require 'etc' require 'logger' require 'pathname' require 'stringio' require 'thread' require 'timeout' require 'log4r' require 'net/ssh' require 'net/ssh/proxy/command' require 'net/scp' require 'vagrant/util/ansi_escape_code_remover' require 'vagrant/util/file_mode' require 'vagrant/util/keypair' require 'vagrant/util/platform' require 'vagrant/util/retryable' module VagrantPlugins module CommunicatorSSH # This class provides communication with the VM via SSH. class Communicator < Vagrant.plugin("2", :communicator) READY_COMMAND="" # Marker for start of PTY enabled command output PTY_DELIM_START = "bccbb768c119429488cfd109aacea6b5-pty" # Marker for end of PTY enabled command output PTY_DELIM_END = "bccbb768c119429488cfd109aacea6b5-pty" # Marker for start of regular command output CMD_GARBAGE_MARKER = "41e57d38-b4f7-4e46-9c38-13873d338b86-vagrant-ssh" # These are the exceptions that we retry because they represent # errors that are generally fixed from a retry and don't # necessarily represent immediate failure cases. SSH_RETRY_EXCEPTIONS = [ Errno::EACCES, Errno::EADDRINUSE, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ENETUNREACH, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::EPIPE, Net::SSH::Disconnect, Timeout::Error ] include Vagrant::Util::ANSIEscapeCodeRemover include Vagrant::Util::Retryable def self.match?(machine) # All machines are currently expected to have SSH. true end def initialize(machine) @lock = @machine = machine @logger ="vagrant::communication::ssh") @connection = nil @inserted_key = false end def wait_for_ready(timeout) Timeout.timeout(timeout) do # Wait for ssh_info to be ready ssh_info = nil while true ssh_info = @machine.ssh_info break if ssh_info sleep(0.5) end # Got it! Let the user know what we're connecting to. if !@ssh_info_notification @machine.ui.detail("SSH address: #{ssh_info[:host]}:#{ssh_info[:port]}") @machine.ui.detail("SSH username: #{ssh_info[:username]}") ssh_auth_type = "private key" ssh_auth_type = "password" if ssh_info[:password] @machine.ui.detail("SSH auth method: #{ssh_auth_type}") @ssh_info_notification = true end previous_messages = {} while true message = nil begin begin connect(retries: 1) return true if ready? rescue Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError => e"SSH not ready: #{e.inspect}") raise end rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHConnectionTimeout message = "Connection timeout." rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed message = "Authentication failure." rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHDisconnected message = "Remote connection disconnect." rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHConnectionRefused message = "Connection refused." rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHConnectionReset message = "Connection reset." rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHConnectionAborted message = "Connection aborted." rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHHostDown message = "Host appears down." rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHNoRoute message = "Host unreachable." rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHInvalidShell raise rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHKeyTypeNotSupported raise rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHKeyBadOwner raise rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHKeyBadPermissions raise rescue Vagrant::Errors::SSHInsertKeyUnsupported raise rescue Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError => e # Ignore it, SSH is not ready, some other error. end # If we have a message to show, then show it. We don't show # repeated messages unless they've been repeating longer than # 10 seconds. if message message_at = show_message = true if previous_messages[message] show_message = (message_at - previous_messages[message]) > 10.0 end if show_message @machine.ui.detail("Warning: #{message} Retrying...") previous_messages[message] = message_at end end end end rescue Timeout::Error return false end def ready? @logger.debug("Checking whether SSH is ready...") # Attempt to connect. This will raise an exception if it fails. begin connect"SSH is ready!") rescue Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError => e # We catch a `VagrantError` which would signal that something went # wrong expectedly in the `connect`, which means we didn't connect."SSH not up: #{e.inspect}") return false end # Verify the shell is valid if execute(self.class.const_get(:READY_COMMAND), error_check: false) != 0 raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHInvalidShell end # If we're already attempting to switch out the SSH key, then # just return that we're ready (for Machine#guest). @lock.synchronize do return true if @inserted_key || !machine_config_ssh.insert_key @inserted_key = true end # If we used a password, then insert the insecure key ssh_info = @machine.ssh_info return if ssh_info.nil? insert = ssh_info[:password] && ssh_info[:private_key_path].empty? ssh_info[:private_key_path].each do |pk| if insecure_key?(pk) insert = true @machine.ui.detail("\n"+I18n.t("vagrant.inserting_insecure_detected")) break end end if insert # If we don't have the power to insert/remove keys, then its an error cap = @machine.guest.capability?(:insert_public_key) && @machine.guest.capability?(:remove_public_key) raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHInsertKeyUnsupported if !cap _pub, priv, openssh = Vagrant::Util::Keypair.create"Inserting key to avoid password: #{openssh}") @machine.ui.detail("\n"+I18n.t("vagrant.inserting_random_key")) @machine.guest.capability(:insert_public_key, openssh) # Write out the private key in the data dir so that the # machine automatically picks it up. @machine.data_dir.join("private_key").open("w+") do |f| f.write(priv) end # Adjust private key file permissions if host provides capability if, @machine.data_dir.join("private_key")) end # Remove the old key if it exists @machine.ui.detail(I18n.t("vagrant.inserting_remove_key")) @machine.guest.capability( :remove_public_key, Vagrant.source_root.join("keys", "").read.chomp) # Done, restart. @machine.ui.detail(I18n.t("vagrant.inserted_key")) @connection.close @connection = nil return ready? end # If we reached this point then we successfully connected true end def execute(command, opts=nil, &block) opts = { error_check: true, error_class: Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError, error_key: :ssh_bad_exit_status, good_exit: 0, command: command, shell: nil, sudo: false, force_raw: false }.merge(opts || {}) opts[:good_exit] = Array(opts[:good_exit]) # Connect via SSH and execute the command in the shell. stdout = "" stderr = "" exit_status = connect do |connection| shell_opts = { sudo: opts[:sudo], shell: opts[:shell], force_raw: opts[:force_raw] } shell_execute(connection, command, **shell_opts) do |type, data| if type == :stdout stdout += data elsif type == :stderr stderr += data end, data) if block end end # Check for any errors if opts[:error_check] && !opts[:good_exit].include?(exit_status) # The error classes expect the translation key to be _key, # but that makes for an ugly configuration parameter, so we # set it here from `error_key` error_opts = opts.merge( _key: opts[:error_key], stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr ) raise opts[:error_class], error_opts end # Return the exit status exit_status end def sudo(command, opts=nil, &block) # Run `execute` but with the `sudo` option. opts = { sudo: true }.merge(opts || {}) execute(command, opts, &block) end def download(from, to=nil) @logger.debug("Downloading: #{from} to #{to}") scp_connect do |scp|!(from, to) end end def test(command, opts=nil) opts = { error_check: false }.merge(opts || {}) execute(command, opts) == 0 end def upload(from, to) @logger.debug("Uploading: #{from} to #{to}") if if from.end_with?(".") @logger.debug("Uploading directory contents of: #{from}") from = from.sub(/\.$/, "") else @logger.debug("Uploading full directory container of: #{from}") to = File.join(to, File.basename(File.expand_path(from))) end end scp_connect do |scp| uploader = lambda do |path, remote_dest=nil| if dest = File.join(to, path.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape(from)}/, "")) create_remote_directory(dest) do |entry| next if entry == "." || entry == ".." full_path = File.join(path, entry) create_remote_directory(dest), dest) end else if remote_dest dest = File.join(remote_dest, File.basename(path)) else dest = to if to.end_with?