module Oauth::StripeAccounts::Base extend ActiveSupport::Concern # 🚅 add concerns above. included do belongs_to :user, optional: true # 🚅 add belongs_to associations above. has_many :webhooks_incoming_oauth_stripe_account_webhooks, class_name: "Webhooks::Incoming::Oauth::StripeAccountWebhook", foreign_key: "oauth_stripe_account_id" has_many :integrations_stripe_installations, class_name: "Integrations::StripeInstallation", foreign_key: "oauth_stripe_account_id" # 🚅 add has_many associations above. # 🚅 add has_one associations above. # 🚅 add scopes above. validates :uid, presence: true # 🚅 add validations above. # 🚅 add callbacks above. # 🚅 add delegations above. end def label_string name end # TODO You should update this with an implementation appropriate for the provider you're integrating with. # This must return _something_, otherwise new installations won't save. def name data.dig("info", "name").presence || "Stripe Account" rescue "Stripe Account" end def name_was name end def update_from_oauth(auth) self.uid = auth.uid = auth save end # 🚅 add methods above. end