require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' require 'find' require 'bundler' options = {} options[:exclude] = [] opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: origen archive [options]' opts.on('--local', 'Install gems within your app so that it can run completely standalone, no archive is created') { options[:local] = true } opts.on('--no-local', "Reverses a previously executed 'origen archive --local' operation, returning the app to use a conventional gem installation") { options[:no_local] = true } opts.on('-e', '--exclude DIR', 'Exclude the given directory from the archive, e.g. --exclude simulation') { |dir| options[:exclude] << dir } end opt_parser.parse! ARGV origen_binstub = File.join(Origen.root, 'lbin', 'origen') unless File.exist?(origen_binstub) && =~ /This file was generated by Origen/ puts 'An archive can only be created after your application is running the latest Origen boot system,' puts 'run the following command to update your application and then try again:' puts puts ' origen setup' puts exit 1 end if options[:no_local] Dir.chdir Origen.root do dir = File.join('vendor', 'gems') FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) if File.exist?(dir) end passed = true Bundler.with_clean_env do passed = system('origen -v') end if passed Origen.log.success 'Local gems have been removed and your application has been restored to use a conventional gem installation.' exit 0 else Origen.log.error 'A problem was encountered when trying to boot your application after removing local gems!' exit 1 end end 'Preparing the workspace' unless options[:local] tmp1 = File.join(Origen.root, '..', "#{}_copy") name = "#{}-#{}" tmpdir = File.join(Origen.root, 'tmp') tmp = File.join(tmpdir, name) archive = File.join(Origen.root, 'tmp', "#{name}.origen") unless options[:local] FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp1) if File.exist?(tmp1) FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp) if File.exist?(tmp) FileUtils.rm_rf(archive) if File.exist?(archive) end exclude_dirs = ['.bundle', 'output', 'tmp', 'web', 'waves', '.git', '.ref', 'dist', 'log', '.lsf', '.session'] + options[:exclude] unless options[:local] begin 'Creating a copy of the application' if Origen.os.linux? Dir.chdir Origen.root do cmd = "rsync -av --progress . tmp/#{name} --exclude tmp" exclude_dirs.each do |dir| cmd += " --exclude #{dir}" end passed = system cmd unless passed Origen.log.error 'A problem was encountered when creating a copy of your application, archive aborted!' exit 1 end end else FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp1) FileUtils.cp_r "#{Origen.root}/.", tmp1 tmp1, tmp end # Remove all .svn or .SYNC directories Find.find(tmp) do |path| n = File.basename(path) if && (n == '.svn' || n == '.SYNC') puts "Removing: #{path}" FileUtils.remove_dir(path) end end ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp1) if File.exist?(tmp1) end end 'Fetching all required gems' unless options[:local] dir = options[:local] ? Origen.root : tmp Dir.chdir dir do # When archiving, also include copies of all gem packages for other platforms, this will help if the # archive needs to run on a different platform to the one used to create it in the future unless options[:local] Bundler.with_clean_env do FileUtils.rm_rf('.bundle') if File.exist?('.bundle') system 'hash -r' # Ignore fail if not on bash passed = system "GEM_HOME=#{File.expand_path(Origen.site_config.gem_install_dir)} bundle package --all --all-platforms --no-install" unless passed Origen.log.error 'A problem was encountered when packaging the gems, archive aborted!' exit 1 end FileUtils.rm_rf('.bundle') if File.exist?('.bundle') end end 'Installing gems into the application (this could take a while)' FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join('vendor', 'gems')) require 'origen/boot/app' begin Origen::Boot.setup(dir) Origen::Boot.setup_bundler(dir) rescue Exception => e Origen.log.error e.to_s Origen.log.error 'A problem was encountered setting up the workspace, archive aborted!' exit 1 end FileUtils.touch('.origen_archive') unless options[:local] Bundler.with_clean_env do passed = system('bundle') && system('origen -v') unless passed Origen.log.error 'A problem was encountered installing the gem bundle, archive aborted!' exit 1 end end unless options[:local] 'Removing all temporary and output files' exclude_dirs.each do |dir| if File.exist?(dir) if File.symlink?(dir) FileUtils.rm(dir) else FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) end end end end end if options[:local] Origen.log.success 'Gems have been successfully installed to your application' Origen.log.success '' Origen.log.success 'If you ran this in error or otherwise want to undo it, run the following command:' Origen.log.success ' origen archive --no-local' Origen.log.success '' else 'Creating archive' Dir.chdir tmpdir do FileUtils.rm_rf('.bundle') if File.exist?('.bundle') passed = system "tar -cvzf #{name}.origen ./#{name}" unless passed Origen.log.error 'A problem was encountered creating the tarball, archive aborted!' exit 1 end 'Cleaning up' FileUtils.rm_rf(name) end puts begin size = `du -sh tmp/#{name}.origen`.split(/\s+/).first Origen.log.success "Your application archive is complete and is #{size}B in size" rescue Origen.log.success 'Your application archive is complete' end Origen.log.success archive end