(File::SEPARATOR) dest = File.join(to, File.basename(path)) end end @logger.debug("Ensuring remote directory exists for destination upload") create_remote_directory(File.dirname(dest)) @logger.debug("Uploading file #{path} to remote #{dest}") upload_file =, "rb") begin scp.upload!(upload_file, dest) ensure upload_file.close end end end end rescue RuntimeError => e # Net::SCP raises a runtime error for this so the only way we have # to really catch this exception is to check the message to see if # it is something we care about. If it isn't, we re-raise. raise if e.message !~ /Permission denied/ # Otherwise, it is a permission denied, so let's raise a proper # exception raise Vagrant::Errors::SCPPermissionDenied, from: from.to_s, to: to.to_s end def reset! if @connection @connection.close @connection = nil end @ssh_info_notification = true # suppress ssh info output wait_for_ready(5) end def generate_environment_export(env_key, env_value) template = machine_config_ssh.export_command_template template.sub("%ENV_KEY%", env_key).sub("%ENV_VALUE%", env_value) + "\n" end protected # Opens an SSH connection and yields it to a block. def connect(**opts) if @connection && !@connection.closed? # There is a chance that the socket is closed despite us checking # 'closed?' above. To test this we need to send data through the # socket. # # We wrap the check itself in a 5 second timeout because there # are some cases where this will just hang. begin Timeout.timeout(5) do @connection.exec!("") end rescue Exception => e"Connection errored, not re-using. Will reconnect.") @logger.debug(e.inspect) @connection = nil end # If the @connection is still around, then it is valid, # and we use it. if @connection @logger.debug("Re-using SSH connection.") return yield @connection if block_given? return end end # Get the SSH info for the machine, raise an exception if the # provider is saying that SSH is not ready. ssh_info = @machine.ssh_info raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHNotReady if ssh_info.nil? # Default some options opts[:retries] = 5 if !opts.key?(:retries) # Set some valid auth methods. We disable the auth methods that # we're not using if we don't have the right auth info. auth_methods = ["none", "hostbased"] auth_methods << "publickey" if ssh_info[:private_key_path] auth_methods << "password" if ssh_info[:password] # Build the options we'll use to initiate the connection via Net::SSH common_connect_opts = { auth_methods: auth_methods, config: false, forward_agent: ssh_info[:forward_agent], send_env: ssh_info[:forward_env], keys_only: ssh_info[:keys_only], verify_host_key: ssh_info[:verify_host_key], password: ssh_info[:password], port: ssh_info[:port], timeout: ssh_info[:connect_timeout], user_known_hosts_file: [], verbose: :debug } # Connect to SSH, giving it a few tries connection = nil begin timeout = 60"Attempting SSH connection...") connection = retryable(tries: opts[:retries], on: SSH_RETRY_EXCEPTIONS) do Timeout.timeout(timeout) do begin # This logger will get the Net-SSH log data for us. ssh_logger_io = ssh_logger = # Setup logging for connections connect_opts = common_connect_opts.dup connect_opts[:logger] = ssh_logger if ssh_info[:private_key_path] connect_opts[:keys] = ssh_info[:private_key_path] end if ssh_info[:proxy_command] connect_opts[:proxy] =[:proxy_command]) end if ssh_info[:config] connect_opts[:config] = ssh_info[:config] end if ssh_info[:remote_user] connect_opts[:remote_user] = ssh_info[:remote_user] end"Attempting to connect to SSH...")" - Host: #{ssh_info[:host]}")" - Port: #{ssh_info[:port]}")" - Username: #{ssh_info[:username]}")" - Password? #{!!ssh_info[:password]}")" - Key Path: #{ssh_info[:private_key_path]}") @logger.debug(" - connect_opts: #{connect_opts}") Net::SSH.start(ssh_info[:host], ssh_info[:username], connect_opts) ensure # Make sure we output the connection log @logger.debug("== Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==") @logger.debug(ssh_logger_io.string) @logger.debug("== Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==") end end end rescue Errno::EACCES # This happens on connect() for unknown reasons yet... raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHConnectEACCES rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Timeout::Error # This happens if we continued to timeout when attempting to connect. raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHConnectionTimeout rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed # This happens if authentication failed. We wrap the error in our # own exception. raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed rescue Net::SSH::Disconnect # This happens if the remote server unexpectedly closes the # connection. This is usually raised when SSH is running on the # other side but can't properly setup a connection. This is # usually a server-side issue. raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHDisconnected rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED # This is raised if we failed to connect the max amount of times raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHConnectionRefused rescue Errno::ECONNRESET # This is raised if we failed to connect the max number of times # due to an ECONNRESET. raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHConnectionReset rescue Errno::ECONNABORTED # This is raised if we failed to connect the max number of times # due to an ECONNABORTED raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHConnectionAborted rescue Errno::EHOSTDOWN # This is raised if we get an ICMP DestinationUnknown error. raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHHostDown rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ENETUNREACH # This is raised if we can't work out how to route traffic. raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHNoRoute rescue Net::SSH::Exception => e # This is an internal error in Net::SSH raise Vagrant::Errors::NetSSHException, message: e.message rescue NotImplementedError # This is raised if a private key type that Net-SSH doesn't support # is used. Show a nicer error. raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHKeyTypeNotSupported end @connection = connection @connection_ssh_info = ssh_info # Yield the connection that is ready to be used and # return the value of the block return yield connection if block_given? end # The shell wrapper command used in shell_execute defined by # the sudo and shell options. def shell_cmd(opts) sudo = opts[:sudo] shell = opts[:shell] # Determine the shell to execute. Prefer the explicitly passed in shell # over the default configured shell. If we are using `sudo` then we # need to wrap the shell in a `sudo` call. cmd = cmd = shell if shell cmd = machine_config_ssh.sudo_command.gsub("%c", cmd) if sudo cmd end # Executes the command on an SSH connection within a login shell. def shell_execute(connection, command, **opts) opts = { sudo: false, shell: nil }.merge(opts) sudo = opts[:sudo]"Execute: #{command} (sudo=#{sudo.inspect})") exit_status = nil # These variables are used to scrub PTY output if we're in a PTY pty = false pty_stdout = "" # Open the channel so we can execute or command channel = connection.open_channel do |ch| if machine_config_ssh.pty ch.request_pty do |ch2, success| pty = success && command != "" if success @logger.debug("pty obtained for connection") else @logger.warn("failed to obtain pty, will try to continue anyways") end end end marker_found = false data_buffer = '' stderr_marker_found = false stderr_data_buffer = '' ch.exec(shell_cmd(opts)) do |ch2, _| # Setup the channel callbacks so we can get data and exit status ch2.on_data do |ch3, data| # Filter out the clear screen command data = remove_ansi_escape_codes(data) if pty pty_stdout << data else if !marker_found data_buffer << data marker_index = data_buffer.index(CMD_GARBAGE_MARKER) if marker_index marker_found = true data_buffer.slice!(0, marker_index + CMD_GARBAGE_MARKER.size) data.replace(data_buffer) data_buffer = nil end end if block_given? && marker_found && !data.empty? yield :stdout, data end end end ch2.on_extended_data do |ch3, type, data| # Filter out the clear screen command data = remove_ansi_escape_codes(data) @logger.debug("stderr: #{data}") if !stderr_marker_found stderr_data_buffer << data marker_index = stderr_data_buffer.index(CMD_GARBAGE_MARKER) if marker_index stderr_marker_found = true stderr_data_buffer.slice!