r10k ==== Puppet environment and module deployment [](https://travis-ci.org/puppetlabs/r10k) > R10k is supported and maintained by Puppet, but we consider it to be feature > complete and currently have no plans for any new development. We will keep it > working within the context of Puppet Enterprise, but we cannot make any other > maintenance promises at this time. Description ----------- [workflow]: https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/environments_about.html R10k provides a general purpose toolset for deploying Puppet environments and modules. It implements the [Puppetfile](doc/puppetfile.mkd) format and provides a native implementation of Puppet [environments][workflow]. You might also consider [g10k](https://github.com/xorpaul/g10k) as a non-ruby based alternative. Requirements ------------ R10k supports the Ruby versions `>= 2.6.0`. It's tested on Ruby 2.6.0 up to Ruby 3.1.0 + Jruby. R10k requires additional components, depending on how you plan on managing environments and modules. - Installing modules from the Puppet Forge requires Puppet 7.0.0+ or later. Puppet 5 and 6 may work, but is generally not recommended. - Git is required for creating environments and modules from Git - SVN is required for creating environments and modules from SVN Installation ------------ ### Rubygems For general use, you should install r10k from Ruby gems: gem install r10k r10k help ### Puppet Enterprise 3.x Puppet Enterprise bundles a copy of Ruby, so if you do not want to use the system version of Ruby with r10k, you need to use the bundled PE gem command for installation: /opt/puppet/bin/gem install r10k r10k help ### Puppet 4 Puppet 4 bundles a copy of Ruby, so if you do not want to use the system version of Ruby with r10k, you need to use the bundled puppet gem command for installation. /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install r10k /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/r10k help ### Bundler If you have more specific needs or plan on modifying r10k you can run it out of a git repository using Bundler for dependencies: git clone https://github.com/puppetlabs/r10k cd r10k bundle install bundle exec r10k help ### Arch Linux Arch Linux provides a [system package](https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/any/r10k/) for r10k. This is built against the [system Ruby](https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/ruby/) (which is Ruby 3.0.2 as of 2021-08-03). This package is maintained by [Tim Meusel](https://github.com/bastelfreak). Usage ----- R10k has two primary roles: installing Puppet modules using a standalone Puppetfile, and managing Git and SVN based dynamic environments. For more information see the topic specific documentation: * [Puppetfile Documentation](doc/puppetfile.mkd) * [Updating your Puppetfile](doc/updating-your-puppetfile.mkd) * [Environment Deployment Documentation](doc/dynamic-environments.mkd) * [Quickstart](doc/dynamic-environments/quickstart.mkd) * [Common Patterns](doc/common-patterns.mkd) * [Workflow Guide](doc/dynamic-environments/workflow-guide.mkd) For more general questions, see the [FAQ](doc/faq.mkd). Development ----------- ### i18n R10k has now had all user-facing strings in error messages and log messages externalized. When adding new error or log messages please follow the instructions for [writing translatable code](https://github.com/puppetlabs/gettext-setup-gem#writing-translatable-code). ### l10n When localizing the strings found in R10k, follow the prescribed [translation workflow](https://github.com/puppetlabs/gettext-setup-gem#translation-workflow). The workflow describes the rake tasks provided to generate the .po files for each locale. Releasing --------- To release a new version of the r10k gem, ensure the [changelog](CHANGELOG.mkd) is up to date and open a pull request updating the [version file](lib/r10k/version.rb). When the PR is merged, a new release of the gem will be triggered. By default, a patch (Z) release will be triggered. To release a new major (X) or minor (Y) version, include `#major` or `#minor` (respectively) in your commit message to trigger the appropriate release. Getting help ------------ * [Puppet Community Slack](https://puppetcommunity.slack.com/) * Mailing lists: [puppet-users](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/puppet-users) * Q&A: [Puppet Ask](https://ask.puppetlabs.com/questions/) ## Maintenance See [CODEOWNERS](CODEOWNERS) for current project owners.