/* * This is a test program for PDCurses. Originally by * John Burnell * * wrs(5/28/93) -- modified to be consistent (perform identically) * with either PDCurses or under Unix System V, R4 */ #ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED # define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1 #endif #ifdef HAVE_NCURSESW #define HAVE_WIDE 1 #include #include #endif #ifdef PDC_WIDE #define HAVE_WIDE 1 #include #include #endif #ifndef HAVE_WIDE #include #define HAVE_WIDE 0 #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if defined( PDCURSES) #define getmouse nc_getmouse #else #define NCURSES_MOUSE_INTERFACE #endif #if defined(PDCURSES) && !defined(XCURSES) # define HAVE_RESIZE 1 #else # define HAVE_RESIZE 0 #endif #ifdef A_COLOR # define HAVE_COLOR 1 #else # define HAVE_COLOR 0 #endif /* Set to non-zero if you want to test the PDCurses clipboard */ /* (obviously, can't do that with ncurses) */ #if defined( PDCURSES) #define HAVE_CLIPBOARD 1 #else #define HAVE_CLIPBOARD 0 #endif void inputTest(WINDOW *); void scrollTest(WINDOW *); void introTest(WINDOW *); int initTest(WINDOW **, int, char **); void outputTest(WINDOW *); void padTest(WINDOW *); void acsTest(WINDOW *); #if HAVE_COLOR void colorTest(WINDOW *); #endif #if HAVE_RESIZE void resizeTest(WINDOW *); #endif #if HAVE_CLIPBOARD void clipboardTest(WINDOW *); #endif #if HAVE_WIDE void wideTest(WINDOW *); #endif void display_menu(int, int); struct commands { const char *text; void (*function)(WINDOW *); }; typedef struct commands COMMAND; #define MAX_OPTIONS (6 + HAVE_COLOR + HAVE_RESIZE + HAVE_CLIPBOARD + HAVE_WIDE) COMMAND command[MAX_OPTIONS] = { {"Intro Test", introTest}, {"Pad Test", padTest}, #if HAVE_RESIZE {"Resize Test", resizeTest}, #endif {"Scroll Test", scrollTest}, {"Input Test", inputTest}, {"Output Test", outputTest}, {"ACS Test", acsTest}, #if HAVE_COLOR {"Color Test", colorTest}, #endif #if HAVE_CLIPBOARD {"Clipboard Test", clipboardTest}, #endif #if HAVE_WIDE {"Wide Input", wideTest} #endif }; int width, height; static short background_index = COLOR_BLACK; static bool report_mouse_movement = FALSE; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { WINDOW *win; int key, old_option = -1, new_option = 0, i; bool quit = FALSE; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #ifdef PDCURSES #ifdef PDC_VER_MAJOR /* so far only seen in 4.0+ */ PDC_set_resize_limits( 20, 50, 70, 200); #endif #endif if (initTest(&win, argc, argv)) return 1; for( i = 1; i < argc; i++) if( argv[i][0] == '-') switch( argv[i][1]) { case 'l': case 'L': setlocale( LC_ALL, argv[i] + 2); break; case 'i': case 'I': background_index = (short)atoi( argv[i] + 2); break; #ifdef PDCURSES case 'b': case 'B': PDC_set_blink( TRUE); break; case 'm': case 'M': PDC_return_key_modifiers( TRUE); break; #ifdef PDC_VER_MAJOR /* so far only seen in 4.0+ */ case 'r': /* allow user-resizable windows */ { int min_lines, max_lines, min_cols, max_cols; if( sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &min_lines, &max_lines, &min_cols, &max_cols) == 4) PDC_set_resize_limits( min_lines, max_lines, min_cols, max_cols); } break; #endif #endif case 'z': report_mouse_movement = TRUE; break; default: break; } #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) { init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); wbkgd(win, COLOR_PAIR(1)); } else #endif wbkgd(win, A_REVERSE); #ifdef PDCURSES #ifdef PDC_VER_MAJOR /* so far only seen in 4.0+ */ PDC_set_function_key( FUNCTION_KEY_ABORT, 3 ); /* ctrl-C aborts */ #endif #endif erase(); display_menu(old_option, new_option); while (1) { bool run_option = FALSE; noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); raw(); #ifdef PDCURSES mouse_set( ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS); #else mousemask( ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, NULL); #endif key = getch(); switch(key) { case KEY_MOUSE: { const int tmarg = (LINES - (MAX_OPTIONS + 2)) / 2; int selected_opt; MEVENT mouse_event; getmouse( &mouse_event); #if defined( BUTTON4_PRESSED) && defined( BUTTON5_PRESSED) if( mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON4_PRESSED) selected_opt = new_option - 1; /* wheel up */ else if( mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON5_PRESSED) selected_opt = new_option + 1; /* wheel down */ else #endif selected_opt = mouse_event.y - tmarg; if( selected_opt >= 0 && selected_opt < MAX_OPTIONS) { old_option = new_option; new_option = selected_opt; display_menu( old_option, new_option); } if( mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED) run_option = TRUE; } break; case 10: case 13: case KEY_ENTER: run_option = TRUE; break; case KEY_PPAGE: case KEY_HOME: old_option = new_option; new_option = 0; display_menu(old_option, new_option); break; case KEY_NPAGE: case KEY_END: old_option = new_option; new_option = MAX_OPTIONS - 1; display_menu(old_option, new_option); break; case KEY_UP: old_option = new_option; new_option = (new_option == 0) ? new_option : new_option - 1; display_menu(old_option, new_option); break; case KEY_DOWN: old_option = new_option; new_option = (new_option == MAX_OPTIONS - 1) ? new_option : new_option + 1; display_menu(old_option, new_option); break; case KEY_RESIZE: # ifdef PDCURSES resize_term(0, 0); # endif old_option = -1; erase(); display_menu(old_option, new_option); break; case 'Q': case 'q': quit = TRUE; } if( run_option) { old_option = -1; erase(); refresh(); (*command[new_option].function)(win); erase(); display_menu(old_option, new_option); } if (quit == TRUE) break; } delwin(win); endwin(); return 0; } void Continue(WINDOW *win) { mvwaddstr(win, 10, 1, " Press any key to continue"); wrefresh(win); raw(); wgetch(win); wrefresh(win); } void Continue2(void) { move(LINES - 1, 1); clrtoeol(); mvaddstr(LINES - 2, 1, " Press any key to continue"); refresh(); raw(); getch(); } int initTest(WINDOW **win, int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef XCURSES Xinitscr(argc, argv); #else initscr(); #endif #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) start_color(); #endif /* Create a drawing window */ width = 60; height = 19; *win = newwin(height, width, (LINES - height) / 2, (COLS - width) / 2); if (*win == NULL) { endwin(); return 1; } return 0; } void introTest(WINDOW *win) { werase(win); wmove(win, height / 2 - 5, width / 2); wvline(win, ACS_VLINE, 10); wmove(win, height / 2, width / 2 - 10); whline(win, ACS_HLINE, 20); Continue(win); beep(); werase(win); box(win, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); wrefresh(win); cbreak(); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "You should have a rectangle in the middle of the screen"); mvwaddstr(win, 2, 1, "You should have heard a beep"); Continue(win); flash(); mvwaddstr(win, 3, 1, "You should have seen a flash"); Continue(win); } void scrollTest(WINDOW *win) { int i, OldY; #if !defined (PDCURSES) && !defined (NCURSES_VERSION) int OldX; #endif werase(win); mvwaddstr(win, height - 2, 1, "The window will now scroll slowly"); box(win, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); wrefresh(win); scrollok(win, TRUE); napms(500); for (i = 1; i <= height; i++) { napms(150); scroll(win); wrefresh(win); }; #if defined (PDCURSES) || defined (NCURSES_VERSION) OldY = getmaxy(win); #else getmaxyx(win, OldY, OldX); #endif mvwaddstr(win, 6, 1, "The top of the window will scroll"); wmove(win, 1, 1); wsetscrreg(win, 0, 4); box(win, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); wrefresh(win); for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { napms(500); scroll(win); wrefresh(win); } mvwaddstr(win, 3, 1, "The bottom of the window will scroll"); wmove(win, 8, 1); wsetscrreg(win, 5, --OldY); box(win, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); wrefresh(win); for (i = 5; i <= OldY; i++) { napms(300); wscrl(win, -1); wrefresh(win); } wsetscrreg(win, 0, OldY); } void inputTest(WINDOW *win) { int w, h, bx, by, sw, sh, i, c, num = 0; int line_to_use = 3; char buffer[80]; WINDOW *subWin; static const char spinner[4] = "/-\\|"; int spinner_count = 0; wclear(win); getmaxyx(win, h, w); getbegyx(win, by, bx); sw = w / 3; sh = h / 3; if ((subWin = subwin(win, sh, sw, by + h - sh - 2, bx + w - sw - 2)) == NULL) return; #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) { init_pair(2, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); wbkgd(subWin, COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD); } else #endif wbkgd(subWin, A_BOLD); box(subWin, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); wrefresh(win); nocbreak(); wclear (win); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "Press keys (or mouse buttons) to show their names"); mvwaddstr(win, 2, 1, "Press spacebar to finish, Ctrl-A to return to main menu"); wrefresh(win); keypad(win, TRUE); raw(); noecho(); wtimeout(win, 200); #ifdef PDCURSES mouse_set( ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS | (report_mouse_movement ? REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION : 0)); PDC_save_key_modifiers(TRUE); #else mousemask( ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS | (report_mouse_movement ? REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION : 0), NULL); if( report_mouse_movement) printf("\033[?1003h\n"); /* used in ncurses with some X-based */ #endif /* terms to enable mouse move events */ curs_set(0); /* turn cursor off */ while (1) { while (1) { c = wgetch(win); if (c == ERR) { spinner_count++; if (spinner_count == 4) spinner_count = 0; mvwaddch(win, line_to_use, 3, spinner[spinner_count]); wrefresh(win); } else break; } #ifdef PDCURSES /* wmove(win, line_to_use + 1, 18); wclrtoeol(win); */ #endif mvwaddstr(win, line_to_use, 5, "Key Pressed: "); wclrtoeol(win); wprintw( win, "(%x) ", c); if( has_key( c)) wprintw(win, "%s", keyname(c)); else if (isprint(c) || c > 0xff) waddch( win, c); else wprintw(win, "%s", unctrl(c)); if (c == KEY_MOUSE) { #ifdef NCURSES_MOUSE_INTERFACE const mmask_t masks[ ] = { BUTTON1_RELEASED, BUTTON1_PRESSED, BUTTON1_CLICKED, BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED, BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED, BUTTON2_RELEASED, BUTTON2_PRESSED, BUTTON2_CLICKED, BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED, BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED, BUTTON3_RELEASED, BUTTON3_PRESSED, BUTTON3_CLICKED, BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED, BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED, BUTTON4_RELEASED, BUTTON4_PRESSED, BUTTON4_CLICKED, BUTTON4_DOUBLE_CLICKED, BUTTON4_TRIPLE_CLICKED, #ifdef BUTTON5_RELEASED BUTTON5_RELEASED, BUTTON5_PRESSED, BUTTON5_CLICKED, BUTTON5_DOUBLE_CLICKED, BUTTON5_TRIPLE_CLICKED, #endif }; #ifdef BUTTON4_RESERVED_EVENT const mmask_t reserved_masks[] = { BUTTON1_RESERVED_EVENT, BUTTON2_RESERVED_EVENT, BUTTON3_RESERVED_EVENT, BUTTON4_RESERVED_EVENT }; #endif MEVENT mouse_event; getmouse( &mouse_event); wmove(win, line_to_use, 5); wclrtoeol(win); wprintw(win, "Posn: Y: %d X: %d", mouse_event.y, mouse_event.x); for( i = 0; i < sizeof( masks) / sizeof( masks[0]); i++) if( mouse_event.bstate & masks[i]) { const char *event_names[] = { "released", "pressed", "clicked", "double-clicked", "triple-clicked" }; wprintw( win, " Button %d %s", i / 5 + 1, event_names[i % 5]); } #ifdef BUTTON_CTRL if( mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON_CTRL) wprintw( win, " Ctrl"); #endif if( mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON_ALT) wprintw( win, " Alt"); if( mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON_SHIFT) wprintw( win, " Shift"); if( mouse_event.bstate & REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION) wprintw( win, " Moved"); #ifdef BUTTON4_RESERVED_EVENT for( i = 0; i < sizeof( reserved_masks) / sizeof( reserved_masks[0]); i++) if( mouse_event.bstate & reserved_masks[i]) wprintw( win, " Reserved %d", i + 1); #endif #else /* using the 'classic' (undocumented) Sys V mouse functions */ int button = 0, status = 0; request_mouse_pos(); if (BUTTON_CHANGED(1)) button = 1; else if (BUTTON_CHANGED(2)) button = 2; else if (BUTTON_CHANGED(3)) button = 3; else if (BUTTON_CHANGED(4)) /* added 21 Jan 2011: BJG */ button = 4; else if (BUTTON_CHANGED(5)) button = 5; if( button) #ifdef PDC_N_EXTENDED_MOUSE_BUTTONS status = (button > 3 ? Mouse_status.xbutton[(button) - 4] : Mouse_status.button[(button) - 1]); #else status = (button > 3 ? 0 : Mouse_status.button[(button) - 1]); #endif wmove(win, line_to_use, 5); wclrtoeol(win); wprintw(win, "Button %d: ", button); if (MOUSE_MOVED) waddstr(win, "moved: "); else if (MOUSE_WHEEL_UP) waddstr(win, "wheel up: "); else if (MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN) waddstr(win, "wheel dn: "); #ifdef MOUSE_WHEEL_LEFT else if (MOUSE_WHEEL_LEFT) waddstr(win, "wheel lt: "); #endif #ifdef MOUSE_WHEEL_RIGHT else if (MOUSE_WHEEL_RIGHT) waddstr(win, "wheel rt: "); #endif else if ((status & BUTTON_ACTION_MASK) == BUTTON_PRESSED) waddstr(win, "pressed: "); else if ((status & BUTTON_ACTION_MASK) == BUTTON_CLICKED) waddstr(win, "clicked: "); else if ((status & BUTTON_ACTION_MASK) == BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICKED) waddstr(win, "double: "); else if ((status & BUTTON_ACTION_MASK) == BUTTON_TRIPLE_CLICKED) waddstr(win, "triple: "); else if( button) waddstr(win, "released: "); wprintw(win, "Posn: Y: %d X: %d", MOUSE_Y_POS, MOUSE_X_POS); if( !button) /* just to get shift/alt/ctrl status */ status = Mouse_status.button[0]; if (status & BUTTON_SHIFT) waddstr(win, " SHIFT"); if (status & BUTTON_CONTROL) waddstr(win, " CONTROL"); if (status & BUTTON_ALT) waddstr(win, " ALT"); } else if (PDC_get_key_modifiers()) { waddstr(win, " Modifier(s):"); if (PDC_get_key_modifiers() & PDC_KEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT) waddstr(win, " SHIFT"); if (PDC_get_key_modifiers() & PDC_KEY_MODIFIER_CONTROL) waddstr(win, " CONTROL"); if (PDC_get_key_modifiers() & PDC_KEY_MODIFIER_ALT) waddstr(win, " ALT"); if (PDC_get_key_modifiers() & PDC_KEY_MODIFIER_NUMLOCK) waddstr(win, " NUMLOCK"); #ifdef PDC_KEY_MODIFIER_REPEAT if (PDC_get_key_modifiers() & PDC_KEY_MODIFIER_REPEAT) waddstr(win, " REPEAT"); #endif #endif /* end of mouse display */ } wrefresh(win); if (c == ' ' || c == 1) break; line_to_use++; if( line_to_use == 17) line_to_use = 3; } wtimeout(win, -1); /* turn off timeout() */ curs_set(1); /* turn cursor back on */ #ifdef PDCURSES mouse_set(0L); PDC_save_key_modifiers(FALSE); /* PDC_return_key_modifiers(FALSE); */ #endif wclear(win); if( c == 1) return; #ifdef PDCURSES #ifdef PDC_VER_MAJOR /* so far only seen in 4.0+ */ PDC_set_function_key( FUNCTION_KEY_ABORT, 0 ); /* un-abortable */ #endif #endif mvwaddstr(win, 2, 1, "Press some keys for 5 seconds"); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "Pressing ^C should do nothing"); wrefresh(win); werase(subWin); box(subWin, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { mvwprintw(subWin, 1, 1, "Time = %d", i); wrefresh(subWin); napms(1000); flushinp(); } #ifdef PDCURSES #ifdef PDC_VER_MAJOR /* so far only seen in 4.0+ */ PDC_set_function_key( FUNCTION_KEY_ABORT, 3 ); /* ctrl-C aborts */ #endif #endif delwin(subWin); werase(win); flash(); wrefresh(win); napms(500); flushinp(); mvwaddstr(win, 2, 1, "Press a key, followed by ENTER"); wmove(win, 9, 10); wrefresh(win); echo(); keypad(win, TRUE); raw(); wgetnstr(win, buffer, 3); flushinp(); wmove(win, 9, 10); wdelch(win); mvwaddstr(win, 4, 1, "The character should now have been deleted"); Continue(win); refresh(); wclear(win); echo(); buffer[0] = '\0'; mvwaddstr(win, 3, 2, "The window should have moved"); mvwaddstr(win, 4, 2, "This text should have appeared without you pressing a key"); mvwaddstr(win, 6, 2, "Enter a number then a string separated by space"); mvwin(win, 2, 1); wrefresh(win); mvwscanw(win, 7, 6, "%d %s", &num, buffer); mvwprintw(win, 8, 6, "String: %s Number: %d", buffer, num); Continue(win); refresh(); wclear(win); echo(); mvwaddstr(win, 3, 2, "Enter a 5 character string: "); wgetnstr(win, buffer, 5); mvwprintw(win, 4, 2, "String: %s", buffer); Continue(win); } void outputTest(WINDOW *win) { WINDOW *win1; char Buffer[80]; chtype ch; int by, bx; nl(); wclear(win); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "You should now have a screen in the upper " "left corner, and this text should have wrapped"); waddstr(win,"\nThis text should be down\n"); waddstr(win, "and broken into two here ^"); Continue(win); wclear(win); wattron(win, A_BOLD); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "A new window will appear with this text in it"); mvwaddstr(win, 8, 1, "Press any key to continue"); wrefresh(win); wgetch(win); getbegyx(win, by, bx); if (LINES < 24 || COLS < 75) { mvwaddstr(win, 5, 1, "Some tests have been skipped as they require a"); mvwaddstr(win, 6, 1, "display of at least 24 LINES by 75 COLUMNS"); Continue(win); } else { win1 = newwin(10, 50, 14, 25); if (win1 == NULL) { endwin(); return; } #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) { init_pair(3, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE); wbkgd(win1, COLOR_PAIR(3)); } else #endif wbkgd(win1, A_NORMAL); wclear(win1); mvwaddstr(win1, 5, 1, "This text should appear; using overlay option"); copywin(win, win1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 49, TRUE); box(win1, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); wmove(win1, 8, 26); wrefresh(win1); wgetch(win1); wclear(win1); wattron(win1, A_BLINK); mvwaddstr(win1, 4, 1, "This blinking text should appear in only the second window"); wattroff(win1, A_BLINK); mvwin(win1, by, bx); overlay(win, win1); mvwin(win1, 14, 25); wmove(win1, 8, 26); wrefresh(win1); wgetch(win1); delwin(win1); } clear(); wclear(win); wrefresh(win); mvwaddstr(win, 6, 2, "This line shouldn't appear"); mvwaddstr(win, 4, 2, "Only half of the next line is visible"); mvwaddstr(win, 5, 2, "Only half of the next line is visible"); wmove(win, 6, 1); wclrtobot(win); wmove(win, 5, 20); wclrtoeol(win); mvwaddstr(win, 8, 2, "This line also shouldn't appear"); wmove(win, 8, 1); winsdelln(win, -1); Continue(win); wmove(win, 5, 9); ch = winch(win); wclear(win); wmove(win, 6, 2); waddstr(win, "The next char should be l: "); winsch(win, ch); Continue(win); mvwinsstr(win, 6, 