module Arcade class Base < Dry::Struct extend Arcade::Support::Sql # schema schema.strict # -- throws an error if specified keys are missing transform_keys{ |x| x[0] == '@' ? x[1..-1].to_sym : x.to_sym } # Types::Rid --> only accept #000:000, raises an Error, if rid is not present attribute :rid?, Types::Rid # maybe there are edges ## removed in favour of instance methods # attribute :in?, Types::Nominal::Any # attribute :out?, Types::Nominal::Any # any not defined property goes to values attribute :values?, Types::Nominal::Hash def accepted_methods [ :rid, :to_human, :delete ] end # # ## ----------------------------------------- Class Methods------------------------------------ ## # # class << self # this has to be implemented on class level # otherwise it interfere with attributes def database_name end def begin_transaction db.begin_transaction end def commit db.commit end def rollback db.rollback end def create_type the_class = nil # declare as local var parent_present = ->(cl){ db.hierarchy.flatten.include? cl } e = ancestors.each myselfclass = # start with the actual class(self) loop do superclass = the_class = break if the_class.is_a? Class end begin loop do if the_class.respond_to?(:demodulize) if [ 'Document','Vertex', 'Edge'].include?(the_class.demodulize) if the_class == superclass # no inheritance db.create_type the_class.demodulize, to_s.snake_case else if superclass.is_a? Class # maybe its a module. extended = superclass.to_s.snake_case else extended = superclass.superclass.to_s.snake_case end if !parent_present[extended] superclass.create_type end db.create_type the_class.demodulize, to_s.snake_case, extends: extended end break # stop iteration end end the_class = # iterate through the enumerator end # todo # include `created`` and `updated` properties to the aradedb-database schema if timestamps are set # (it works without declaring them explicitly, its thus omitted for now ) # Integration is easy: just execute two commands custom_setup = db_init rescue "" custom_setup.each_line do | command | the_command = command[0 .. -2] # remove '\n' next if the_command == '' # "Custom Setup:: #{the_command}" db.transmit { the_command } end unless custom_setup.nil? rescue RollbackError => e db.logger.warn e rescue RuntimeError => e db.logger.warn e end end def drop_type db.drop_type to_s.snake_case end def properties end # add timestamp attributes to the model # # updated is optional # # timestamps are included in create and update statements # def timestamps set=nil if set && @stamps.nil? @stamps = true attribute :created, Types::JSON::DateTime attribute :updated?, Types::JSON::DateTime end @stamps end ## ----------------------------------------- insert ---------------------------------- ## # # Adds a record to the database # # returns the inserted record # # Bucket and Index are supported # # fired Database-command # INSERT INTO BUCKET INDEX [CONTENT {}] # (not supported (jet): [RETURN ] [FROM ] ) def insert **attributes db.insert type: database_name, session_id: attributes.delete(:session_id), **attributes end alias create insert ## ----------------------------------------- create ---------------------------------- ## # # Adds a record to the database # # returns the model dataset # ( depreciated ) # def create **attributes # s = Api.begin_transaction db.database # attributes.merge!( created: ) if timestamps # record = insert **attributes # Api.commit db.database, s # record # rescue HTTPX::HTTPError => e # db.logger.error "Dataset NOT created" # db.logger.error "Provided Attributes: #{ attributes.inspect }" # Api.rollback db.database # ---> raises "transactgion not begun" # rescue Dry::Struct::Error => e # Api.rollback db.database # db.logger.error "#{ rid } :: Validation failed, record deleted." # db.logger.error e.message # end def count **args command = "count(*)" query( **( { projection: command }.merge args ) ).query.first[command.to_sym] rescue 0 end # Lists all records of a type # # Accepts any parameter supported by Arcade::Query # # Model.all false --> suppresses the autoload mechanism # # Example # # My::Names.all order: 'name', autoload: false # def all a= true, autoload: true, **args autoload = false if a != autoload query(**args).query.allocate_model( autoload ) end # Lists the first record of a type or a query # # Accepts any parameter supported by Arcade::Query # # Model.first false --> suppresses the autoload mechanism # # Example # # My::Names.first where: 'age < 50', autoload: false # def first a= true, autoload: true, **args autoload = false if a != autoload query( **( { order: "@rid" , limit: 1 }.merge args ) ).query.allocate_model( autoload ) &.first end # Lists the last record of a type or a query # # Accepts any parameter supported by Arcade::Query # # Model.last false --> suppresses the autoload mechanism # # Example # # My::Names.last where: 'age > 50', autoload: false # def last a= true, autoload: true, **args autoload = false if a != autoload query( **( { order: {"@rid" => 'desc'} , limit: 1 }.merge args ) ).query.allocate_model( autoload )&.first end # Selects records of a type or a query # # Accepts **only** parameters to restrict the query (apart from autoload). # # Use `Model.query where: args``to use the full range of supported parameters # # Model.where false --> suppresses the autoload mechanism # # Example # # My::Names.last where: 'age > 50', autoload: false # def where a= true, autoload: true, **args autoload = false if a != autoload args = a if a.is_a?