# The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2016 Sylvain Daubert # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. require 'json' require 'base64' require_relative 'loggable' module LetsCert # Input/output plugin # @author Sylvain Daubert class IOPlugin include Loggable # Plugin name # @return [String] attr_reader :name # Allowed plugin names ALLOWED_PLUGINS = %w(account_key.json cert.der cert.pem chain.pem full.pem) + %w(fullchain.pem key.der key.pem) # Registered plugins @@registered = {} # Get empty data # @return [Hash] +{ account_key: nil, key: nil, cert: nil, chain: nil }+ def self.empty_data { account_key: nil, key: nil, cert: nil, chain: nil } end # Register a plugin # @param [Class] klass # @param [Array] args args to pass to +klass+ constructor # @return [IOPlugin] def self.register(klass, *args) plugin = klass.new(*args) if plugin.name =~ /[\/\\]/ or ['.', '..'].include?(plugin.name) raise Error, "plugin name should just be a file name, without path" end @@registered[plugin.name] = plugin klass end # Get registered plugins # @return [Hash] keys are filenames and keys are instances of IOPlugin subclasses. def self.registered @@registered end # @param [String] name def initialize(name) @name = name end # @abstract This method must be overriden in subclasses def load raise NotImplementedError end # @abstract This method must be overriden in subclasses def save raise NotImplementedError end end # Mixin for IOPmugin subclasses that handle files # @author Sylvain Daubert module FileIOPluginMixin # Load data from file named {#name} # @return [Hash] def load logger.debug { "Loading #@name" } begin content = File.read(@name) rescue SystemCallError => ex if ex.is_a? Errno::ENOENT logger.info { "no #@name file" } return self.class.empty_data end raise end load_from_content(content) end # @abstract # @return [Hash] def load_from_content(content) raise NotImplementedError end # Save data to file {#name} # @param [Hash] data # @return [void] def save_to_file(data) return if data.nil? logger.info { "saving #@name" } begin File.open(name, 'w') do |f| f.write(data) end rescue Errno => ex @logger.error { ex.message } raise Error, "Error when saving #@name" end end end # Mixin for IOPlugin subclasses that handle JWK # @author Sylvain Daubert module JWKIOPluginMixin # Load crypto data from JSON-encoded file # @param [String] data JSON-encoded data # @return [Hash] def load_jwk(data) return nil if data.empty? hsh = JSON.parse(data) key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new key.n = OpenSSL::BN.new(Base64.strict_decode64(hsh['n'])) key.e = OpenSSL::BN.new(Base64.strict_decode64(hsh['e'])) key.d = OpenSSL::BN.new(Base64.strict_decode64(hsh['e'])) key.p = OpenSSL::BN.new(Base64.strict_decode64(hsh['p'])) key.q = OpenSSL::BN.new(Base64.strict_decode64(hsh['q'])) key.dmp1 = OpenSSL::BN.new(Base64.strict_decode64(hsh['dp'])) key.dmq1 = OpenSSL::BN.new(Base64.strict_decode64(hsh['dq'])) key.iqmp = OpenSSL::BN.new(Base64.strict_decode64(hsh['qi'])) key end # Dump crypto data (key) to a JSON-encoded string # @param [OpenSSL::PKey] jwk # @return [String] def dump_jwk(jwk) hsh = jwk.params # Add and rename some fields to be compatible with simp_le hsh['kty'] = 'RSA' hsh['qi'] = hsh['iqmp'].dup hsh['dp'] = hsh['dmp1'].dup hsh['dq'] = hsh['dmq1'].dup hsh.delete('iqmp') hsh.delete('dmpl') hsh.delete('dmql') hsh.rehash hsh.each_key do |key| if hsh[key].is_a?