2, "A1B2C3D4E5"); Continue(win); wmove(win, 5, 1); winsdelln(win, 1); mvwaddstr(win, 5, 2, "The lines below should have moved down"); Continue(win); wclear(win); wmove(win, 2, 2); wprintw(win, "This is a formatted string in a window: %d %s\n", 42, "is it"); mvwaddstr(win, 10, 1, "Enter a string: "); wrefresh(win); echo(); wscanw(win, "%s", Buffer); printw("This is a formatted string in stdscr: %d %s\n", 42, "is it"); mvaddstr(10, 1, "Enter a string: "); scanw("%s", Buffer); wclear(win); curs_set(2); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "The cursor should be in high-visibility mode"); Continue(win); wclear(win); curs_set(0); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "The cursor should have disappeared"); Continue(win); wclear(win); curs_set(1); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "The cursor should be normal"); Continue(win); #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) { wclear(win); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "Colors should change after you press a key"); Continue(win); init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE); wrefresh(win); } #endif werase(win); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "Information About Your Terminal"); mvwaddstr(win, 3, 1, termname()); mvwaddstr(win, 4, 1, longname()); if (termattrs() & A_BLINK) mvwaddstr(win, 5, 1, "This terminal claims to support blinking."); else mvwaddstr(win, 5, 1, "This terminal does NOT support blinking."); mvwaddnstr(win, 7, 5, "Have a nice day!ok", 16); wrefresh(win); mvwinnstr(win, 7, 5, Buffer, 18); mvaddstr(LINES - 2, 10, Buffer); refresh(); Continue(win); } #if HAVE_RESIZE void resizeTest(WINDOW *dummy) { WINDOW *win1; int nwidth = 135, nheight = 52; int owidth = COLS, oheight = LINES; savetty(); resize_term(nheight, nwidth); clear(); refresh(); win1 = newwin(10, 50, 14, 25); if (win1 == NULL) { endwin(); return; } #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) { init_pair(3, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE); wattrset(win1, COLOR_PAIR(3)); } wclear(win1); #endif mvwaddstr(win1, 0, 0, "The screen may now be resized"); mvwprintw(win1, 1, 4, "Given size: %d by %d", nwidth, nheight); mvwprintw(win1, 2, 4, "Actual size: %d by %d", COLS, LINES); Continue(win1); wclear(win1); resetty(); mvwaddstr(win1, 0, 0, "The screen should now be reset"); mvwprintw(win1, 1, 6, "Old size: %d by %d", owidth, oheight); mvwprintw(win1, 2, 6, "Size now: %d by %d", COLS, LINES); Continue(win1); delwin(win1); clear(); refresh(); } #endif /* HAVE_RESIZE */ void padTest(WINDOW *dummy) { WINDOW *pad, *spad; pad = newpad(50, 100); wattron(pad, A_REVERSE); mvwaddstr(pad, 5, 2, "This is a new pad"); wattrset(pad, 0); mvwaddstr(pad, 8, 0, "The end of this line should be truncated here:except now"); mvwaddstr(pad, 11, 1, "This line should not appear.It will now"); wmove(pad, 10, 1); wclrtoeol(pad); mvwaddstr(pad, 10, 1, " Press any key to continue"); prefresh(pad, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 45); keypad(pad, TRUE); raw(); wgetch(pad); spad = subpad(pad, 12, 25, 7, 52); mvwaddstr(spad, 2, 2, "This is a new subpad"); box(spad, 0, 0); prefresh(pad, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 75); keypad(pad, TRUE); raw(); wgetch(pad); mvwaddstr(pad, 35, 2, "This is displayed at line 35 in the pad"); mvwaddstr(pad, 40, 1, " Press any key to continue"); prefresh(pad, 30, 0, 0, 0, 10, 45); keypad(pad, TRUE); raw(); wgetch(pad); delwin(pad); } #if HAVE_CLIPBOARD void clipboardTest(WINDOW *win) { static const char *text = "This string placed in clipboard by PDCurses test program, testcurs."; char *ptr = NULL; long i, length = 0; mvaddstr(1, 1, "This test will display the contents of the system clipboard"); Continue2(); scrollok(stdscr, TRUE); i = PDC_getclipboard(&ptr, &length); switch(i) { case PDC_CLIP_ACCESS_ERROR: mvaddstr(3, 1, "There was an error accessing the clipboard"); refresh(); break; case PDC_CLIP_MEMORY_ERROR: mvaddstr(3, 1, "Unable to allocate memory for clipboard contents"); break; case PDC_CLIP_EMPTY: mvaddstr(3, 1, "There was no text in the clipboard"); break; default: wsetscrreg(stdscr, 0, LINES - 1); clear(); mvaddstr(1, 1, "Clipboard contents..."); mvprintw(2, 1, "%s\n", ptr); } Continue2(); clear(); mvaddstr(1, 1, "This test will place the following string in the system clipboard:"); mvaddstr(2, 1, text); i = PDC_setclipboard(text, (long)strlen(text)); switch(i) { case PDC_CLIP_ACCESS_ERROR: mvaddstr(3, 1, "There was an error accessing the clipboard"); break; case PDC_CLIP_MEMORY_ERROR: mvaddstr(3, 1, "Unable to allocate memory for clipboard contents"); break; default: mvaddstr(3, 1, "The string was placed in the clipboard successfully"); } Continue2(); } #endif /* HAVE_CLIPBOARD */ void acsTest(WINDOW *win) { static const char *acs_names[] = { "ACS_ULCORNER", "ACS_URCORNER", "ACS_LLCORNER", "ACS_LRCORNER", "ACS_LTEE", "ACS_RTEE", "ACS_TTEE", "ACS_BTEE", "ACS_HLINE", "ACS_VLINE", "ACS_PLUS", #ifdef ACS_D_ULCORNER "ACS_D_ULCORNER", "ACS_D_URCORNER", "ACS_D_LLCORNER", "ACS_D_LRCORNER", "ACS_D_LTEE", "ACS_D_RTEE", "ACS_D_TTEE", "ACS_D_BTEE", "ACS_D_HLINE", "ACS_D_VLINE", "ACS_D_PLUS", #endif #ifdef ACS_SD_ULCORNER "ACS_SD_ULCORNER", "ACS_SD_URCORNER", "ACS_SD_LLCORNER", "ACS_SD_LRCORNER", "ACS_SD_LTEE", "ACS_SD_RTEE", "ACS_SD_TTEE", "ACS_SD_BTEE", "ACS_SD_PLUS", "ACS_DS_ULCORNER", "ACS_DS_URCORNER", "ACS_DS_LLCORNER", "ACS_DS_LRCORNER", "ACS_DS_LTEE", "ACS_DS_RTEE", "ACS_DS_TTEE", "ACS_DS_BTEE", "ACS_DS_PLUS", #endif "ACS_S1", #ifdef ACS_S3 "ACS_S3", "ACS_S7", #endif "ACS_S9", "ACS_DIAMOND", #ifdef ACS_CLUB "ACS_CLUB", "ACS_SPADE", "ACS_HEART", "ACS_LTBOARD", #endif "ACS_BOARD", "ACS_CKBOARD", "ACS_DEGREE", "ACS_PLMINUS", "ACS_BULLET", #ifdef ACS_SM_BULLET "ACS_SM_BULLET", "ACS_MED_BULLET", "ACS_WHITE_BULLET", "ACS_PILCROW", "ACS_SECTION", "ACS_SMILE", "ACS_REV_SMILE", #endif "ACS_LARROW", "ACS_RARROW", "ACS_UARROW", "ACS_DARROW", "ACS_LANTERN", "ACS_BLOCK", #ifdef ACS_LEQUAL "ACS_LEQUAL", "ACS_GEQUAL", "ACS_NEQUAL", "ACS_PI", "ACS_STERLING", #endif #ifdef ACS_CENT "ACS_CENT", "ACS_YEN", "ACS_PESETA", "ACS_ALPHA", "ACS_BETA", "ACS_GAMMA", "ACS_UP_SIGMA", "ACS_LO_SIGMA", "ACS_MU", "ACS_TAU", "ACS_UP_PHI", "ACS_LO_PHI", "ACS_OMEGA", "ACS_DELTA", "ACS_INFINITY", "ACS_THETA", "ACS_EPSILON", "ACS_INTERSECT", "ACS_SUP2", "ACS_SUP_N", "ACS_TRIPLE_BAR", "ACS_APPROX_EQ", "ACS_SQUARE_ROOT", "ACS_NOT", "ACS_REV_NOT", "ACS_HALF", "ACS_QUARTER", "ACS_DIVISION", "ACS_UP_INTEGRAL", "ACS_LO_INTEGRAL", "ACS_UBLOCK", "ACS_BBLOCK", "ACS_LBLOCK", "ACS_RBLOCK", "ACS_A_ORDINAL", "ACS_O_ORDINAL", "ACS_INV_BANG", "ACS_INV_QUERY", "ACS_LEFT_ANG_QU", "ACS_RIGHT_ANG_QU", "ACS_CENTER_SQU", "ACS_F_WITH_HOOK", #endif }; const chtype acs_values[] = { ACS_ULCORNER, ACS_URCORNER, ACS_LLCORNER, ACS_LRCORNER, ACS_LTEE, ACS_RTEE, ACS_TTEE, ACS_BTEE, ACS_HLINE, ACS_VLINE, ACS_PLUS, #ifdef ACS_D_ULCORNER ACS_D_ULCORNER, ACS_D_URCORNER, ACS_D_LLCORNER, ACS_D_LRCORNER, ACS_D_LTEE, ACS_D_RTEE, ACS_D_TTEE, ACS_D_BTEE, ACS_D_HLINE, ACS_D_VLINE, ACS_D_PLUS, #endif #ifdef ACS_SD_ULCORNER ACS_SD_ULCORNER, ACS_SD_URCORNER, ACS_SD_LLCORNER, ACS_SD_LRCORNER, ACS_SD_LTEE, ACS_SD_RTEE, ACS_SD_TTEE, ACS_SD_BTEE, ACS_SD_PLUS, ACS_DS_ULCORNER, ACS_DS_URCORNER, ACS_DS_LLCORNER, ACS_DS_LRCORNER, ACS_DS_LTEE, ACS_DS_RTEE, ACS_DS_TTEE, ACS_DS_BTEE, ACS_DS_PLUS, #endif ACS_S1, #ifdef ACS_S3 ACS_S3, ACS_S7, #endif ACS_S9, ACS_DIAMOND, #ifdef ACS_CLUB ACS_CLUB, ACS_SPADE, ACS_HEART, ACS_LTBOARD, #endif ACS_BOARD, ACS_CKBOARD, ACS_DEGREE, ACS_PLMINUS, ACS_BULLET, #ifdef ACS_SM_BULLET ACS_SM_BULLET, ACS_MED_BULLET, ACS_WHITE_BULLET, ACS_PILCROW, ACS_SECTION, ACS_SMILE, ACS_REV_SMILE, #endif ACS_LARROW, ACS_RARROW, ACS_UARROW, ACS_DARROW, ACS_LANTERN, ACS_BLOCK, #ifdef ACS_LEQUAL ACS_LEQUAL, ACS_GEQUAL, ACS_NEQUAL, ACS_PI, ACS_STERLING, #endif #ifdef ACS_CENT ACS_CENT, ACS_YEN, ACS_PESETA, ACS_ALPHA, ACS_BETA, ACS_GAMMA, ACS_UP_SIGMA, ACS_LO_SIGMA, ACS_MU, ACS_TAU, ACS_UP_PHI, ACS_LO_PHI, ACS_OMEGA, ACS_DELTA, ACS_INFINITY, ACS_THETA, ACS_EPSILON, ACS_INTERSECT, ACS_SUP2, ACS_SUP_N, ACS_TRIPLE_BAR, ACS_APPROX_EQ, ACS_SQUARE_ROOT, ACS_NOT, ACS_REV_NOT, ACS_HALF, ACS_QUARTER, ACS_DIVISION, ACS_UP_INTEGRAL, ACS_LO_INTEGRAL, ACS_UBLOCK, ACS_BBLOCK, ACS_LBLOCK, ACS_RBLOCK, ACS_A_ORDINAL, ACS_O_ORDINAL, ACS_INV_BANG, ACS_INV_QUERY, ACS_LEFT_ANG_QU, ACS_RIGHT_ANG_QU, ACS_CENTER_SQU, ACS_F_WITH_HOOK, #endif }; #ifdef WACS_S1 const cchar_t *wacs_values[] = { WACS_ULCORNER, WACS_URCORNER, WACS_LLCORNER, WACS_LRCORNER, WACS_LTEE, WACS_RTEE, WACS_TTEE, WACS_BTEE, WACS_HLINE, WACS_VLINE, WACS_PLUS, #ifdef WACS_D_ULCORNER WACS_D_ULCORNER, WACS_D_URCORNER, WACS_D_LLCORNER, WACS_D_LRCORNER, WACS_D_LTEE, WACS_D_RTEE, WACS_D_TTEE, WACS_D_BTEE, WACS_D_HLINE, WACS_D_VLINE, WACS_D_PLUS, #endif #ifdef WACS_SD_ULCORNER WACS_SD_ULCORNER, WACS_SD_URCORNER, WACS_SD_LLCORNER, WACS_SD_LRCORNER, WACS_SD_LTEE, WACS_SD_RTEE, WACS_SD_TTEE, WACS_SD_BTEE, WACS_SD_PLUS, WACS_DS_ULCORNER, WACS_DS_URCORNER, WACS_DS_LLCORNER, WACS_DS_LRCORNER, WACS_DS_LTEE, WACS_DS_RTEE, WACS_DS_TTEE, WACS_DS_BTEE, WACS_DS_PLUS, #endif WACS_S1, #ifdef WACS_S3 WACS_S3, WACS_S7, #endif