require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../spec_helper") describe AppGenerator do context "build maven application with Spring 3" do before(:all) do @project_path = "src/vraptor-scaffold", ["-b=mvn", "--spring3=true"]).invoke_all end after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_dir("src") end it "should create pom" do source = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "pom_spring3.xml" destination = "#{@project_path}/pom.xml" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end end context "build new application" do before(:all) do @project_path = "src/vraptor-scaffold", ["-b=mvn"]).invoke_all end after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_dir("src") end it "should create directory with project name" do File.exist?(@project_path).should be_true end it "should create pom" do source = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "pom.xml" destination = "#{@project_path}/pom.xml" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "cannot create ivy.xml" do File.exist?("#{@project_path}/ivy.xml").should be_false end it "cannot create build.gradle" do File.exist?("#{@project_path}/build.gradle").should be_false end it "cannot create eclipse wtp" do File.exist?("#{@project_path}/.classpath").should be_false end context "creating main java" do before(:all) do @main_java = "#{@project_path}/#{Configuration::MAIN_SRC}" @app = "#{@main_java}/app" end it "should create source folder" do File.exist?(@main_java).should be_true end it "should create app folder" do File.exist?(@app).should be_true end it "should create controllers folder" do File.exist?("#{@app}/controllers").should be_true end it "should create models folder" do File.exist?("#{@app}/models").should be_true end it "should create generic entity" do source = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "" destination = "#{@app}/models/" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should create generic repository" do source = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "" destination = "#{@app}/repositories/" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end end context "creating main resources" do before(:all) do @main_resources = "#{@project_path}/#{Configuration::MAIN_RESOURCES}" @meta_inf = "#{@main_resources}/META-INF" end it "should create resource folder" do File.exist?(@main_resources).should be_true end it "should create log4j" do source = "#{AppGenerator.source_root}/resources/" destination = "#{@main_resources}/" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should create messages resource" do source = "#{AppGenerator.source_root}/resources/" destination = "#{@main_resources}/" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should create META-INF" do File.exist?(@meta_inf).should be_true end it "should create persistence.xml" do source = "#{AppGenerator.source_root}/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml" destination = "#{@meta_inf}/persistence.xml" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end end context "creating webapp" do before(:all) do @webapp = "#{@project_path}/#{Configuration::WEB_APP}" @web_inf = "#{@project_path}/#{Configuration::WEB_INF}" end it "should create webapp folder" do File.exist?(@webapp).should be_true end it "should create index" do source = "#{AppGenerator.source_root}/webapp/index.jsp" destination = "#{@webapp}/index.jsp" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should create WEB-INF folder" do File.exist?(@web_inf).should be_true end it "should create web.xml" do source = "#{AppGenerator.source_root}/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml" destination = "#{@web_inf}/web.xml" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should create scaffold css" do source = "#{AppGenerator.source_root}/webapp/stylesheets/scaffold.css" destination = "#{@webapp}/stylesheets/scaffold.css" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should create jquery js" do source = "#{AppGenerator.source_root}/webapp/javascripts/jquery.min.js" destination = "#{@webapp}/javascripts/jquery.min.js" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should create images folder" do File.exist?("#{@webapp}/images").should be_true end end context "creating test" do before(:all) do @test_java = "#{@project_path}/#{Configuration::TEST_SRC}" @test_resource = "#{@project_path}/#{Configuration::TEST_RESOURCES}" @app = "#{@test_java}/app" end it "should create test source folder" do File.exist?(@test_java).should be_true end it "should create app folder" do File.exist?(@app).should be_true end it "should create controllers folder" do File.exist?("#{@app}/controllers").should be_true end it "should create models folder" do File.exist?("#{@app}/models").should be_true end it "should create respositories folder" do File.exist?("#{@app}/repositories").should be_true end it "should create test resource folder" do File.exist?(@test_resource).should be_true end end end context "build app with complex package" do before(:all) do @project_path = "src/vraptor-scaffold", [""]).invoke_all @main_java = "#{@project_path}/#{Configuration::MAIN_SRC}/br/com/caelum" @test_java = "#{@project_path}/#{Configuration::TEST_SRC}/br/com/caelum" end after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_dir("src") end it "should create main path" do File.exist?