidNonNegativeSourceSizeValue(s) { if (regexCssLengthWithUnits.test(s) && (parseFloat(s) >= 0)) {return true;} if (regexCssCalc.test(s)) {return true;} // ( http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/syndata.html#numbers says: // "-0 is equivalent to 0 and is not a negative number." which means that // unitless zero and unitless negative zero must be accepted as special cases.) if ((s === "0") || (s === "-0") || (s === "+0")) {return true;} return false; } // When asked to parse a sizes attribute from an element, parse a // comma-separated list of component values from the value of the element's // sizes attribute (or the empty string, if the attribute is absent), and let // unparsed sizes list be the result. // http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-syntax/#parse-comma-separated-list-of-component-values unparsedSizesList = parseComponentValues(strValue); unparsedSizesListLength = unparsedSizesList.length; // For each unparsed size in unparsed sizes list: for (i = 0; i < unparsedSizesListLength; i++) { unparsedSize = unparsedSizesList[i]; // 1. Remove all consecutive s from the end of unparsed size. // ( parseComponentValues() already omits spaces outside of parens. ) // If unparsed size is now empty, that is a parse error; continue to the next // iteration of this algorithm. // ( parseComponentValues() won't push an empty array. ) // 2. If the last component value in unparsed size is a valid non-negative // , let size be its value and remove the component value // from unparsed size. Any CSS function other than the calc() function is // invalid. Otherwise, there is a parse error; continue to the next iteration // of this algorithm. // http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-syntax/#parse-component-value lastComponentValue = unparsedSize[unparsedSize.length - 1]; if (isValidNonNegativeSourceSizeValue(lastComponentValue)) { size = lastComponentValue; unparsedSize.pop(); } else { continue; } // 3. Remove all consecutive s from the end of unparsed // size. If unparsed size is now empty, return size and exit this algorithm. // If this was not the last item in unparsed sizes list, that is a parse error. if (unparsedSize.length === 0) { return size; } // 4. Parse the remaining component values in unparsed size as a // . If it does not parse correctly, or it does parse // correctly but the evaluates to false, continue to the // next iteration of this algorithm. // (Parsing all possible compound media conditions in JS is heavy, complicated, // and the payoff is unclear. Is there ever an situation where the // media condition parses incorrectly but still somehow evaluates to true? // Can we just rely on the browser/polyfill to do it?) unparsedSize = unparsedSize.join(" "); if (!(pf.matchesMedia( unparsedSize ) ) ) { continue; } // 5. Return size and exit this algorithm. return size; } // If the above algorithm exhausts unparsed sizes list without returning a // size value, return 100vw. return "100vw"; } // namespace pf.ns = ("pf" + new Date().getTime()).substr(0, 9); // srcset support test pf.supSrcset = "srcset" in image; pf.supSizes = "sizes" in image; pf.supPicture = !!window.HTMLPictureElement; // UC browser does claim to support srcset and picture, but not sizes, // this extended test reveals the browser does support nothing if (pf.supSrcset && pf.supPicture && !pf.supSizes) { (function(image2) { image.srcset = "data:,a"; image2.src = "data:,a"; pf.supSrcset = image.complete === image2.complete; pf.supPicture = pf.supSrcset && pf.supPicture; })(document.createElement("img")); } // Safari9 has basic support for sizes, but does't expose the `sizes` idl attribute if (pf.supSrcset && !pf.supSizes) { (function() { var width2 = ""; var width1 = ""; var img = document.createElement("img"); var test = function() { var width = img.width; if (width === 2) { pf.supSizes = true; } alwaysCheckWDescriptor = pf.supSrcset && !pf.supSizes; isSupportTestReady = true; // force async setTimeout(picturefill); }; img.onload = test; img.onerror = test; img.setAttribute("sizes", "9px"); img.srcset = width1 + " 1w," + width2 + " 9w"; img.src = width1; })(); } else { isSupportTestReady = true; } // using pf.qsa instead of dom traversing does scale much better, // especially on sites