(0, marker_index + CMD_GARBAGE_MARKER.size) data.replace(stderr_data_buffer) stderr_data_buffer = nil end end if block_given? && stderr_marker_found && !data.empty? yield :stderr, data end end ch2.on_request("exit-status") do |ch3, data| exit_status = data.read_long @logger.debug("Exit status: #{exit_status}") # Close the channel, since after the exit status we're # probably done. This fixes up issues with hanging. ch.close end # Set the terminal ch2.send_data(generate_environment_export("TERM", "vt100")) # Set SSH_AUTH_SOCK if we are in sudo and forwarding agent. # This is to work around often misconfigured boxes where # the SSH_AUTH_SOCK env var is not preserved. if @connection_ssh_info[:forward_agent] && sudo auth_socket = "" execute("echo; printf $SSH_AUTH_SOCK") do |type, data| if type == :stdout auth_socket += data end end if auth_socket != "" # Make sure we only read the last line which should be # the $SSH_AUTH_SOCK env var we printed. auth_socket = auth_socket.split("\n").last.chomp end if auth_socket == "" @logger.warn("No SSH_AUTH_SOCK found despite forward_agent being set.") else"Setting SSH_AUTH_SOCK remotely: #{auth_socket}") ch2.send_data(generate_environment_export("SSH_AUTH_SOCK", auth_socket)) end end # Output the command. If we're using a pty we have to do # a little dance to make sure we get all the output properly # without the cruft added from pty mode. if pty data = "stty raw -echo\n" data += generate_environment_export("PS1", "") data += generate_environment_export("PS2", "") data += generate_environment_export("PROMPT_COMMAND", "") data += "printf #{PTY_DELIM_START}\n" data += "#{command}\n" data += "exitcode=$?\n" data += "printf #{PTY_DELIM_END}\n" data += "exit $exitcode\n" data = data.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') ch2.send_data(data) else ch2.send_data("printf '#{CMD_GARBAGE_MARKER}'\n(>&2 printf '#{CMD_GARBAGE_MARKER}')\n#{command}\n".force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')) # Remember to exit or this channel will hang open ch2.send_data("exit\n") end # Send eof to let server know we're done ch2.eof! end end begin keep_alive = nil if machine_config_ssh.keep_alive # Begin sending keep-alive packets while we wait for the script # to complete. This avoids connections closing on long-running # scripts. keep_alive = do loop do sleep 5 @logger.debug("Sending SSH keep-alive...") connection.send_global_request("") end end end # Wait for the channel to complete begin channel.wait rescue Errno::ECONNRESET, IOError "SSH connection unexpected closed. Assuming reboot or something.") exit_status = 0 pty = false rescue Net::SSH::ChannelOpenFailed raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHChannelOpenFail rescue Net::SSH::Disconnect raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHDisconnected end ensure # Kill the keep-alive thread keep_alive.kill if keep_alive end # If we're in a PTY, we now finally parse the output if pty @logger.debug("PTY stdout: #{pty_stdout}") if !pty_stdout.include?(PTY_DELIM_START) || !pty_stdout.include?(PTY_DELIM_END) @logger.error("PTY stdout doesn't include delims") raise end data = pty_stdout[/.*#{PTY_DELIM_START}(.*?)#{PTY_DELIM_END}/m, 1] data ||= "" @logger.debug("PTY stdout parsed: #{data}") yield :stdout, data if block_given? end if !exit_status @logger.debug("Exit status: #{exit_status.inspect}") raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHNoExitStatus end # Return the final exit status return exit_status end # Opens an SCP connection and yields it so that you can download # and upload files. def scp_connect # Connect to SCP and yield the SCP object connect do |connection| scp = return yield scp end rescue Net::SCP::Error => e # If we get the exit code of 127, then this means SCP is unavailable. raise Vagrant::Errors::SCPUnavailable if e.message =~ /\(127\)/ # Otherwise, just raise the error up raise end # This will test whether path is the Vagrant insecure private key. # # @param [String] path def insecure_key?(path) return false if !path return false if !File.file?(path) source_path = Vagrant.source_root.join("keys", "vagrant") return == end def create_remote_directory(dir) execute("mkdir -p \"#{dir}\"") end def machine_config_ssh @machine.config.ssh end end end end