= Overview Allows for comments to be easily added to different models. = License Copyright (c) 2009 Brooke Kuhlmann of {Berserk Technologies}[http://www.berserktech.com]. See the included LICENSE for more info. = History See the CHANGELOG file for more info. = Requirements 1. {Ruby on Rails}[http://rubyonrails.org]. = Installation Type the following from the command line to install: * *UNIX*: sudo gem install aeonscope-acts_as_commentable * *Windows*: gem install aeonscope-acts_as_commentable Update your environment.rb file to include the new gem: * config.gem "aeonscope-acts_as_commentable", :lib => "acts_as_commentable", :source => "http://gems.github.com" = Usage Assuming you have created Post and Comment migrations and models, for example, then you can modify your models as follows: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base # Behaviors acts_as_commentable end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base # Behaviors acts_as_comment end That's it, your done! As an added bonus, you can customize your comment behavior. For example, lets say you want your comment label to reflect your post label (assuming you have "label" columns for both your Post and Comment models). You could then specify the auto_label method to be called before you save a comment. Like so: class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base # Behaviors acts_as_comment # Callbacks before_save :auto_label end So if you created a post with a "My Awesome Post" label, then your comment label would end up as "RE: My Awesome Post" label in order to preserve comment context. What's that you say? You don't use "label" columns for your Post and Comment models? No problem, you can change the default behavior as follows: class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base # Behaviors acts_as_comment :commentable_label => "title", :comment_label => "title" # Callbacks before_save :auto_label end Now you are using "title" instead "label" columns. To be clear, the "commentable_label" defines the Post model setting, while the "comment_label" defines the Comment model setting. = Migrations Based on the Post and Comment models mentioned above, the following migration code might be of interest: # Post Migration class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :posts do |t| t.string :name t.string :label t.text :content t.string :visibility t.datetime :published_at t.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table :posts end end # Comment Migration class CreateComments < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :comments do |t| t.integer :commentable_id t.string :commentable_type t.string :label t.text :content t.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table :comments end end = Contact/Feedback/Issues * {Berserk Technologies}[http://www.berserktech.com] - Company web site. * Aeonscope[http://www.aeonscope.net] - Personal web site. * Twitter[http://www.twitter.com/Aeonscope] - Short bursts of insight and/or noise.