
To use this gem, add this line to your Gemfile

  gem 'trackerific'

and then run

  bundle install


  # Track a FedEx package:
  fedex = :account => '123456789', :meter => '123456789'
  tracking_info = fedex.track_package('183689015000001')
  # Track a USPS package:
  usps = :user_id => '123USERID4567'
  tracking_info = usps.track_package('EJ958083578US')
  # Track a UPS package:
  ups = :user_id => 'userid', :key => 'kQdEJwuHBjtQ7g2', :password => 'secret'
  tracking_info = ups.track_package('1Z12345E0291980793')

Tracking Results

The tracking results for all three providers are returned in a Hash in this format:

    :package_id => 'the package id being tracked',
    :summary => 'summary of the tracking results',
    :details => ['array containing each tracking status by date']

Here’s an example of how to print the tracking results out in a readable format:

  puts "Tracking information for package ID: %s" % tracking_info[:package_id]
  puts tracking_info[:summary]
  puts "  * %s" % tracking_info[:details].join("\n  * ")

The above code would yield something that looks like this:

  Tracking information for package ID: EJ958083578US
  Your item was delivered at 8:10 am on June 1 in Wilmington DE 19801.
    * May 30 11:07 am NOTICE LEFT WILMINGTON DE 19801.
    * May 30 10:08 am ARRIVAL AT UNIT WILMINGTON DE 19850.
    * May 29 9:55 am ACCEPT OR PICKUP EDGEWATER NJ 07020.

Finding a Tracking Service Provider

If you do not know the tracking service provider of a package id, you can use the tracking_service helper method to get a Trackerific class that most likely will be able to track the given package id.

  include Trackerific
  tracking_service "183689015000001"    # => Trackerific::FedEx
  tracking_service "1Z12345E0291980793" # => Trackerific::UPS
  tracking_service "EJ958083578US"      # => Trackerific::USPS
  tracking_service "unknown package id" # => nil

Exception handling:

Exception handling is esssential for tracking packages. If, for example, you enter the wrong number, or the tracking provider has yet to have added the tracking number to their system, a Trackerific::Error will be raised. Here’s an example on how to handle Trackerific::Errors:

  rescue Trackerific::Error => e
    puts e.message

Contributing to trackerific


or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet

and/or contributed it

future version unintentionally.

have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright © 2011 Travis Haynes. See LICENSE.txt for further details.