do ($ = jQuery)-> $.redditor = sliderBlockImagesSortableParams: scroll: false dropOnEmpty: false cursor: "crosshair" opacity: 0.75 items: "li" update: -> self = $(@) $.ajax data: self.sortable('serialize') + '&authenticity_token=#{u(form_authenticity_token)}' dataType: 'script' url:"sortable-url") .done -> return .error -> alert "Ошибка, данные не сохранены" parameterizationForm: (box) -> form = box.serializeForm() formName = box.find("div.redditor__form").data("object-name") firstProperty = formName.replace(/^(.*?)\[.*/,"$1") nextProperties = formName.match(/\[(.*?)\]/g) nextProperties = $.map nextProperties, (n)-> n.replace(/\[(.*)\]/,"$1") params = form[firstProperty] for i in nextProperties params = params[i] params = "content_block": params setPositions: -> $el = $.redditor.$el $el.find($el.sortable("option", "items")).each (i) -> $(@).find("input.redditor__position").val i sortList: -> sortArray = $.map $.redditor.$el.find("dd"), (n) -> key = $(n).attr("class") input = $(n).find("input[type=hidden][name='#{$(n).find("div.redditor__form").data("object-name")}[id]']") value = input.val() if value? obj = {} obj[key] = index: value position: $(n).index() obj else null if sortArray.length $.ajax type: "post" # data: self.sortable('serialize') + '&authenticity_token=<%= u(form_authenticity_token) %>', data: {sort: sortArray} dataType: "script" url: $.redditor.$"sort-url") .done($.redditor.setPositions) else $.redditor.setPositions() afterFunc: -> #! jquery-serializeForm - Make an object out of form elements - v1.1.1 - 2013-01-21 #* #* Copyright (c) 2013 Dan Heberden; Licensed MIT do ($ = jQuery) -> $.fn.serializeForm = -> # don't do anything if we didn't get any elements return false if @length < 1 data = {} lookup = data #current reference of data selector = ":input[type!=\"checkbox\"][type!=\"radio\"], input:checked" parse = -> # data[a][b] becomes [ data, a, b ] named = @name.replace(/\[([^\]]+)?\]/g, ",$1").split(",") cap = named.length - 1 $el = $(this) # Ensure that only elements with valid `name` properties will be serialized if named[0] i = 0 while i < cap # move down the tree - create objects or array if necessary lookup = lookup[named[i]] = lookup[named[i]] or ((if named[i + 1] is "" then [] else {})) i++ # at the end, push or assign the value if lookup.length isnt `undefined` lookup.push $el.val() else lookup[named[cap]] = $el.val() # assign the reference back to root lookup = data # first, check for elements passed into this function @filter(selector).each parse # then parse possible child elements @find(selector).each parse # return data data $ -> $.redditor.$el = $("#redditor") if $.redditor.$el.length $.redditor.$el.sortable dropOnEmpty: false cursor: "crosshair" opacity: 0.75 handle: ".redditor__handle" axis: "y" items: "dd" scroll: false update: $.redditor.sortList start: -> # необходимо обновить, чтобы сортировака работала корректно, тк меняем высоту блоков $(@).addClass("redditor_sortable").sortable( "refresh" ) return stop: -> $(@).removeClass("redditor_sortable") return .on "click", "a.redditor__update", (event) -> event.preventDefault() box = $(@).closest "dd" params = $.redditor.parameterizationForm(box) if $.extend params, _method: 'patch' $.ajax method: 'POST', url: this.href, data: params .on "click", "a.redditor__change", (event) -> event.preventDefault() box = $(@).closest "dd" params = $.redditor.parameterizationForm(box) kind = params.content_block.kind if kind == 'description' params.content_block.kind = '' else if kind == '' params.content_block.kind = 'description' $.ajax method: 'POST', url: this.href, data: params $("ul.slider-block-images").sortable $.redditor.sliderBlockImagesSortableParams $('div.redditor__add-blocks').on "ajax:beforeSend", "a.redditor__add", (event, xhr, status) -> $this = $(@) cssClass = if $this.hasClass 'redditor__add_txt' 'text_block' else if $this.hasClass 'redditor__add_video' 'video_block' else if $this.hasClass 'redditor__add_photo' 'image' else if $this.hasClass 'redditor__add_slider' 'slider_block' arrIds = $.map $('#redditor').find(".#{cssClass}"), (elem)-> $(elem).find('.redditor__form').data('object-id') if arrIds.length objectId = Math.max.apply(null, arrIds) + 1 else objectId = 0 # generate uniq id status.url += "?" + $.param(content_block: {object_id: objectId}) $.redditor.afterFunc()