module ActsAsSolr #:nodoc: module ActsMethods # declares a class as solr-searchable # # ==== options: # fields:: This option can be used to specify only the fields you'd # like to index. If not given, all the attributes from the # class will be indexed. You can also use this option to # include methods that should be indexed as fields # # class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :fields => [:name, :description, :current_time] # def current_time # # end # end # # Each field passed can also be a hash with the value being a field type # # class Electronic < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :fields => [{:price => :range_float}] # def current_time # # end # end # # The field types accepted are: # # :float:: Index the field value as a float (ie.: 12.87) # :integer:: Index the field value as an integer (ie.: 31) # :boolean:: Index the field value as a boolean (ie.: true/false) # :date:: Index the field value as a date (ie.: Wed Nov 15 23:13:03 PST 2006) # :string:: Index the field value as a text string, not applying the same indexing # filters as a regular text field # :range_integer:: Index the field value for integer range queries (ie.:[5 TO 20]) # :range_float:: Index the field value for float range queries (ie.:[14.56 TO 19.99]) # # Setting the field type preserves its original type when indexed # # The field may also be passed with a hash value containing options # # class Author < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :fields => [{:full_name => {:type => :text, :as => :name}}] # def full_name # self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name # end # end # # The options accepted are: # # :type:: Index the field using the specified type # :as:: Index the field using the specified field name # # additional_fields:: This option takes fields to be include in the index # in addition to those derived from the database. You # can also use this option to include custom fields # derived from methods you define. This option will be # ignored if the :fields option is given. It also accepts # the same field types as the option above # # class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :additional_fields => [:current_time] # def current_time # # end # end # # exclude_fields:: This option taks an array of fields that should be ignored from indexing: # # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :exclude_fields => [:password, :login, :credit_card_number] # end # # include:: This option can be used for association indexing, which # means you can include any :has_one, :has_many, :belongs_to # and :has_and_belongs_to_many association to be indexed: # # class Category < ActiveRecord::Base # has_many :books # acts_as_solr :include => [:books] # end # # Each association may also be specified as a hash with an option hash as a value # # class Book < ActiveRecord::Base # belongs_to :author # has_many :distribution_companies # has_many :copyright_dates # has_many :media_types # acts_as_solr( # :fields => [:name, :description], # :include => [ # {:author => {:using => :fullname, :as => :name}}, # {:media_types => {:using => lambda{|media| type_lookup(}}} # {:distribution_companies => {:as => :distributor, :multivalued => true}}, # {:copyright_dates => {:as => :copyright, :type => :date}} # ] # ] # # The options accepted are: # # :type:: Index the associated objects using the specified type # :as:: Index the associated objects using the specified field name # :using:: Index the associated objects using the value returned by the specified method or proc. If a method # symbol is supplied, it will be sent to each object to look up the value to index; if a proc is # supplied, it will be called once for each object with the object as the only argument # :multivalued:: Index the associated objects using one field for each object rather than joining them # all into a single field # # facets:: This option can be used to specify the fields you'd like to # index as facet fields # # class Electronic < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :facets => [:category, :manufacturer] # end # # boost:: You can pass a boost (float) value that will be used to boost the document and/or a field. To specify a more # boost for the document, you can either pass a block or a symbol. The block will be called with the record # as an argument, a symbol will result in the according method being called: # # class Electronic < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :fields => [{:price => {:boost => 5.0}}], :boost => 10.0 # end # # class Electronic < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :fields => [{:price => {:boost => 5.0}}], :boost => proc {|record| + 120*37} # end # # class Electronic < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :fields => [{:price => {:boost => :price_rating}}], :boost => 10.0 # end # # if:: Only indexes the record if the condition evaluated is true. The argument has to be # either a symbol, string (to be eval'ed), proc/method, or class implementing a static # validation method. It behaves the same way as ActiveRecord's :if option. # # class Electronic < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :if => proc{|record| record.is_active?