= Rubu {Rubu} (Re-Usable Build Utility) is a library for building programs. {Rubu} is in practice a replacement for Make and Rake type of tools. {Rubu} is targeted to provide means for creating flexible build environments. Make and Rake are rule and recipe based, and they are very effective when the build process can be captured to these rules and is fairly fixed. {Rubu} includes declarations which correspond to rules, but the declarations are lower level and provide more control over the behavior. {Rubu} also provides direct control over when the rules are executed. Make and Rake are more compact for the simplest build environments, but there is a break-even point where {Rubu} becomes more convenient. This is likely to happen when the user needs many exceptions to basic rules, also when other tasks than just build tasks are needed. {Rubu} library can be used from any Ruby program, since it is just a library. It can also be part of a larger program as less significant part of the overall functionality. From maintenance point of view this can be a win in many cases. The easiest way to get started with {Rubu} is to study examples (See: "Example" chapter below). However for longer term the main concepts are important as well (See: "Concepts" chapter below). == Example Example of {Rubu} build program is placed in: example/bin/rubu_example It builds a "hello world" type program which is split into two C source files. The main file is hand written and the other file is generated with a script. File generation is part of the build program. Different execution variations of the build program is captured in: example/runme Please see example executions within the script and run the script in the "example" directory: cd example runme Also take a look into the build program itself: cat example/bin/rubu_example There are comments which highlight purpose of the build program content. Sometimes it is useful to run {Rubu} automatically whenever a file changes. Linux provides a facility called *inotify*, which can be used in Ruby through "rb-inotify" gem. Automatic update example program is in: example/up-to-date This program runs {Rubu} each time there is a change in "src" or in "bin" directory. It compiles and generates C files if necessary. If there are new compilation requirements coming, before all previous have been completed, it will continue compilation. When all compilations are done (i.e. none pending), it will call {Rubu} to perform linking. "up-to-date" displays status messages in red and green on the screen. If it is started with "-v" option the compile commands are visible, and if it is started with "-d" option, there is extra delay in compilation command. cd example up-to-date -v -d This is useful if you want to play around with the pending compilation processes when new changes are coming in. You can make (dummy) changes to "hello_world.c" (for example), and follow the updates in the terminal where you started "up-to-date". == Concepts {Rubu} Build Program, RBP, is a Ruby program that uses the {Rubu} library. Typically command line options are accepted to give options for the build process. Build programs are about collecting source files and transforming them into targets. This process is explicit in {Rubu}. Each file, whether it's source or target, is collected within the {Rubu} build program. The files are converted into *Mark* objects. Basically *Mark* corresponds to a file, but it includes methods that make the build process convenient. *Step* is build action that transforms source file(s) to target file(s). For example, a C source file compilation is a *Step* where one source file is converted to a corresponding object file. *Step* is given source *Mark* and target *Mark* as arguments. Hence this type of *Step* a is one-to-one mapping. Linking multiple objects to an executable is a many-to-one mapping. This is performed by a *Step* where there are multiple sources and one target, i.e. objects and the executable respectively. *Step* class (or object) has "step" method which includes the *Move* that is needed to create the target. *Move* is either a Shell or a Ruby command. *Move* is executed only if necessary. Typically the *Step* is sensitive to source being newer that the target, just as with Make and Rake. However, it is possible to have a *Step* that is sensitive to file content, for example. Timestamp might change, but if the content is the same as previously, no *Move* is made. *Step* is typically a simple command. In some cases *Step* can include multiple *Moves*. These can be performed in sequence or in parallel, with a multicore CPU. *Trail* is a collection of *Steps*. *Trail* has a name, and it can be references by another *Trail*. *Trail* can be sequential or parallel. For example, C source to object compilation can be done in parallel, but linking of objects to executable must occur after all objects have been created. {Rubu} Build Program includes all of the above, and the last step is to select which *Trail* is executed. There should be at least "default" *Trail*, and typically there is also a "clean" *Trail*. {Rubu} supports the configuration spaces: *Order*, *Var*, and *Info*. *Order* is meant to be used for controlling {Rubu} itself. For example if user wants to see all executed command, then "verbose" option should be selected. *Var* is used to control how *Steps* behave and also details of *Move* internals. *Info* is meant for runtime generated information. The division is semantic and user might choose to combine everything to *Var* space, for example. To summarize and highlight the relationships between concepts, see