require 'spec_helper' # describe 'sed examples' do include FixturesHelper include ProcessHelper context "centering lines" do it "centers" do lines = %w{john paul george} + [' ringo '] out = run(lines, '') out.should == " john \n paul \n george \n ringo " end end context "increment a number" do it "increments" do lines = ('5'..'10').to_a out = run(lines, '(each_line.to_i+1)') out.should == ('6'..'11').to_a.join("\n") end end context "reverse characters of lines" do it "reverses" do lines = %w{john paul george ringo} out = run(lines, 'each_line.reverse') out.should == "nhoj\nluap\negroeg\nognir" end end context "numbering lines" do it "numbers" do lines = %w{john paul george ringo} out = run(lines, 'map.with_index { |line, index| "#{(index+1).to_s.rjust(6)} #{line}" }') out.should == " 1 john\n 2 paul\n 3 george\n 4 ringo" end end context "counting lines" do it "counts" do lines = %w{john paul george ringo} out = run(lines, 'length') out.should == "4" end end context "printing the first lines" do it "prints" do lines = %w{john paul george ringo} out = run(lines, '[0,2]') out.should == "john\npaul" end end context "printing the last lines" do it "prints" do lines = %w{john paul george ringo} out = run(lines, '[2..-1]') out.should == "george\nringo" end end context "make duplicate lines unique" do it "dedupes" do lines = %w{john john paul george george george ringo} out = run(lines, 'uniq') out.should == "john\npaul\ngeorge\nringo" end end context "print duplicated lines of input" do it "prints" do lines = %w{john john paul george george george ringo} out = run(lines, 'select { |line| self.count(line) > 1 }') out.should == "john\njohn\ngeorge\ngeorge\ngeorge" end end context "remove all duplicated lines" do it "removes" do lines = %w{john john paul george george george ringo} out = run(lines, 'select { |line| self.count(line) == 1 }') out.should == "paul\nringo" end end context "squeezing blank lines" do it "squeezes" do lines = "john\n\npaul\ngeorge\n\n\nringo" out = run(lines, 'to_s.squeeze("\n")') out.should == "john\npaul\ngeorge\nringo" end end end