(String) ## the result is always an array query( where: args ).query.allocate_model(autoload) end # Finds the first matching record providing the parameters of a `where` query # Strategie.find symbol: 'Still' # is equivalent to # Strategie.all.find{|y| y.symbol == 'Still' } def find **args where(**args).first # f= where( "#{ args.keys.first } like #{ args.values.first.to_or }" ).first if f.nil? || f.empty? # f end # update returns a list of updated records # # It fires a query update set = upsert return after $current where < condition > # # which returns a list of modified rid's # # required parameter: set: # where: # #todo refacture required parameters notification # def update **args if args.keys.include?(:set) && args.keys.include?(:where) args.merge!( updated: ) if timestamps query( **( { kind: :update }.merge args ) ).execute do |r| r[:"$current"] &.allocate_model(false) # do not autoload modelfiles end else raise "at least set: and where: are required to perform this operation" end end # update! returns the count of affected records # # required parameter: set: # where: # def update! **args if args.keys.include?(:set) && args.keys.include?(:where) args.merge!( updated: ) if timestamps query( **( { kind: :update! }.merge args ) ).execute{|y| y[:count] } &.first else raise "at least set: and where: are required to perform this operation" end end # returns a list of updated records def upsert **args set_statement = args.delete :set args.merge!( updated: ) if timestamps where_statement = args[:where] || args statement = if set_statement { set: set_statement, where: where_statement } else { where: where_statement } end result= query( **( { kind: :upsert }.merge statement ) ).execute do | answer| z= answer[:"$current"] &.allocate_model(false) # do not autoload modelfiles raise LoadError "Upsert failed" unless z.is_a? Base z # return record end end def query **args **{ from: self }.merge(args) ) end # immutable support # to make a database type immutable add # `not_permitted :update, :upsert, :delete` # to the model-specification # def not_permitted *m m.each do | def_m | define_method( def_m ) do | v = nil | raise ArcadeImmutableError "operation not permitted", caller end end end end # # ## ------------------------- Instance Methods ----------------------------------- -## # # ## Attributes can be declared in the model file ## ## Those not covered there are stored in the `values` attribute ## ## invariant_attributes removes :rid, :in, :out, :created_at, :updated_at and # includes :values-attributes to the list of attributes def invariant_attributes result= attributes.except :rid, :in, :out, :values, :created_at, :updated_at if attributes.keys.include?(:values) result.merge values else result end end ## enables to display values keys like methods ## def method_missing method, *key if attributes[:values] &.keys &.include? method return values.fetch(method) end end def query **args **{ from: rid }.merge(args) ) end # to JSON controlls the serialisation of Arcade::Base Objects for the HTTP-JSON API # # ensure, that only the rid is transmitted to the database # def to_json *args unless ["#0:0", "#-1:-1"].include? rid # '#-1:-1' is the null-rid rid else invariant_attributes.merge( :'@type' => self.class.database_name ).to_json end end def rid? true unless ["#0:0", "#-1:-1"].include? rid end # enables usage of Base-Objects in queries def to_or if rid? rid else to_json end end def to_human "<#{ self.class.to_s.snake_case }" + rid? ? "[#{ rid }]: " : " " + do |attr, value| v= case value when Base "< #{ self.class.to_s.snake_case }: #{ value.rid } >" when Array{|x| x.to_s} else value.from_db end "%s : %s" % [ attr, v] unless v.nil? end.compact.sort.join(', ') + ">".gsub('"' , ' ') rescue TypeError => e attributes end # configure irb-output to to_human for all Arcade::Base-Objects # def inspect to_human end def html_attributes invariant_attributes end def in_and_out_attributes _modul, _class = self.class.to_s.split "::" the_class = _modul == 'Arcade' ? _class : self.class.to_s the_attributes = { :"CLASS" => the_class, :"IN" =>, :"OUT" => self.out.count, :"RID" => rid } end def to_html # iruby in_and_out = ->(r) { "[#{r}] : {#{}->}{->#{self.out.count }}" } the_rid = rid? && rid != "0:0" ? in_and_out[rid] : "" _modul, _class = self.class.to_s.split "::" the_class = _modul == 'Arcade' ? _class : self.class.to_s # the_attribute = ->(v) do # case v # when Base # "< #{ self.class.to_s.snake_case }: #{ v.rid } >" # when Array #{|x| x.to_s} # else # v.to_s # end # end # last_part = do |attr, value| # [ attr, the_attribute[value] ].join(": ") # end.join(', ') # IRuby.display( [IRuby.html("#{the_class}<#{ the_class }#{the_rid}
") , IRuby.table(html_attributes) ] ) IRuby.display IRuby.html("#{the_class}<#{ the_class }#{the_rid}< #{{|_,v| v }.join(', ') } >") end def update **args from: rid , kind: :update, set: args).execute refresh end # inserts or updates a embedded document def insert_document name, obj value = if obj.is_a? Document obj.to_json else obj.to_or end # if send( name ).nil? || send( name ).empty? db.transmit { "update #{ rid } set #{ name } = #{ value }" }.first[:count] # end end # updates a single property in an embedded document def update_embedded embedded, embedded_property, value db.transmit { " update #{rid} set `#{embedded}`.`#{embedded_property}` = #{value.to_or}" } end def update_list list, value value = if value.is_a? Document value.to_json else value.to_or end if send( list ).nil? || send( list ).empty? db.transmit { "update #{ rid } set #{ list } = [#{ value }]" } else db.transmit { "update #{ rid } set #{ list } += #{ value }" } end refresh end # updates a map property , actually adds the key-value pair to the property def update_map m, key, value if send( m ).nil? db.transmit { "update #{ rid } set #{ m } = MAP ( #{ key.to_s.to_or } , #{ value.to_or } ) " } else db.transmit { "update #{ rid } set #{ m }.`#{ key.to_s }` = #{ value.to_or }" } end refresh end def delete response = db.transmit { "delete from #{ rid }" } true if response == [{ count: 1 }] end def == arg # self.attributes == arg.attributes self.rid == arg.rid end def refresh db.get(rid) end end end