class Bj # # table base class # class Table < ActiveRecord::Base module ClassMethods attribute("list"){ } attribute("migration"){} def migration_code classname = "BjMigration" <<-code class #{ classname } < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up Bj::Table.each{|table| table.up} end def self.down Bj::Table.reverse_each{|table| table.down} end end code end def up migration_class.up end def down migration_class.down end def migration_class table = self @migration_class ||= do sc = class << self self end sc.module_eval{ attribute :table => table } sc.module_eval &table.migration end end def content_column_names @content_column_names ={|column|} end def create_hash_for options options.to_options! hash = {} content_column_names.each do |key| key = key.to_s.to_sym hash[key] = options[key] end hash end def each *a, &b list.each *a, &b end def reverse_each *a, &b list.reverse.each *a, &b end end send :extend, ClassMethods module InstanceMethods def to_hash oh = self.class.content_column_names.each{|c| oh[c] = self[c]} oh end end send :include, InstanceMethods module RecursivelyInherited def inherited other super ensure (Table.list << other).uniq! basename = Table.singleton_class{ attribute basename => other } other.send :extend, RecursivelyInherited end end send :extend, RecursivelyInherited # # table classes # class Job < Table set_table_name "bj_job" set_primary_key "#{ table_name }_id" migration { define_method :up do create_table table.table_name, :primary_key => table.primary_key, :force => true do |t| t.column "command" , :text t.column "state" , :text t.column "priority" , :integer t.column "tag" , :text t.column "is_restartable" , :integer t.column "submitter" , :text t.column "runner" , :text t.column "pid" , :integer t.column "submitted_at" , :datetime t.column "started_at" , :datetime t.column "finished_at" , :datetime t.column "env" , :text t.column "stdin" , :text t.column "stdout" , :text t.column "stderr" , :text t.column "exit_status" , :integer end end define_method :down do drop_table table.table_name end } module ClassMethods def submit jobs, options = {}, &block jobs = Joblist.for jobs, options returned = [] transaction do jobs.each do |job| job = create_hash_for(job.reverse_merge(submit_defaults)) job = create! job returned << (block ? : job) end end returned end def submit_defaults { :state => "pending", :priority => 0, :tag => "", :is_restartable => true, :submitter => Bj.hostname, :submitted_at =>, } end end send :extend, ClassMethods module InstanceMethods def title "job[#{ id }](#{ command })" end def finished reload exit_status end alias_method "finished?", "finished" end send :include, InstanceMethods end class JobArchive < Job set_table_name "bj_job_archive" set_primary_key "#{ table_name }_id" migration { define_method(:up) do create_table table.table_name, :primary_key => table.primary_key, :force => true do |t| t.column "command" , :text t.column "state" , :text t.column "priority" , :integer t.column "tag" , :text t.column "is_restartable" , :integer t.column "submitter" , :text t.column "runner" , :text t.column "pid" , :integer t.column "submitted_at" , :datetime t.column "started_at" , :datetime t.column "finished_at" , :datetime t.column "archived_at" , :datetime t.column "env" , :text t.column "stdin" , :text t.column "stdout" , :text t.column "stderr" , :text t.column "exit_status" , :integer end end define_method(:down) do drop_table table.table_name end } end # TODO - initialize with a set of global defaults and fallback to those on perhaps '* * key' class Config < Table set_table_name "bj_config" set_primary_key "#{ table_name }_id" migration { define_method(:up) do create_table table.table_name, :primary_key => table.primary_key, :force => true do |t| t.column "hostname" , :text t.column "key" , :text t.column "value" , :text t.column "cast" , :text end begin add_index table.table_name, %w[ hostname key ], :unique => true rescue Exception STDERR.puts "WARNING: your database does not support unique indexes on text fields!?" end end define_method(:down) do begin remove_index table.table_name, :column => %w[ hostname key ] rescue Exception end drop_table table.table_name end } module ClassMethods def [] key get key end def get key, options = {} transaction do options.to_options! hostname = options[:hostname] || Bj.hostname record = find :first, :conditions => conditions(:key => key, :hostname => hostname) record ? record.value : default_for(key) end end def conditions options = {} options.to_options! options.reverse_merge!( :hostname => Bj.hostname ) options end def default_for key record = find :first, :conditions => conditions(:key => key, :hostname => '*') record ? record.value : nil end def []= key, value set key, value end def set key, value, options = {} transaction do options.to_options! hostname = options[:hostname] || Bj.hostname record = find :first, :conditions => conditions(:key => key, :hostname => hostname), :lock => true cast = options[:cast] || cast_for(value) key = key.to_s value = value.to_s if record record["value"] = value record["cast"] = cast! else create! :hostname => hostname, :key => key, :value => value, :cast => cast end value end end def delete key transaction do record = find :first, :conditions => conditions(:key => key), :lock => true if record record.destroy record else nil end end end def has_key? key record = find :first, :conditions => conditions(:key => key) record ? record : false end alias_method "has_key", "has_key?" def keys find(:all, :conditions => conditions).map(&:key) end def values find(:all, :conditions => conditions).map(&:value) end def for options = {} oh = find(:all, :conditions => conditions(options)).each do |record| oh[record.key] = record.value end oh end def cast_for value case value when TrueClass, FalseClass 'to_bool' when NilClass 'to_nil' when Fixnum, Bignum 'to_i' when Float 'to_f' when Time 'to_time' when Symbol 'to_sym' else case value.to_s when %r/^\d+$/ 'to_i' when %r/^\d+\.\d+$/ 'to_f' when %r/^nil$|^$/ 'to_nil' when %r/^true|false$/ 'to_bool' else 'to_s' end end end def casts @casts ||= { 'to_bool' => lambda do |value| value.to_s =~ %r/^true$/i ? true : false end, 'to_i' => lambda do |value| Integer value.to_s.gsub(%r/^(-)?0*/,'\1') end, 'to_f' => lambda do |value| Float value.to_s.gsub(%r/^0*/,'') end, 'to_time' => lambda do |value| Time.parse(value.to_s) end, 'to_sym' => lambda do |value| value.to_s.to_sym end, 'to_nil' => lambda do |value| value.to_s =~ %r/^nil$|^$/i ? nil : value.to_s end, 'to_s' => lambda do |value| value.to_s end, } end end send :extend, ClassMethods module InstanceMethods def value self.class.casts[cast][self["value"]] end end send :include, InstanceMethods end end end