} # end # # offline:: Assumes that your using an outside mechanism to explicitly trigger indexing records, e.g. you only # want to update your index through some asynchronous mechanism. Will accept either a boolean or a block # that will be evaluated before actually contacting the index for saving or destroying a document. Defaults # to false. It doesn't refer to the mechanism of an offline index in general, but just to get a centralized point # where you can control indexing. Note: This is only enabled for saving records. acts_as_solr doesn't always like # it, if you have a different number of results coming from the database and the index. This might be rectified in # another patch to support lazy loading. # # class Electronic < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :offline => proc {|record| record.automatic_indexing_disabled?} # end # # auto_commit:: The commit command will be sent to Solr only if its value is set to true: # # class Author < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_solr :auto_commit => false # end # def acts_as_solr(options={}, solr_options={}, &deferred_solr_configuration) extend ClassMethods include InstanceMethods include CommonMethods include ParserMethods define_solr_configuration_methods after_save :solr_save after_destroy :solr_destroy if deferred_solr_configuration self.deferred_solr_configuration = deferred_solr_configuration else process_acts_as_solr(options, solr_options) end end def process_acts_as_solr(options, solr_options) process_solr_options(options, solr_options) end def define_solr_configuration_methods # I'd like to use cattr_accessor, but it does not support lazy loaders and delegation to the class in the instance methods. # TODO: Reconcile with cattr_accessor, or a more appropriate method. class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__) @@configuration = nil unless defined?(@@configuration) @@solr_configuration = nil unless defined?(@@solr_configuration) @@deferred_solr_configuration = nil unless defined?(@@deferred_solr_configuration) def self.configuration return @@configuration if @@configuration process_deferred_solr_configuration @@configuration end def configuration self.class.configuration end def self.configuration=(value) @@configuration = value end def configuration=(value) self.class.configuration = value end def self.solr_configuration return @@solr_configuration if @@solr_configuration process_deferred_solr_configuration @@solr_configuration end def solr_configuration self.class.solr_configuration end def self.solr_configuration=(value) @@solr_configuration = value end def solr_configuration=(value) self.class.solr_configuration = value end def self.deferred_solr_configuration return @@deferred_solr_configuration if @@deferred_solr_configuration @@deferred_solr_configuration end def deferred_solr_configuration self.class.deferred_solr_configuration end def self.deferred_solr_configuration=(value) @@deferred_solr_configuration = value end def deferred_solr_configuration=(value) self.class.deferred_solr_configuration = value end EOS end def process_deferred_solr_configuration return unless deferred_solr_configuration options, solr_options = self.deferred_solr_configuration = nil self.process_solr_options(options, solr_options) end def process_solr_options(options={}, solr_options={}) self.configuration = { :fields => nil, :additional_fields => nil, :exclude_fields => [], :auto_commit => true, :include => nil, :facets => nil, :boost => nil, :if => "true", :offline => false } self.solr_configuration = { :type_field => "type_s", :primary_key_field => "pk_i", :default_boost => 1.0 } configuration.update(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) solr_configuration.update(solr_options) if solr_options.is_a?(Hash) Deprecation.validate_index(configuration) configuration[:solr_fields] = {} configuration[:solr_includes] = {} if configuration[:fields].respond_to?(:each) process_fields(configuration[:fields]) else process_fields( { |k| k.to_sym }) process_fields(configuration[:additional_fields]) end if configuration[:include].respond_to?(:each) process_includes(configuration[:include]) end end private def get_field_value(field) field_name, options = determine_field_name_and_options(field) configuration[:solr_fields][field_name] = options define_method("#{field_name}_for_solr".to_sym) do begin value = self[field_name] || self.instance_variable_get("@#{field_name.to_s}".to_sym) || self.send(field_name.to_sym) case options[:type] # format dates properly; return nil for nil dates when :date value ? (value.respond_to?(:utc) ? value.utc : value).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") : nil else value end rescue puts $! logger.debug "There was a problem getting the value for the field '#{field_name}': #{$!}" value = '' end end end def process_fields(raw_field) if raw_field.respond_to?(:each) raw_field.each do |field| next if configuration[:exclude_fields].include?(field) get_field_value(field) end end end def process_includes(includes) if includes.respond_to?(:each) includes.each do |assoc| field_name, options = determine_field_name_and_options(assoc) configuration[:solr_includes][field_name] = options end end end def determine_field_name_and_options(field) if field.is_a?(Hash) name = field.keys.first options = field.values.first if options.is_a?(Hash) [name, {:type => type_for_field(field)}.merge(options)] else [name, {:type => options}] end else [field, {:type => type_for_field(field)}] end end def type_for_field(field) if configuration[:facets] && configuration[:facets].include?(field) :facet elsif column = columns_hash[field.to_s] case column.type when :string then :text when :datetime then :date when :time then :date else column.type end else :text end end end end