require 'httparty' require 'cgi' require 'fgraph/client' module FGraph include HTTParty base_uri '' format :json # Facebook Error class FacebookError < StandardError attr_reader :data def initialize(data) @data = data super("(#{data['type']}) #{data['message']}") end end class QueryParseError < FacebookError; end class GraphMethodError < FacebookError; end class OAuthError < FacebookError; end class OAuthAccessTokenError < OAuthError; end # Collection objects for Graph response with array data. # class Collection < Array attr_reader :next_url, :previous_url, :next_options, :previous_options # Initialize Facebook response object with 'data' array value. def initialize(response) return super unless response super(response['data']) paging = response['paging'] || {} self.next_url = paging['next'] self.previous_url = paging['previous'] end def next_url=(url) @next_url = url @next_options = self.url_options(url) end def previous_url=(url) @previous_url = url @previous_options = self.url_options(url) end def first? @previous_url.blank? and not @next_url.blank? end def next? not @next_url.blank? end def previous? not @previous_url.blank? end def url_options(url) return unless url uri = URI.parse(url) options = {} uri.query.split('&').each do |param_set| param_set = param_set.split('=') options[param_set[0]] = CGI.unescape(param_set[1]) end options end end class << self attr_accessor :config # Single object query. # # # Users: (Bret Taylor) # FGraph.object('btaylor') # # # Pages: (Coca-Cola page) # FGraph.object('cocacola') # # # Fields selection with metadata # FGraph.object('btaylor', :fields => 'id,name,picture', :metadata => 1) # # # Page photos # FGraph.object('/cocacola/photos') # photos = FGraph.object_photos('cocacola') # # # Support id from object hash # friend = { 'name' => 'Mark Zuckerberg', 'id' => '4'} # friend_details = FGraph.object(friend) def object(id, options={}) id = self.get_id(id) perform_get("/#{id}", options) end # call-seq: # FGraph.objects(id, id) # FGraph.objects(id, id, options_hash) # # Multiple objects query. # # # Multiple users select:,vernal # FGraph.objects('arjun', 'vernel') # # # Filter fields:,vernal&fields=id,name,picture # FGraph.objects('arjun', 'vernel', :fields => 'id,name,picture') # def objects(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} # If first input before option is an array if args.count == 1 and args.first.is_a?(Array) args = do |arg| self.get_id(arg) end end options = options.merge(:ids => args.join(',')) perform_get("/", options) end # call-seq: # #, options_hash) # # Returns current user object details. # # <tt>category</tt> - <tt>friends|home|feed|likes|movies|books|notes|photos|videos|events|groups</tt> # # # Current user: # => '...') # # # Current user's friends: #'friends', :access_token => '...') # FGraph.me_friends(:access_token => '...') # def me(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} category = args.shift path = "me" path += "/#{category}" unless category.blank? self.object(path, options) end # Request authorization from Facebok to fetch private data in the profile or permission to publish on a # user's behalf. Returns Oauth Authorization URL, redirect to this URL to allow user to authorize your # application from Facebook. # # <tt>client_id</tt> - Application ID # <tt>redirect_uri</tt> - Needs to begin with your app's Connect URL. For instance, if your Connect URL # is then your redirect URI could be # <tt>scope (optional)</tt> - # # ==== Options # * <tt>scope</tt> - Extended permission required to fetch private data or request permision to # publish to Facebook on a user's behalf. # * <tt>display</tt> - Other display type for authentication/authorization form, i.e. popup, touch. # # # # # client_id=...& # # redirect_uri= # # scope=publish_stream # # FGraph.oauth_authorize_url('[client id]', '', :scope => # 'publish_stream') # def oauth_authorize_url(client_id, redirect_uri, options={}) self.format_url('/oauth/authorize', { :client_id => client_id, :redirect_uri => redirect_uri }.merge(options)) end # Return OAuth access_token. There are two types of access token, user access token and application # access token. # # User access_token requires <tt>code</tt> and and <tt>redirect_uri</tt> options. <tt>code</tt> is # the autorization code appended as query string to redirect URI when accessing oauth authorization URL. # # # # # client_id=...& # # client_secret=...& # # redirect_uri= # # code=... # FGraph.oauth_access_token('[client id]', '[client secret]', # :redirect_uri => ''', # :code => '[authorization code]') # # Application access token requires <tt>:type => 'client_cred'</td> option. Used to access application # insights data. # # # # # client_id=...& # # client_secret=...