module PactBroker module Client module CLI module EnvironmentCommands ENVIRONMENT_PARAM_NAMES = [:name, :display_name, :production, :contact_name, :contact_email_address] def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do def self.shared_environment_options(name_required: false) method_option :name, required: name_required, desc: "The uniquely identifying name of the environment as used in deployment code" method_option :display_name, desc: "The display name of the environment" method_option :production, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Whether or not this environment is a production environment. This is currently informational only." method_option :contact_name, required: false, desc: "The name of the team/person responsible for this environment" method_option :contact_email_address, required: false, desc: "The email address of the team/person responsible for this environment" output_option_json_or_text end desc "create-environment", "Create an environment resource in the Pact Broker to represent a real world deployment or release environment." shared_environment_options(name_required: true) shared_authentication_options def create_environment execute_environment_command(params_from_options(ENVIRONMENT_PARAM_NAMES), "CreateEnvironment") end desc "update-environment", "Update an environment resource in the Pact Broker." method_option :uuid, required: true, desc: "The UUID of the environment to update" shared_environment_options(name_required: false) shared_authentication_options def update_environment execute_environment_command(params_from_options(ENVIRONMENT_PARAM_NAMES + [:uuid]), "UpdateEnvironment") end desc "describe-environment", "Describe an environment" method_option :uuid, required: true, desc: "The UUID of the environment to describe" method_option :output, aliases: "-o", desc: "json or text", default: 'text' shared_authentication_options def describe_environment execute_environment_command(params_from_options([:uuid]), "DescribeEnvironment") end desc "list-environments", "List environments" method_option :output, aliases: "-o", desc: "json or text", default: 'text' shared_authentication_options def list_environments execute_environment_command({}, "ListEnvironments") end desc "delete-environment", "Delete an environment" method_option :uuid, required: true, desc: "The UUID of the environment to delete" method_option :output, aliases: "-o", desc: "json or text", default: 'text' shared_authentication_options def delete_environment execute_environment_command(params_from_options([:uuid]), "DeleteEnvironment") end no_commands do def execute_environment_command(params, command_class_name) require 'pact_broker/client/environments' command_options = { verbose: options.verbose, output: options.output } result = PactBroker::Client::Environments.const_get(command_class_name).call(params, command_options, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end end end end end end end end