import { diffNodeType, elementDiffNodeType, elementNodeType, subsetType, textNodeType } from "../types";
import { Diff } from "../helpers";
export declare const uniqueInBoth: (l1: diffNodeType[], l2: diffNodeType[]) => {};
export declare const removeDone: (tree: elementDiffNodeType) => any;
export declare const cleanNode: (diffNode: diffNodeType) => elementNodeType | textNodeType;
export declare const isEqual: (e1: diffNodeType, e2: diffNodeType) => boolean;
export declare const roughlyEqual: (e1: diffNodeType, e2: diffNodeType, uniqueDescriptors: {
[key: string]: boolean;
}, sameSiblings: boolean, preventRecursion?: boolean) => any;
* Generate arrays that indicate which node belongs to which subset,
* or whether it's actually an orphan node, existing in only one
* of the two trees, rather than somewhere in both.
* So if t1 = ![]()