require 'securerandom' require 'json' require 'date' require 'ostruct' require 'jsonpath' class ::String def as_json JSON.parse(self, object_class: OpenStruct) end def as_date DateTime.parse(self) end def content with: nil fail "'#{self}' is not a file path, or the file does not exist." if !File.exists? self file_content = if with file_content.with(with) else file_content end end def with mapping return self unless mapping and mapping.is_a? Hash new_string = self mapping.each do |key, value| new_string = new_string.gsub '#{' + key.to_s + '}', value.to_s end new_string end def exists? File.exists? self end def remove! fail "'#{self}' is not a file path, or the file does not exist." if !File.exists? self File.delete self end def trim count = 50 if (self.length + 3) > count return self[0..count-4] + '...' end self end def pick path raise"`path' must not be nil or empty") if path.nil? or path.empty? begin JsonPath.on(self, path) rescue MultiJson::ParseError # do nothing and return nil end end end class ::OpenStruct def to_json *args, **kwargs self.to_h.inject({}) { |memo, (k,v)| memo[k] = v.is_a?(OpenStruct) ? v.to_h : v; memo }.to_json(*args, **kwargs) end def pick path raise"`path' must not be nil or empty") if path.nil? or path.empty? JsonPath.on(self, path) end end class ::Hash def symbolize_keys self.inject({}) { |memo, (k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo } end end def uuid length = 5 SecureRandom.uuid().gsub('-', '')[0..length-1] end