module KalturaFu module Entry ## # Class level methods for the Entry module. ## module ClassMethods #extend KalturaFu::Entry::Metadata ## # Allows you to upload some variety of media into Kaltura. # This isn't going to be as great to use as one of their flash widgets, and # should likely be used "off" the web process to not slow the application down. # # @param upload_object The object to upload. Currently, it only works with a File. # @param [Hash] options An options hash of Kaltura Media Entry attributes to add & the # upload_object source. # @option options [Symbol] :source(nil) Currently only accepts :file # # @return [String] Returns the Kaltura Media Entry's ID that was created. # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] It will force a Kaltura::APIError if something went terribly wrong. # # @todo Add the other upload types. ## def upload(upload_object,options={}) KalturaFu.check_for_client_session #options_for_media_entry = options.delete(:source) media_entry = construct_entry_from_options(options) upload_from_file(upload_object,media_entry) if options[:source] == :file end ## # @todo Build find. ## def find #pending end ## # @private ## def upload_from_file(upload_object,media_entry) upload_token = KalturaFu.client.media_service.upload(upload_object) KalturaFu.client.media_service.add_from_uploaded_file(media_entry,upload_token).id end ## # @private ## def construct_entry_from_options(options={}) media_entry = options.each do |key,value| media_entry.send("#{key}=",value) if valid_entry_attribute?(key) end media_entry.media_type = Kaltura::Constants::Media::Type::VIDEO if options[:media_type].nil? return media_entry end end #ClassMethods end #Entry end #KalturaFu