WACS_S9, WACS_DIAMOND, #ifdef WACS_CLUB WACS_CLUB, WACS_SPADE, WACS_HEART, WACS_LTBOARD, #endif WACS_BOARD, WACS_CKBOARD, WACS_DEGREE, WACS_PLMINUS, WACS_BULLET, #ifdef WACS_SM_BULLET WACS_SM_BULLET, WACS_MED_BULLET, WACS_WHITE_BULLET, WACS_PILCROW, WACS_SECTION, WACS_SMILE, WACS_REV_SMILE, #endif WACS_LARROW, WACS_RARROW, WACS_UARROW, WACS_DARROW, WACS_LANTERN, WACS_BLOCK, #ifdef WACS_LEQUAL WACS_LEQUAL, WACS_GEQUAL, WACS_NEQUAL, WACS_PI, WACS_STERLING, #endif #ifdef WACS_CENT WACS_CENT, WACS_YEN, WACS_PESETA, WACS_ALPHA, WACS_BETA, WACS_GAMMA, WACS_UP_SIGMA, WACS_LO_SIGMA, WACS_MU, WACS_TAU, WACS_UP_PHI, WACS_LO_PHI, WACS_OMEGA, WACS_DELTA, WACS_INFINITY, WACS_THETA, WACS_EPSILON, WACS_INTERSECT, WACS_SUP2, WACS_SUP_N, WACS_TRIPLE_BAR, WACS_APPROX_EQ, WACS_SQUARE_ROOT, WACS_NOT, WACS_REV_NOT, WACS_HALF, WACS_QUARTER, WACS_DIVISION, WACS_UP_INTEGRAL, WACS_LO_INTEGRAL, WACS_UBLOCK, WACS_BBLOCK, WACS_LBLOCK, WACS_RBLOCK, WACS_A_ORDINAL, WACS_O_ORDINAL, WACS_INV_BANG, WACS_INV_QUERY, WACS_LEFT_ANG_QU, WACS_RIGHT_ANG_QU, WACS_CENTER_SQU, WACS_F_WITH_HOOK, #endif /* #if WACS_CENT */ }; #endif /* #ifdef WACS_S1 */ #ifdef WACS_S1 static const wchar_t russian[] = {0x0420, 0x0443, 0x0441, 0x0441, 0x043a, 0x0438, 0x0439, L' ', 0x044f, 0x0437, 0x044b, 0x043a, 0}; static const wchar_t greek[] = {0x0395, 0x03bb, 0x03bb, 0x03b7, 0x03bd, 0x03b9, 0x03ba, 0x03ac, 0}; static const wchar_t georgian[] = {0x10e5, 0x10d0, 0x10e0, 0x10d7, 0x10e3, 0x10da, 0x10d8, L' ', 0x10d4, 0x10dc, 0x10d0, 0}; static const wchar_t fullwidth[] = { 0xff26, 0xff55, 0xff4c, 0xff4c, 0xff57, 0xff49, 0xff44, 0xff54, 0xff48, 0 }; /* "Fullwidth" */ static const wchar_t combining_marks[] = { L'C', L'o', 0x35c, L'm', L'b', 0x30a, L'i', L'n', L'i', 0x304, L'n', 0x30b, 0x329, L'g', 0x310, L' ', L'C', 0x338, L'h', 0x306, L'a', 0x361, L'r', L's', 0x30e, 0x348, 0 }; #endif int i, tmarg = 1, ncols = (COLS - 4) / 19; int col_size = (COLS - 4) / ncols; int n_items = sizeof( acs_names) / sizeof( acs_names[0]); int n_rows = LINES / 2 - 4; i = 0; while( i < n_items) { int j, xloc = 3; attrset(A_BOLD); mvaddstr( 1, (COLS - 23) / 2, "Alternate Character Set"); attrset(A_NORMAL); tmarg = 4; while( i < n_items && xloc < COLS - col_size) { for( j = 0; i < n_items && j < n_rows; j++, i++) { move( j * 2 + tmarg, xloc); addch(acs_values[i]); printw(" %s", acs_names[i]); } xloc += col_size; } mvaddstr( tmarg + n_rows * 2, 3, curses_version( )); move( tmarg + n_rows * 2 + 1, 3); printw( "sizeof( chtype) = %d; sizeof( mmask_t) = %d", (int)sizeof( chtype), (int)sizeof( mmask_t)); mvaddstr(tmarg + n_rows * 2 + 2, 3, "Press any key to continue"); getch(); clear( ); } #if HAVE_WIDE i = 0; while( i < n_items) { int j, xloc = 3; attrset(A_BOLD); mvaddstr( 1, (COLS - 28) / 2, "Wide Alternate Character Set"); attrset(A_NORMAL); tmarg = 4; #ifdef WACS_S1 while( i < n_items && xloc < COLS - col_size) { for( j = 0; i < n_items && j < n_rows; j++, i++) { move( j * 2 + tmarg, xloc); add_wch( wacs_values[i]); printw(" W%s", acs_names[i]); } xloc += col_size; } #endif /* Spanish, Russian, Greek, Georgian, fullwidth, combining */ tmarg += n_rows * 2; mvaddwstr(tmarg, COLS / 8 - 5, L"Espa\xf1ol"); mvaddwstr(tmarg, 3 * (COLS / 8) - 5, russian); mvaddwstr(tmarg, 5 * (COLS / 8) - 5, greek); mvaddwstr(tmarg, 7 * (COLS / 8) - 5, georgian); mvaddwstr(tmarg + 1, COLS / 8 - 5, fullwidth); mvaddwstr(tmarg + 1, 3 * (COLS / 8) - 5, combining_marks); #if(CHTYPE_LONG >= 2) /* "non-standard" 64-bit chtypes */ mvaddch( tmarg + 1, 7 * (COLS / 8) - 5, (chtype)0x1d11e); #endif /* U+1D11E = musical symbol G clef */ mvaddstr(tmarg + 2, 3, "Press any key to continue"); getch(); clear( ); } #endif } #if HAVE_COLOR #if CHTYPE_LONG >= 2 || (CHTYPE_LONG == 1 && !defined( PDC_WIDE)) #define GOT_DIM #ifdef A_OVERLINE #define GOT_OVERLINE #endif #ifdef A_STIKEOUT #define GOT_STRIKEOUT #endif #endif void colorTest(WINDOW *win) { static const short colors[] = { COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE }; static const char *colornames[] = { "COLOR_BLACK", "COLOR_RED", "COLOR_GREEN", "COLOR_BLUE", "COLOR_CYAN", "COLOR_MAGENTA", "COLOR_YELLOW", "COLOR_WHITE" }; chtype fill = ACS_BLOCK; int i, j, tmarg, col1, col2, col3, col4, ch; if (!has_colors()) return; do { tmarg = (LINES - 19) / 2; col1 = (COLS - 60) / 2; col2 = col1 + 15; col3 = col2 + 15; col4 = col3 + 15; attrset(A_BOLD); mvaddstr(tmarg, (COLS - 22) / 2, "Color Attribute Macros"); attrset(A_NORMAL); mvaddstr(tmarg + 3, col2 + 2, "A_NORMAL"); mvaddstr(tmarg + 3, col3 + 3, "A_BOLD"); mvaddstr(tmarg + 3, col4 + 