import { diffNodeType, elementDiffNodeType, elementNodeType, subsetType, textNodeType } from "../types"; import { Diff } from "../helpers"; export declare const uniqueInBoth: (l1: diffNodeType[], l2: diffNodeType[]) => {}; export declare const removeDone: (tree: elementDiffNodeType) => any; export declare const cleanNode: (diffNode: diffNodeType) => elementNodeType | textNodeType; export declare const isEqual: (e1: diffNodeType, e2: diffNodeType) => boolean; export declare const roughlyEqual: (e1: diffNodeType, e2: diffNodeType, uniqueDescriptors: { [key: string]: boolean; }, sameSiblings: boolean, preventRecursion?: boolean) => any; /** * Generate arrays that indicate which node belongs to which subset, * or whether it's actually an orphan node, existing in only one * of the two trees, rather than somewhere in both. * * So if t1 =
, t2 =
. * The longest subset is "
" (length 2), so it will group 0. * The second longest is "" (length 1), so it will be group 1. * gaps1 will therefore be [1,0,0] and gaps2 [0,0,1]. * * If an element is not part of any group, it will stay being 'true', which * is the initial value. For example: * t1 =

, t2 =
* * The "

" and "" do only show up in one of the two and will * therefore be marked by "true". The remaining parts are parts of the * groups 0 and 1: * gaps1 = [1, true, 0, 0], gaps2 = [true, 0, 0, 1] * */ export declare const getGapInformation: (t1: elementDiffNodeType, t2: elementDiffNodeType, stable: subsetType[]) => { gaps1: (number | true)[]; gaps2: (number | true)[]; }; export declare const markSubTrees: (oldTree: elementDiffNodeType, newTree: elementDiffNodeType) => any[]; export declare class DiffTracker { list: Diff[]; constructor(); add(diffs: Diff[]): void; forEach(fn: (Diff: any) => void): void; }