(@main_java).should be_true end it "should create test path" do File.exist?(@test_java).should be_true end end context "configuring template engine" do before(:each) do @project_path = "src/vraptor-scaffold" end after(:each) do FileUtils.remove_dir("src") end it "should configure freemarker template engine" do template = mock(FreemarkerTemplateEngine) FreemarkerTemplateEngine.stub!(:new).with(@project_path).and_return(template) template.should_receive(:configure), ["--template-engine=ftl"]).invoke_all end it "should configure jsp template engine" do template = mock(JspTemplateEngine) JspTemplateEngine.stub!(:new).with(@project_path).and_return(template) template.should_receive(:configure) end end context "configuring ant application with spring 3" do before(:all) do @project_path = "vraptor-scaffold", ["-b=ant", "-S=true"]).invoke_all end after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_dir(@project_path) end it "should create ivy.xml" do source = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "ivy_spring3.xml" destination = "#{@project_path}/ivy.xml" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end end context "configuring ant application" do before(:all) do @project_path = "vraptor-scaffold", ["-b=ant"]).invoke_all end after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_dir(@project_path) end it "should create build.xml" do source = File.join AppGenerator.source_root, "build.xml" destination = "#{@project_path}/build.xml" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should create" do source = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "" destination = "#{@project_path}/" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should create ivy.xml" do source = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "ivy.xml" destination = "#{@project_path}/ivy.xml" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "should copy ivy.jar" do ivy = File.join @project_path, AppGenerator::IVY_JAR File.exist?(ivy).should be_true end it "cannot create pom.xml" do File.exist?("#{@project_path}/pom.xml").should be_false end it "cannot create build.gradle" do File.exist?("#{@project_path}/build.gradle").should be_false end context "eclipse wtp configuration" do it "should create .project" do project = File.join @project_path, ".project" File.exist?(project).should be_true end it "should create .classpath" do class_path = File.join @project_path, ".classpath" File.exist?(class_path).should be_true end it "should create .settings" do settings = File.join @project_path, ".settings" File.exist?(settings).should be_true end end end context "skip eclipse configuration files" do before(:all) do @project_path = "vraptor-scaffold", ["--skip-eclipse"]).invoke_all end after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_dir(@project_path) end it "cannot create .classpath file" do File.exist?("#{@project_path}/.classpath").should be_false end end context "configuring gradle application with spring 3" do before(:all) do @project_path = "vraptor-scaffold", ["-b=gradle", "-S=true"]).invoke_all end after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_dir(@project_path) end it "should create build.gradle" do source = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "build_spring3.gradle" destination = "#{@project_path}/build.gradle" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end end context "configuring gradle application" do before(:all) do @project_path = "vraptor-scaffold", ["-b=gradle"]).invoke_all end after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_dir(@project_path) end it "should create build.gradle" do source = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "build.gradle" destination = "#{@project_path}/build.gradle" exists_and_identical?(source, destination) end it "cannot create ivy.xml" do File.exist?("#{@project_path}/ivy.xml").should be_false end it "cannot create pom.xml" do File.exist?("#{@project_path}/pom.xml").should be_false end end context "valid template engines" do it "jsp should be valid" do AppGenerator::TEMPLATE_ENGINES.include?("jsp").should be_true end it "freemarker should be valid" do AppGenerator::TEMPLATE_ENGINES.include?("ftl").should be_true end end context "valid build tools" do it "ant should be valid" do AppGenerator::BUILD_TOOLS.include?("ant").should be_true end it "maven should be valid" do AppGenerator::BUILD_TOOLS.include?("mvn").should be_true end it "gradle should be valid" do AppGenerator::BUILD_TOOLS.include?("gradle").should be_true end end it "should configure banner" do AppGenerator.banner.should == "vraptor new PROJECT_PATH [options]" end context "validate options" do before(:each) do @project_path = "vraptor-scaffold" end after(:each) do FileUtils.remove_dir(@project_path) end it "should be invalid when build tool is not supported" do Kernel.should_receive(:exit), ["-b=maven"]).invoke_all end it "should be invalid when template engine is not supported" do Kernel.should_receive(:exit), ["-e=velocity"]).invoke_all end end end