3, "A_BLINK"); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { init_pair((short)(i + 4), colors[i], background_index); mvaddstr(tmarg + i + 5, col1, colornames[i]); for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) { mvaddch(tmarg + i + 5, col2 + j, fill | COLOR_PAIR(i + 4)); mvaddch(tmarg + i + 5, col3 + j, fill | COLOR_PAIR(i + 4) | A_BOLD); mvaddch(tmarg + i + 5, col4 + j, fill | COLOR_PAIR(i + 4) | A_BLINK); } attrset( COLOR_PAIR( i + 4) | A_BLINK); mvaddstr( tmarg + i + 5, col4 + 5, "Text"); attrset( COLOR_PAIR( i + 4) | A_BOLD); mvaddstr( tmarg + i + 5, col3 + 5, "Text"); attroff( A_BOLD); mvaddstr( tmarg + i + 5, col2 + 5, "Text"); attrset( A_NORMAL); } mvprintw(tmarg + 15, col1, "COLORS = %d", COLORS); mvprintw(tmarg + 16, col1, "COLOR_PAIRS = %d", COLOR_PAIRS); #ifdef CHTYPE_LONG attrset(A_ITALIC); mvprintw( tmarg + 15, col3, "Italic"); attrset(A_ITALIC | A_BLINK); mvprintw( tmarg + 15, col4, "Italic Blink"); attrset(A_BOLD | A_ITALIC); mvprintw( tmarg + 17, col4, "Italic Bold"); attrset(A_BOLD | A_ITALIC | A_BLINK); mvprintw( tmarg + 18, col4, "Italic Blink Bold"); #endif attrset(A_BOLD); mvprintw( tmarg + 16, col3, "Bold"); attrset(A_BLINK); mvprintw( tmarg + 17, col3, "Blink"); attrset(A_BLINK | A_BOLD); mvprintw( tmarg + 16, col4, "Blink Bold"); /* end BJG addenda */ attrset(A_NORMAL); mvaddstr(tmarg + 19, 3, "Press any key to continue"); ch = getch(); # ifdef PDCURSES if( ch == KEY_RESIZE) { erase(); resize_term(0, 0); } # endif } while( ch == KEY_RESIZE); if (can_change_color()) { struct { short red, green, blue; } orgcolors[16]; int MAXCOL = (COLORS >= 16) ? 16 : 8; if (MAXCOL < 8) return; for (i = 0; i < MAXCOL; i++) color_content((short)i, &(orgcolors[i].red), &(orgcolors[i].green), &(orgcolors[i].blue)); attrset(A_BOLD); mvaddstr(tmarg, (COLS - 22) / 2, " init_color() Example "); attrset(A_NORMAL); refresh(); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { init_color(colors[i], (short)(i * 125), 0, (short)(i * 125)); if (MAXCOL == 16) init_color((short)(colors[i] + 8), 0, (short)(i * 125), 0); } mvaddstr(tmarg + 19, 3, "Press any key to continue"); getch(); for (i = 0; i < MAXCOL; i++) init_color((short)i, orgcolors[i].red, orgcolors[i].green, orgcolors[i].blue); } if (COLORS >= 256) do { int x, y, z, lmarg = (COLS - 77) / 2; erase(); attrset(A_BOLD); mvaddstr(tmarg, (COLS - 15) / 2, "Extended Colors"); attrset(A_NORMAL); mvaddstr(tmarg + 3, lmarg, "6x6x6 Color Cube (16-231):"); for (i = 16; i < 256; i++) init_pair(i, COLOR_BLACK, i); for (i = 16, z = 0; z < 6; z++) for (y = 0; y < 6; y++) for (x = 0; x < 6; x++) { chtype ch = ' ' | COLOR_PAIR(i++); mvaddch(tmarg + 5 + y, z * 13 + x * 2 + lmarg, ch); addch(ch); } mvaddstr(tmarg + 13, lmarg, "Greyscale (232-255):"); for (x = 0; x < 24; x++) { chtype ch = ' ' | COLOR_PAIR(232 + x); mvaddch(tmarg + 15, x * 2 + lmarg, ch); addch(ch); } #ifdef CHTYPE_LONG attrset( A_LEFTLINE); mvaddstr( tmarg + 17, col1, "A_LEFTLINE"); attrset( A_UNDERLINE); mvaddstr( tmarg + 18, col1, "A_UNDERLINE"); attrset( A_RIGHTLINE); mvaddstr( tmarg + 19, col1, "A_RIGHTLINE"); #endif #ifdef GOT_OVERLINE attrset( A_OVERLINE); mvaddstr( tmarg + 17, col2, "A_OVERLINE"); #ifdef GOT_STRIKEOUT attrset( A_STRIKEOUT); mvaddstr( tmarg + 18, col2, "A_STRIKEOUT"); #endif attrset( A_OVERLINE | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddstr( tmarg + 19, col2, "Over/underlined"); #endif attrset(A_NORMAL); refresh( ); ch = getch( ); # ifdef PDCURSES if( ch == KEY_RESIZE) resize_term(0, 0); # endif } while( ch == KEY_RESIZE); } #endif #if HAVE_WIDE void wideTest(WINDOW *win) { wchar_t tmp[513]; size_t i; attrset(A_BOLD); mvaddstr(1, (COLS - 25) / 2, "Wide Character Input Test"); attrset(A_NORMAL); mvaddstr(4, 1, "Enter a string: "); echo(); get_wstr((wint_t *)tmp); addstr("\n\n String:\n\n "); addwstr(tmp); addstr("\n\n\n Hex:\n\n "); for (i = 0; i < wcslen(tmp); i++) { printw("%04x ", tmp[i]); addnwstr(tmp + i, 1); addstr(" "); } noecho(); Continue2(); } #endif void display_menu(int old_option, int new_option) { int lmarg = (COLS - 14) / 2, tmarg = (LINES - (MAX_OPTIONS + 2)) / 2; if (old_option == -1) { int i; attrset(A_BOLD); mvaddstr(tmarg - 3, lmarg - 5, "PDCurses Test Program"); attrset(A_NORMAL); for (i = 0; i < MAX_OPTIONS; i++) mvaddstr(tmarg + i, lmarg, command[i].text); } else mvaddstr(tmarg + old_option, lmarg, command[old_option].text); attrset(A_REVERSE); mvaddstr(tmarg + new_option, lmarg, command[new_option].text); attrset(A_NORMAL); mvaddstr(tmarg + MAX_OPTIONS + 2, lmarg - 23, "Use Up and Down Arrows to select - Enter to run - Q to quit"); refresh(); }