mixing responsive and non-responsive images pf.selShort = "picture>img,img[srcset]"; pf.sel = pf.selShort; pf.cfg = cfg; /** * Shortcut property for `devicePixelRatio` ( for easy overriding in tests ) */ pf.DPR = (DPR || 1 ); pf.u = units; // container of supported mime types that one might need to qualify before using pf.types = types; pf.setSize = noop; /** * Gets a string and returns the absolute URL * @param src * @returns {String} absolute URL */ pf.makeUrl = memoize(function(src) { anchor.href = src; return anchor.href; }); /** * Gets a DOM element or document and a selctor and returns the found matches * Can be extended with jQuery/Sizzle for IE7 support * @param context * @param sel * @returns {NodeList|Array} */ pf.qsa = function(context, sel) { return ( "querySelector" in context ) ? context.querySelectorAll(sel) : []; }; /** * Shortcut method for matchMedia ( for easy overriding in tests ) * wether native or pf.mMQ is used will be decided lazy on first call * @returns {boolean} */ pf.matchesMedia = function() { if ( window.matchMedia && (matchMedia( "(min-width: 0.1em)" ) || {}).matches ) { pf.matchesMedia = function( media ) { return !media || ( matchMedia( media ).matches ); }; } else { pf.matchesMedia = pf.mMQ; } return pf.matchesMedia.apply( this, arguments ); }; /** * A simplified matchMedia implementation for IE8 and IE9 * handles only min-width/max-width with px or em values * @param media * @returns {boolean} */ pf.mMQ = function( media ) { return media ? evalCSS(media) : true; }; /** * Returns the calculated length in css pixel from the given sourceSizeValue * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-values-3/#length-value * intended Spec mismatches: * * Does not check for invalid use of CSS functions * * Does handle a computed length of 0 the same as a negative and therefore invalid value * @param sourceSizeValue * @returns {Number} */ pf.calcLength = function( sourceSizeValue ) { var value = evalCSS(sourceSizeValue, true) || false; if (value < 0) { value = false; } return value; }; /** * Takes a type string and checks if its supported */ pf.supportsType = function( type ) { return ( type ) ? types[ type ] : true; }; /** * Parses a sourceSize into mediaCondition (media) and sourceSizeValue (length) * @param sourceSizeStr * @returns {*} */ pf.parseSize = memoize(function( sourceSizeStr ) { var match = ( sourceSizeStr || "" ).match(regSize); return { media: match && match[1], length: match && match[2] }; }); pf.parseSet = function( set ) { if ( !set.cands ) { set.cands = parseSrcset(set.srcset, set); } return set.cands; }; /** * returns 1em in css px for html/body default size * function taken from respondjs * @returns {*|number} */ pf.getEmValue = function() { var body; if ( !eminpx && (body = document.body) ) { var div = document.createElement( "div" ), originalHTMLCSS = docElem.style.cssText, originalBodyCSS = body.style.cssText; div.style.cssText = baseStyle; // 1em in a media query is the value of the default font size of the browser // reset docElem and body to ensure the correct value is returned docElem.style.cssText = fsCss; body.style.cssText = fsCss; body.appendChild( div ); eminpx = div.offsetWidth; body.removeChild( div ); //also update eminpx before returning eminpx = parseFloat( eminpx, 10 ); // restore the original values docElem.style.cssText = originalHTMLCSS; body.style.cssText = originalBodyCSS; } return eminpx || 16; }; /** * Takes a string of sizes and returns the width in pixels as a number */ pf.calcListLength = function( sourceSizeListStr ) { // Split up source size list, ie ( max-width: 30em ) 100%, ( max-width: 50em ) 50%, 33% // // or (min-width:30em) calc(30% - 15px) if ( !