# NOTE it would be useful if this lived in omniauth-oauth2 eventually module OAuth2StrategyTests def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include ClientTests include AuthorizeParamsTests include CSRFAuthorizeParamsTests include TokenParamsTests end end module ClientTests extend BlockTestHelper test 'should be initialized with symbolized client_options' do @options = { :client_options => { 'authorize_url' => 'https://example.com' } } assert_equal 'https://example.com', strategy.client.options[:authorize_url] end end module AuthorizeParamsTests extend BlockTestHelper test 'should include any authorize params passed in the :authorize_params option' do @options = { :authorize_params => { :foo => 'bar', :baz => 'zip' } } assert_equal 'bar', strategy.authorize_params['foo'] assert_equal 'zip', strategy.authorize_params['baz'] end test 'should include top-level options that are marked as :authorize_options' do @options = { :authorize_options => [:scope, :foo], :scope => 'bar', :foo => 'baz' } assert_equal 'bar', strategy.authorize_params['scope'] assert_equal 'baz', strategy.authorize_params['foo'] end test 'should exclude top-level options that are not passed' do @options = { :authorize_options => [:bar] } refute_has_key :bar, strategy.authorize_params refute_has_key 'bar', strategy.authorize_params end end module CSRFAuthorizeParamsTests extend BlockTestHelper test 'should store random state in the session when none is present in authorize or request params' do assert_includes strategy.authorize_params.keys, 'state' refute_empty strategy.authorize_params['state'] refute_empty strategy.session['omniauth.state'] assert_equal strategy.authorize_params['state'], strategy.session['omniauth.state'] end end module TokenParamsTests extend BlockTestHelper test 'should include any authorize params passed in the :token_params option' do @options = { :token_params => { :foo => 'bar', :baz => 'zip' } } assert_equal 'bar', strategy.token_params['foo'] assert_equal 'zip', strategy.token_params['baz'] end test 'should include top-level options that are marked as :token_options' do @options = { :token_options => [:scope, :foo], :scope => 'bar', :foo => 'baz' } assert_equal 'bar', strategy.token_params['scope'] assert_equal 'baz', strategy.token_params['foo'] end end end