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E active_record6Eblock in
E*Set the environment value for the databaseǣ7 Eblock (2 levels) in
89:Eblock (3 levels) in
;ECreates the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV (use db:create:all to create all databases in the config). Without RAILS_ENV or when RAILS_ENV is development, it defaults to creating the development and test databases.ǣ <ǣ EDrops the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV (use db:drop:all to drop all databases in the config). Without RAILS_ENV or when RAILS_ENV is development, it defaults to dropping the development and test databases.ǣ E drop:_unsafeǣ  ǣ ǣ EEMigrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog).E_dump=ȣ>?@AEunknown schema format E schema:dumpEstructure:dumpEVERSIONEEmpty VERSION providedE migrate:downE migrate:upErollbackEmigrateEdb:dropE db:createE db:migrateEVERSION is requiredBE?VERSION is required - To go down one migration, use db:rollbackCEDisplay status of migrationsE+Schema migrations table does not exist yet.E database: DE EStatusE E Migration IDE Migration NameE-eEblock (4 levels) in
EFEHRolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STEP=n).ESTEPEdb:setupE$rescue in block (2 levels) in
EOSorry, your database adapter is not supported yet. Feel free to submit a patch.E+Retrieves the current schema version numberECurrent version: E You have E pending E migrations:E migration:E %4d %sE>Run `rails db:migrate` to update your database then try again.EyCreates the database, loads the schema, and initializes with the seed data (use db:reset to also drop the database first)Edb:schema:load_if_rubyEdb:structure:load_if_sqlGE$Loads the seed data from db/seeds.rbEabort_if_pending_migrationsHELoads fixtures into the current environment's database. Load specific fixtures using FIXTURES=x,y. Load from subdirectory in test/fixtures using FIXTURES_DIR=z. Specify an alternative path (eg. spec/fixtures) using FIXTURES_PATH=spec/fixtures.Eactive_record/fixturesE FIXTURES_DIREFIXTURESE,E /**/*.ymlELABELEIDELABEL or ID requiredEThe fixture ID for "E" is E.Eblock (5 levels) in
E: E (E)IEVCreates a db/schema.rb file that is portable against any DB supported by Active RecordEactive_record/schema_dumperESCHEMAE schema.rbEw:utf-8E(Loads a schema.rb file into the databaseǣ E schema:loadJE#Creates a db/schema_cache.yml file.Eschema_cache.ymlE"Clears a db/schema_cache.yml file.K LMNEfDumps the database structure to db/structure.sql. Specify another file with SCHEMA=db/my_structure.sqlE structure.sqlEaE E3Recreates the databases from the structure.sql fileǣ Estructure:loadOPE db:test:purgeȣQREtest:load_schemaEtest:load_structureEtestE$ensure in block (3 levels) in
E load_configEcheck_protected_environmentsE test:loadSTUVWXY/Z[EFROM\(E db/migrateENOTE: Migration E from E? has been skipped. Migration with the same name already exists.ECopied migration 01]E ActiveRecordEInternalMetadataEBaseE create_tableE connectionEmigration_contextEcurrent_environmentE[]=ETasksE DatabaseTasksEcheck_protected_environments!EMigratorEdatabase_configurationEconfigurations=Emigrations_pathsEmigrations_paths=E create_allEtaskEcreate_currentEdrop_allE[]EinvokeE drop_currentE purge_allE purge_currentEmigrateEdump_schema_after_migrationE schema_formatEto_sEraiseEreenableEENVEempty?E!Echeck_target_versionEtarget_versionErunESchemaMigrationEstatusEversionEnameEcenterEljustEputsE table_exists?EabortEconnection_configE*Emigrations_statusEeachEdescEstepEto_iErollbackEforwardEcharset_currentE NoMethodErrorE$stderrE#$!Ecollation_currentEcurrent_versionEpending_migrationE%Epending_migrationsEopenEany?EsizeE>E load_seedEFileEDirEfE+E FixtureSetEbase_dirE fixtures_dirE fixture_filesErequireE fixtures_pathEjoinEsplitEmapEcreate_fixturesEYAMLEERBEIOEkeyEkey_idEidentifyE==EfileEdataEreadEnewEresultEloadEeach_keyElabelEidEblank?E SchemaDumperEdumpEfilenameEdb_dirEload_schema_currentEconnEdump_schema_cacheErm_fE namespaceEdump_schema_informationEprintEcurrent_configEstructure_dumpESchemaEshould_reconnectEconfigurationsEenvEestablish_connectionEconnection_poolEactive_connection?Everbose=E load_schemaEpurgeEcore#hash_from_aryERailsErailtieEpathE railtie_nameEinclude?E respond_to?EpathsEfirstEProcE migrationEbasenameE MigrationEto_loadErailtiesEon_skipEon_copyE applicationEmigration_railtiesEcopyE db_namespaceEdbEenvironment:setE environmentE load_configEcreateEallEdropE_dumpcErubyEsqlEupEdownEdatabaseEredoEresetEseedEfixturesEschemaEcacheEverboseEclearE load_if_rubyE structureE load_if_sqlEtest#;Eload_structureEprepareEcheck_protected_environmentsEcharsetE collationEabort_if_pending_migrationsEsetupEinstallEdb:load_configEstripE migrations *Ft$4Pp!:Fr~Ff8D1=Smy.:FR}:XtS}(/Yy*Rk}:Vu*6BNZ f -Tl(4@LXdp|*D $ < \ z      H d      0 R n       F g       " D [ ~      7Pu+Fi)>d| "7Uq6Yq1I`z/Ke)Bd%Hn4Tp/Jf/Rq "9Og6OoHc