(sourceSizeListStr in sizeLengthCache) || cfg.uT ) { var winningLength = pf.calcLength( parseSizes( sourceSizeListStr ) ); sizeLengthCache[ sourceSizeListStr ] = !winningLength ? units.width : winningLength; } return sizeLengthCache[ sourceSizeListStr ]; }; /** * Takes a candidate object with a srcset property in the form of url/ * ex. "images/pic-medium.png 1x, images/pic-medium-2x.png 2x" or * "images/pic-medium.png 400w, images/pic-medium-2x.png 800w" or * "images/pic-small.png" * Get an array of image candidates in the form of * {url: "/foo/bar.png", resolution: 1} * where resolution is http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-values-3/#resolution-value * If sizes is specified, res is calculated */ pf.setRes = function( set ) { var candidates; if ( set ) { candidates = pf.parseSet( set ); for ( var i = 0, len = candidates.length; i < len; i++ ) { setResolution( candidates[ i ], set.sizes ); } } return candidates; }; pf.setRes.res = setResolution; pf.applySetCandidate = function( candidates, img ) { if ( !candidates.length ) {return;} var candidate, i, j, length, bestCandidate, curSrc, curCan, candidateSrc, abortCurSrc; var imageData = img[ pf.ns ]; var dpr = pf.DPR; curSrc = imageData.curSrc || img[curSrcProp]; curCan = imageData.curCan || setSrcToCur(img, curSrc, candidates[0].set); // if we have a current source, we might either become lazy or give this source some advantage if ( curCan && curCan.set === candidates[ 0 ].set ) { // if browser can abort image request and the image has a higher pixel density than needed // and this image isn't downloaded yet, we skip next part and try to save bandwidth abortCurSrc = (supportAbort && !img.complete && curCan.res - 0.1 > dpr); if ( !abortCurSrc ) { curCan.cached = true; // if current candidate is "best", "better" or "okay", // set it to bestCandidate if ( curCan.res >= dpr ) { bestCandidate = curCan; } } } if ( !bestCandidate ) { candidates.sort( ascendingSort ); length = candidates.length; bestCandidate = candidates[ length - 1 ]; for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { candidate = candidates[ i ]; if ( candidate.res >= dpr ) { j = i - 1; // we have found the perfect candidate, // but let's improve this a little bit with some assumptions ;-) if (candidates[ j ] && (abortCurSrc || curSrc !== pf.makeUrl( candidate.url )) && chooseLowRes(candidates[ j ].res, candidate.res, dpr, candidates[ j ].cached)) { bestCandidate = candidates[ j ]; } else { bestCandidate = candidate; } break; } } } if ( bestCandidate ) { candidateSrc = pf.makeUrl( bestCandidate.url ); imageData.curSrc = candidateSrc; imageData.curCan = bestCandidate; if ( candidateSrc !== curSrc ) { pf.setSrc( img, bestCandidate ); } pf.setSize( img ); } }; pf.setSrc = function( img, bestCandidate ) { var origWidth; img.src = bestCandidate.url; // although this is a specific Safari issue, we don't want to take too much different code paths if ( bestCandidate.set.type === "image/svg+xml" ) { origWidth = img.style.width; img.style.width = (img.offsetWidth + 1) + "px"; // next line only should trigger a repaint // if... is only done to trick dead code removal if ( img.offsetWidth + 1 ) { img.style.width = origWidth; } } }; pf.getSet = function( img ) { var i, set, supportsType; var match = false; var sets = img [ pf.ns ].sets; for ( i = 0; i < sets.length && !match; i++ ) { set = sets[i]; if ( !set.srcset || !pf.matchesMedia( set.media ) || !(supportsType = pf.supportsType( set.type )) ) { continue; } if ( supportsType === "pending" ) { set = supportsType; } match = set; break; } return match; }; pf.parseSets = function( element, parent, options ) { var srcsetAttribute, imageSet, isWDescripor, srcsetParsed; var hasPicture = parent && parent.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "PICTURE"; var imageData = element[ pf.ns ]; if ( imageData.src === undefined || options.src ) { imageData.src = getImgAttr.call( element, "src" ); if ( imageData.src ) { setImgAttr.call( element, srcAttr, imageData.src ); } else { removeImgAttr.call( element, srcAttr ); } } if ( imageData.srcset === undefined || options.srcset || !pf.supSrcset || element.srcset ) { srcsetAttribute = getImgAttr.call( element, "srcset" ); imageData.srcset = srcsetAttribute; srcsetParsed = true; } imageData.sets = []; if ( hasPicture ) { imageData.pic = true; getAllSourceElements( parent, imageData.sets ); } if ( imageData.srcset ) { imageSet = { srcset: imageData.srcset, sizes: getImgAttr.call( element, "sizes" ) }; imageData.sets.push( imageSet ); isWDescripor = (alwaysCheckWDescriptor || imageData.src) && regWDesc.test(imageData.srcset || ""); // add normal src as candidate, if source has no w descriptor if ( !isWDescripor && imageData.src && !getCandidateForSrc(imageData.src, imageSet) && !imageSet.has1x ) { imageSet.srcset += ", " + imageData.src; imageSet.cands.push({ url: imageData.src, d: 1, set: imageSet }); } } else if ( imageData.src ) { imageData.sets.push( { srcset: imageData.src, sizes: null } ); } imageData.curCan = null; imageData.curSrc = undefined; // if img has picture or the srcset was removed or has a srcset and does not support srcset at all // or has a w descriptor (and does not support sizes) set support to false to evaluate imageData.supported = !