require "spec_helper" describe ActiveMetadata::Streamable do describe "module" do it "should respond to stream_for" do ActiveMetadata::Streamable.instance_eval do self.instance_methods.grep(/stream_for/).size.should == 1 end end end describe "stream_for" do context "given 2 notes and 2 attachments" do before(:each) do @document = Document.create! { |d| = "John" } @document.reload (1..2).each do |i| @document.save_attachment_for(:name,test_pdf("pdf_test_#{i}")) @document.create_note_for(:name, "note_#{i}") end end describe "stream_collect_method" do it "should return notes_for for Note class" do @document.send(:stream_collect_method, :note).should eq 'notes_for' end it "should return attachments_for for attachment class" do @document.send(:stream_collect_method, :attachment).should eq 'attachments_for' end end describe "collect_data" do it "should exists as private method" do ActiveMetadata::Streamable.instance_eval do self.private_instance_methods.grep(/collect_stream_data/).size.should == 1 end end it "should return an array" do res = @document.send(:collect_stream_data, :name) res.should be_kind_of Array end it "should return an array containing notes and attachments" do res = @document.send(:collect_stream_data,:name) res.size.should == 4 all_items_returened(res).should be_true end it "should return only the items referring to the request field" do @document.save_attachment_for(:surname,test_pdf("pdf_test_1")) @document.create_note_for(:surname, "surname note") res = @document.send(:collect_stream_data, :name) res.size.should == 4 all_items_returened(res).should be_true end end describe "sort_stream" do it "should exists as private method" do ActiveMetadata::Streamable.instance_eval do self.private_instance_methods.grep(/sort_stream/).size.should == 1 end end it "should sort the stream data by updated_at DESC by default" do @document.save_attachment_for(:surname,test_pdf("pdf_test_1")) sleep 2.seconds @document.create_note_for(:surname, "surname note") sleep 2.seconds @document.save_attachment_for(:surname,test_pdf("pdf_test_2")) stream = @document.send(:collect_stream_data, :surname) res = @document.send(:sort_stream, stream) res[0].attach_file_name.should eq 'pdf_test_2.pdf' res[1].note.should eq 'surname note' res[2].attach_file_name.should eq 'pdf_test_1.pdf' end end describe "stream_for" do it "should stream" do res = @document.stream_for :name res.size.should == 4 all_items_returened(res).should be_true end end # test that the res array contains the 4 elements created in this context def all_items_returened res return false unless res.dup.keep_if{|item| item.respond_to?(:note) && item.note == 'note_1'}.count == 1 return false unless res.dup.keep_if{|item| item.respond_to?(:note) && item.note == 'note_2'}.count == 1 return false unless res.dup.keep_if{|item| item.respond_to?(:attach_file_name) && item.attach_file_name == 'pdf_test_1.pdf'}.count == 1 return false unless res.dup.keep_if{|item| item.respond_to?(:attach_file_name) && item.attach_file_name == 'pdf_test_2.pdf'}.count == 1 true end end end end