(OpenSSL::BN) hsh[key] = Base64.strict_encode64(hsh[key].to_s) end end hsh.to_json end end # Account key IO plugin # @author Sylvain Daubert class AccountKey < IOPlugin include FileIOPluginMixin include JWKIOPluginMixin # @return [Hash] always get +true+ for +:account_key+ key def persisted { account_key: true } end # @return [Hash] def load_from_content(content) { account_key: load_jwk(content) } end # Save account key. # @param [Hash] data # @return [void] def save(data) save_to_file(dump_jwk(data[:account_key])) end end IOPlugin.register(AccountKey, 'account_key.json') # OpenSSL IOPlugin # @author Sylvain Daubert class OpenSSLIOPlugin < IOPlugin # @private Regular expression to discriminate PEM PEM_RE = / ^-----BEGIN ((?:[\x21-\x2c\x2e-\x7e](?:[- ]?[\x21-\x2c\x2e-\x7e])*)?)\s*-----$ .*? ^-----END \1-----\s* /x # @param [String] name filename # @param [:pem,:der] type def initialize(name, type) case type when :pem when :der else raise ArgumentError, "type should be :pem or :der" end @type = type super(name) end # Load key from raw +data+ # @param [String] data # @return [OpenSSL::PKey] def load_key(data) OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new data end # Dump key/cert data # @param [OpenSSL::PKey] key # @return [String] def dump_key(key) case @type when :pem key.to_pem when :der key.to_der end end alias :dump_cert :dump_key # Load certificate from raw +data+ # @param [String] data # @return [OpenSSL::X509::Certificate] def load_cert(data) OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new data end private # Split concatenated PEMs. # @param [String] data # @yield [String] pem def split_pems(data) m = data.match(PEM_RE) while (m) do yield m[0] m = [data[m.end(0)..-1]].match(PEM_RE) end end end # Key file plugin # @author Sylvain Daubert class KeyFile < OpenSSLIOPlugin include FileIOPluginMixin # @return [Hash] always get +true+ for +:key+ key def persisted @persisted ||= { key: true } end # @return [Hash] def load_from_content(content) { key: load_key(content) } end # Save private key. # @param [Hash] data # @return [void] def save(data) save_to_file(dump_key(data[:key])) end end IOPlugin.register(KeyFile, 'key.pem', :pem) IOPlugin.register(KeyFile, 'key.der', :der) # Chain file plugin # @author Sylvain Daubert class ChainFile < OpenSSLIOPlugin include FileIOPluginMixin # @return [Hash] always get +true+ for +:chain+ key def persisted @persisted ||= { chain: true } end # @return [Hash] def load_from_content(content) chain = [] split_pems(content) do |pem| chain << load_cert(pem) end { chain: chain } end # Save chain. # @param [Hash] data # @return [void] def save(data) save_to_file(data[:chain].map { |c| dump_cert(c) }.join) end end IOPlugin.register(ChainFile, 'chain.pem', :pem) # Fullchain file plugin # @author Sylvain Daubert class FullChainFile < ChainFile # @return [Hash] always get +true+ for +:cert+ and +:chain+ keys def persisted @persisted ||= { cert: true, chain: true } end # Load full certificate chain # @return [Hash] def load data = super if data[:chain].nil? or data[:chain].empty? cert, chain = nil, nil else cert, chain = data[:chain] end { account_key: data[:account_key], key: data[:key], cert: cert, chain: chain } end # Save fullchain. # @param [Hash] data # @return [void] def save(data) super(account_key: data[:account_key], key: data[:key], cert: nil, chain: [data[:cert]] + data[:chain]) end end IOPlugin.register(FullChainFile, 'fullchain.pem', :pem) # Cert file plugin # @author Sylvain Daubert class CertFile < OpenSSLIOPlugin include FileIOPluginMixin # @return [Hash] always get +true+ for +:cert+ key def persisted @persisted ||= { cert: true } end # @return [Hash] def load_from_content(content) { cert: load_cert(content) } end # Save certificate. # @param [Hash] data # @return [void] def save(data) save_to_file(dump_cert(data[:cert])) end end IOPlugin.register(CertFile, 'cert.pem', :pem) IOPlugin.register(CertFile, 'cert.der', :der) end