( hasPicture || ( imageSet && !pf.supSrcset ) || (isWDescripor && !pf.supSizes) ); if ( srcsetParsed && pf.supSrcset && !imageData.supported ) { if ( srcsetAttribute ) { setImgAttr.call( element, srcsetAttr, srcsetAttribute ); element.srcset = ""; } else { removeImgAttr.call( element, srcsetAttr ); } } if (imageData.supported && !imageData.srcset && ((!imageData.src && element.src) || element.src !== pf.makeUrl(imageData.src))) { if (imageData.src === null) { element.removeAttribute("src"); } else { element.src = imageData.src; } } imageData.parsed = true; }; pf.fillImg = function(element, options) { var imageData; var extreme = options.reselect || options.reevaluate; // expando for caching data on the img if ( !element[ pf.ns ] ) { element[ pf.ns ] = {}; } imageData = element[ pf.ns ]; // if the element has already been evaluated, skip it // unless `options.reevaluate` is set to true ( this, for example, // is set to true when running `picturefill` on `resize` ). if ( !extreme && imageData.evaled === evalId ) { return; } if ( !imageData.parsed || options.reevaluate ) { pf.parseSets( element, element.parentNode, options ); } if ( !imageData.supported ) { applyBestCandidate( element ); } else { imageData.evaled = evalId; } }; pf.setupRun = function() { if ( !alreadyRun || isVwDirty || (DPR !== window.devicePixelRatio) ) { updateMetrics(); } }; // If picture is supported, well, that's awesome. if ( pf.supPicture ) { picturefill = noop; pf.fillImg = noop; } else { // Set up picture polyfill by polling the document (function() { var isDomReady; var regReady = window.attachEvent ? /d$|^c/ : /d$|^c|^i/; var run = function() { var readyState = document.readyState || ""; timerId = setTimeout(run, readyState === "loading" ? 200 : 999); if ( document.body ) { pf.fillImgs(); isDomReady = isDomReady || regReady.test(readyState); if ( isDomReady ) { clearTimeout( timerId ); } } }; var timerId = setTimeout(run, document.body ? 9 : 99); // Also attach picturefill on resize and readystatechange // http://modernjavascript.blogspot.com/2013/08/building-better-debounce.html var debounce = function(func, wait) { var timeout, timestamp; var later = function() { var last = (new Date()) - timestamp; if (last < wait) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last); } else { timeout = null; func(); } }; return function() { timestamp = new Date(); if (!timeout) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); } }; }; var lastClientWidth = docElem.clientHeight; var onResize = function() { isVwDirty = Math.max(window.innerWidth || 0, docElem.clientWidth) !== units.width || docElem.clientHeight !== lastClientWidth; lastClientWidth = docElem.clientHeight; if ( isVwDirty ) { pf.fillImgs(); } }; on( window, "resize", debounce(onResize, 99 ) ); on( document, "readystatechange", run ); })(); } pf.picturefill = picturefill; //use this internally for easy monkey patching/performance testing pf.fillImgs = picturefill; pf.teardownRun = noop; /* expose methods for testing */ picturefill._ = pf; window.picturefillCFG = { pf: pf, push: function(args) { var name = args.shift(); if (typeof pf[name] === "function") { pf[name].apply(pf, args); } else { cfg[name] = args[0]; if (alreadyRun) { pf.fillImgs( { reselect: true } ); } } } }; while (setOptions && setOptions.length) { window.picturefillCFG.push(setOptions.shift()); } /* expose picturefill */ window.picturefill = picturefill; /* expose picturefill */ if ( typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object" ) { // CommonJS, just export module.exports = picturefill; } else if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { // AMD support define( "picturefill", function() { return picturefill; } ); } // IE8 evals this sync, so it must be the last thing we do if ( !pf.supPicture ) { types[ "image/webp" ] = detectTypeSupport("image/webp", "" ); } } )( window, document );