the diagram below: RBP => Trial+ => Step+ [s/p] => Move+ [s/p] => Source*, Target* => Order+ => Var* => Info* * = Zero or more + = One or more s = Serial p = Parallel RBP includes *Trials*, *Orders*, and possibly *Vars* and *Infos*. *Trial* includes one or more *Steps*, which can be executed in sequence or in parallel. *Step* includes one or more *Moves*, and they can also be sequential or parallel. *Move* has typically at least one *Source* and at least one *Target*. However, there are exceptions as well. The suggested ordering within {Rubu} Build Program is: [configuration] Process command line arguments and assign options that are used to control the build process. [file collection] Collect source and target files either using Ruby with glob pattern, direct references, or through manifest files. Convert file names to *Mark* objects. [step definition] Define *Steps*. Inherit one of the *Step* types (classes) and define at least the "step" method. [trail definition] Define *Trails*. Create all possible flows that user wants to execute. Use hierarchy for your benefit in order to make RBP maintenance as light as possible. [trail selection] Find the selected *Trail* or *Trails* and execute. == Configuration *Order* space default are set by the {Rubu} library and user can override the default based on command line parameters if needed. Set default values for *Var* space. After default setting, override the defaults with possible control from command line arguments. Finally setup *Trails* by calling: Trail.setup == File collection If the build environment has clear and clean directory structure, it is typically easiest to collect files programmatically. For example, to get all C source files: cee_files = Mark.glob( "#{Var[:source_dir]}/*.c" ) This creates a list of *Mark* objects which are source files. The corresponding object files can be created with "peer" method: obj_files = cee_files.peer( Var[ :build_dir ], '.o' ) This method invocation takes an Array of *Mark* objects and calls "peer" method for them. "peer" method changes the directory and extension, and returns a new *Mark* object. In some cases also the "basename" of the file is changed. This is achieved by giving the "peer" method a third argument specifying the new "basename". == Step definition *Step* is defined by inheriting of the {Rubu} *Step* classes and defining the custom "step" method. If a specific setup for the *Step* is required, then an additional "setup" method can be defined as well. class CleanUp < StepAlways def step shrun "rm -f #{Var[ :build_dir ]}/*.o" end end "setup" method is typically used to change the command according to user configuration. "step" method is the action for *Step*. {Rubu} executes it, if necessary. For example, if *Step* is a *StepAged* class, then the "step" method is only called if the source *Mark* is newer than the target *Mark*. "step" method may include only one command or a set of commands. If one command is needed, it can be simply executed: def step shrun "rm -f #{Var[ :build_dir ]}/*.o" end If there are multiple commands, then the commands can be grouped for sequential ("walk") or parallel execution ("fork"). def step fork do shuse "rm -f #{Info[ :gen_files ].rpath}" shuse "rm -f #{Var[ :build_dir ]}/*.o" end end Note that the commands are defined with "shuse". The logic is that we don't execute the commands right away as in "shrun". Instead we just register the commands to the group. When the group definition is closed ("end" keyword), it is complete, and we execute it either sequentially or in parallel. == Trail definition *Trail* is a collection of *Steps* or other *Trails*, or a mix of both. For example, in order to compile a set of C source files to object files, we might define: Fork.form 'compile-cee' do GccCompileFile.usezip( cee_files, obj_files ) end This creates a parallel ("Fork") *Trail* called "compile-cee". Collection of *Steps* is created with "usezip" method. "usezip" performs two operations: it creates a zip type mix of "cee_files" and "obj_files". The "zip" method of Ruby Array is used. "zip" creates an Array of *Mark* pairs. Each pair is passed to a "GccCompileFile" *Step* object. Finally we have a collection of *Steps* which are executed in parallel when "compile-cee" is invoked. Here the defined *Trail* from above is referenced in order to create a *Trail* for the complete compile flow: Walk.form 'default' do pick 'compile-cee' GccLinkExe.use( obj_files, exe_file ) end This *Trail* definition defines that we want to first execute "compile-cee" and then a *Step* which will create an executable from object file collection. "GccLinkExe" *Step* is called with "use" method, which will register the *Step* to the enclosing *Trail*, "default". == Trail selection The final stage in RBP execution is to use command line control for selecting the executed *Trails* and then execute them. The above definition (from previous section) is executed with: Trail.run( 'default' ) == Final notes {Rubu} treats single *Mark* objects and Array of *Mark* objects the "same" way. In practice this means that the most common methods for *Mark* objects are implemented for Array as well. Hence, you can call a *Mark* method for an Array, and they will actually be applied for each individual *Mark* in the collection. *Step* has sources and targets. Even if a step has only one source and one target, the actual container is an Array. If you want to refer to the source, i.e. the only existing source, you can use the "source" method. Same applies to targets (i.e. use the "target" method). == Testing For this version, example is the testcase.