# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' require 'spree/testing_support/factories/order_factory' RSpec.shared_examples "shipping methods are assigned" do context "given a shipping method" do let(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method) } it "assigns the shipping method when created" do expect( create( factory, shipping_method: shipping_method ).shipments.map(&:shipping_method) ).to all(eq(shipping_method)) end it "assigns the shipping method when built" do expect( build( factory, shipping_method: shipping_method ).shipments.map(&:shipping_method) ).to all(eq(shipping_method)) end end end RSpec.shared_examples "an order with line items factory" do |expected_order_state, expected_inventory_unit_state| # This factory cannot be built correctly because Shipment#set_up_inventory # requires records to be saved. context "when created" do let(:stock_location) { create(:stock_location) } let(:first_variant) { create(:variant) } let(:second_variant) { create(:variant) } let(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method) } let(:order) do create( factory, stock_location: stock_location, line_items_attributes: [ { variant: first_variant, quantity: 1, price: 1 }, { variant: second_variant, quantity: 2, price: 2 } ], shipment_cost: 3, shipping_method: shipping_method ) end it "has the expected attributes" do aggregate_failures "for line items" do expect(order.line_items.count).to eq 2 expect(order.line_items[0]).to have_attributes( quantity: 1, price: 1.0 ) expect(order.line_items[1]).to have_attributes( price: 2.0, quantity: 2 ) end aggregate_failures "for shipments" do expect(order.shipments.count).to eq 1 expect(order.shipments[0]).to have_attributes( amount: 3.0, stock_location: stock_location ) expect(order.shipments[0].shipping_method).to eq(shipping_method) # Explicitly order by line item id, because otherwise these can be in # an arbitrary order. inventory_units = order.shipments[0].inventory_units.sort_by(&:line_item_id) expect(inventory_units.count).to eq(3) expect(inventory_units[0]).to have_attributes( order: order, shipment: order.shipments[0], line_item: order.line_items[0], variant: order.line_items[0].variant, state: expected_inventory_unit_state ) expect(inventory_units[1]).to have_attributes( order: order, shipment: order.shipments[0], line_item: order.line_items[1], variant: order.line_items[1].variant, state: expected_inventory_unit_state ) expect(inventory_units[2]).to have_attributes( order: order, shipment: order.shipments[0], line_item: order.line_items[1], variant: order.line_items[1].variant, state: expected_inventory_unit_state ) end expect(order).to have_attributes( item_total: 5.0, ship_total: 3.0, total: 8.0, state: expected_order_state ) end end context 'when shipments should be taxed' do let!(:ship_address) { create(:address) } let!(:tax_zone) { create(:global_zone) } # will include the above address let!(:tax_rate) { create(:tax_rate, amount: 0.10, zone: tax_zone, tax_categories: [tax_category]) } let(:tax_category) { create(:tax_category) } let(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method, tax_category: tax_category, zones: [tax_zone]) } it 'shipments get a tax adjustment' do order = create(factory, ship_address: ship_address, shipping_method: shipping_method) shipment = order.shipments[0] expect(shipment.additional_tax_total).to be > 0 end end end RSpec.describe 'order factory' do let(:factory_class) { Spree::Order } describe 'plain order' do let(:factory) { :order } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' shared_examples "it has the expected attributes" do it do aggregate_failures do expect(order.bill_address).to be_present expect(order.ship_address).to be_present expect(order.user).to be_present expect(order.email).to be_present expect(order.email).to eq(order.user.email) expect(order.state).to eq "cart" expect(order.store).to be_present expect(order).not_to be_completed end end end context "when built" do let(:order) { build(factory) } it_behaves_like "it has the expected attributes" end context "when created" do let(:order) { create(factory) } it_behaves_like "it has the expected attributes" end end describe 'order with totals' do let(:factory) { :order_with_totals } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' context "when built" do let(:order) { build(factory, line_items_price: 77) } it "has all the expected attributes but total" do aggregate_failures do expect(order.total).to eq 0 expect(order.line_items.length).to eq 1 expect(order.line_items.first.price).to eq 77 end end end context "when created" do let(:order) { create(factory, line_items_price: 77) } it "has the expected attributes" do aggregate_failures do expect(order.total).to