& # # type=client_cred # FGraph.oauth_access_token('[client id]', '[client secret]', :type => 'client_cred') # def oauth_access_token(client_id, client_secret, options={}) url = self.format_url('/oauth/access_token', { :client_id => client_id, :client_secret => client_secret }.merge(options || {})) response = self.perform_get(url) response_hash = {} response.split('&').each do |value| value_pair = value.split('=') response_hash[value_pair[0]] = value_pair[1] end response_hash end # Shortcut to retrieve application access token. def oauth_app_access_token(client_id, client_secret) self.oauth_access_token(client_id, client_secret, :type => 'client_cred') end # Publish to Facebook, you would need to be authorized and provide access token. # # # Post to user's feed. # # curl -F 'access_token=...' \ # # -F 'message=Hello, Arjun. I like this new API.' \ # # # FGraph.publish('arjun/feed', :message => 'Hello, Arjun. I like this new API.', # :access_token => '...') # FGraph.publish_feed('arjun', :message => '...', :access_token => '...') # FGraph.publish_feed('me', ':message => '...', :access_token => '...') # # ==== Options # # Method Description Options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /PROFILE_ID/feed write to the given profile's feed/wall :message, :picture, # :link, :name, description # /POST_ID/comments comment on the given post :message # /POST_ID/likes like the given post none # /PROFILE_ID/notes write a note on the given profile :message, :subject # /PROFILE_ID/links write a link on the given profile :link, :message # /EVENT_ID/attending attend the given event none # /EVENT_ID/maybe maybe attend the given event none # /EVENT_ID/declined decline the given event none # def publish(id, options={}) id = self.get_id(id) self.perform_post("/#{id}", options) end # Delete objects in the graph. # # # DELETE HTTP/1.1 # # FGraph.remove('[ID]') # FGraph.remove('[ID]/likes') # FGraph.remove_likes('[ID]') # def remove(id, options={}) id = self.get_id(id) self.perform_delete("/#{id}", options) end # Search over all public objects in the social graph. # # # #'watermelon', :type => 'post') # FGraph.search_post('watermelon') # # ==== Options # * <tt>type</tt> - <tt>album|event|group|link|note|page|photo|post|status|user|video</tt> # * <tt>limit</tt> - max no of records # * <tt>offset</tt> - offset # * <tt>until</tt> - since (a unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime, e.g. yesterday) def search(query, options={}) self.perform_get("/search", { :q => query }.merge(options|| {})) end # Download insights data for your application. # # #[client_id]/insights?access_token=... # FGraph.insights('[client_id]', '[app_access_token]') # # #[client_id]/insights/application_api_call/day?access_token=... # FGraph.insights('[client_id]', '[app_access_token]', :metric_path => 'application_api_call/day') # # ==== Options # * <tt>metric_path</tt> - e.g. application_api_calls/day # * <tt>since</tt> - since (a unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime, e.g. yesterday) # * <tt>until</tt> - until (a unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime, e.g. yesterday) def insights(client_id, app_access_token, options={}) metric_path = options.delete(:metric_path) path = "/#{client_id}/insights" path += "/#{metric_path}" if metric_path self.perform_get(path, { :access_token => app_access_token }.merge(options || {})) end def perform_get(uri, options = {}) handle_response(get(uri, {:query => options})) end def perform_post(uri, options = {}) handle_response(post(uri, {:body => options})) end def perform_delete(uri, options = {}) handle_response(delete(uri, {:body => options})) end def handle_response(response) unless response['error'] return if response['data'] response else case response['error']['type'] when 'QueryParseException' raise QueryParseError, response['error'] when 'GraphMethodException' raise GraphMethodError, response['error'] when 'OAuthException' raise OAuthError, response['error'] when 'OAuthAccessTokenException' raise OAuthAccessTokenError, response['error'] else raise FacebookError, response['error'] end end end def format_url(path, options={}) url = self.base_uri.dup url << path unless options.blank? url << "?" option_count = 0 stringified_options = {} options.each do |key, value| stringified_options[key.to_s] = value end options = stringified_options options.each do |option| next if option[1].blank? url << "&" if option_count > 0 url << "#{option[0]}=#{CGI.escape(option[1].to_s)}" option_count += 1 end end url end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) names = name.to_s.split('_') super unless names.length > 1 case names.shift when 'object' # object_photos self.object("#{args[0]}/#{names[0]}", args[1]) when 'me' # me_photos[0], args[0]) when 'publish' # publish_feed(id) self.publish("#{args[0]}/#{names[0]}", args[1]) when 'remove' # remove_feed(id) self.remove("#{args[0]}/#{names[0]}", args[1]) when 'search' # search_user(query) options = args[1] || {} options[:type] = names[0][0], options) else super end end # Return ID['id'] if ID is a hash object # def get_id(id) return unless id id = id['id'] if id.is_a?(Hash) id end end end