eq order.line_items.sum(&:total) expect(order.line_items.length).to eq 1 expect(order.line_items.first.price).to eq 77 end end end end describe 'order with line items' do let(:factory) { :order_with_line_items } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' it_behaves_like 'an order with line items factory', "cart", "on_hand" it_behaves_like 'shipping methods are assigned' end describe 'completed order with promotion' do let(:factory) { :completed_order_with_promotion } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' it_behaves_like 'an order with line items factory', "complete", "on_hand" it_behaves_like 'shipping methods are assigned' it "has the expected attributes" do order = create(factory) aggregate_failures do expect(order).to be_completed expect(order).to be_complete expect(order.order_promotions.count).to eq(1) order_promotion = order.order_promotions[0] expect(order_promotion.promotion_code.promotion).to eq order_promotion.promotion end end context 'with a promotion with an action' do let(:promotion) { create(:promotion, :with_line_item_adjustment) } it "has the expected attributes" do order = create(factory, promotion: promotion) aggregate_failures do expect(order).to be_completed expect(order).to be_complete expect(order.line_items[0].adjustments.count).to eq 1 adjustment = order.line_items[0].adjustments[0] expect(adjustment).to have_attributes( amount: -10, eligible: true, order_id: order.id ) end end end end describe 'order ready to complete' do let(:factory) { :order_ready_to_complete } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' it_behaves_like 'an order with line items factory', "confirm", "on_hand" it_behaves_like 'shipping methods are assigned' it "is completable" do order = create(factory) expect { order.complete! }.to change { order.complete? }.from(false).to(true) end end describe 'completed order with totals' do let(:factory) { :completed_order_with_totals } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' it_behaves_like 'an order with line items factory', "complete", "on_hand" it_behaves_like 'shipping methods are assigned' it "has the expected attributes" do order = create(factory) aggregate_failures do expect(order).to be_completed expect(order).to have_attributes( item_total: 10, ship_total: 100, total: 110, state: 'complete' ) expect(order.inventory_units.where(pending: true)).to be_empty expect(order.inventory_units.where(pending: false)).to_not be_empty end end end describe 'completed order with pending payment' do let(:factory) { :completed_order_with_pending_payment } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' it_behaves_like 'an order with line items factory', "complete", "on_hand" it_behaves_like 'shipping methods are assigned' it "has the expected attributes" do order = create(factory) aggregate_failures do expect(order).to be_completed expect(order).to have_attributes( payment_state: 'balance_due', total: 110, payment_total: 0 # payment is still pending ) expect(order.payments.count).to eq 1 expect(order.payments[0]).to have_attributes( amount: 110, state: 'pending' ) end end end describe 'order ready to ship' do let(:factory) { :order_ready_to_ship } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' it_behaves_like 'an order with line items factory', "complete", "on_hand" it_behaves_like 'shipping methods are assigned' it "has the expected attributes" do order = create(factory) aggregate_failures do expect(order).to be_completed expect(order).to have_attributes( total: 110, payment_total: 110, payment_state: "paid", shipment_state: "ready" ) expect(order.payments.count).to eq 1 expect(order.payments[0]).to have_attributes( amount: 110, state: 'completed' ) expect(order.shipments.count).to eq 1 expect(order.shipments[0]).to have_attributes( state: 'ready' ) end end it "can be shipped" do order = create(factory) order.shipments[0].ship aggregate_failures do expect(order.shipment_state).to eq "shipped" expect(order.shipments[0]).to be_shipped end end end describe 'shipped order' do let(:factory) { :shipped_order } it_behaves_like 'a working factory' it_behaves_like 'an order with line items factory', "complete", "shipped" it_behaves_like 'shipping methods are assigned' it "has the expected attributes" do order = create(factory) aggregate_failures do expect(order).to be_completed expect(order).to have_attributes( total: 110, payment_total: 110, payment_state: "paid", shipment_state: "shipped" ) expect(order.payments.count).to eq 1 expect(order.payments[0]).to have_attributes( amount: 110, state: 'completed' ) expect(order.shipments.count).to eq 1 expect(order.shipments[0]).to have_attributes( state: 'shipped' ) expect(order.cartons.count).to eq 1 end end end end