require_relative '../opal_rspec_spec_loader' module Opal module RSpec module MocksSpecLoader extend Opal::RSpec::OpalRSpecSpecLoader def self.expected_pending_count 11 end def self.base_dir 'spec/rspec/mocks' end def self.files_with_line_continue [] end def self.default_path 'rspec-mocks/spec' end def self.spec_glob %w{rspec-mocks/spec/**/*_spec.rb} end def self.stubbed_requires [ 'rubygems', 'rspec/support/spec/shell_out', # only does stuff Opal can't support anyways, 'spec', # we have our own version of this in spec_helper that's compatible 'simplecov', # hooks aren't available on Opal 'yaml', # not avail om opal yet 'psych', 'support/doubled_classes', # we have to create our own version of this due to eval in their code 'spec_helper' # we include our own spec helper that's opal compatible (spec_helper_opal) ] end def self.symbol_files [ /have_received_spec.rb/, /stubbed_message_expectations_spec.rb/, /stub_spec.rb/, /receive_spec.rb/, /hash_excluding_matcher_spec.rb/, /hash_including_matcher_spec.rb/, /\/double_spec.rb/, /argument_matchers_spec.rb/ ] end def self.symbols_replace_regexes [ /(expect.*description\)\.to eq)\((.*)\)/, /(expect.*description\)\.to eq) (.*)/, /(raise_error)\((%Q.*)\)/, /(raise_error)\((\/received (?!:two).*\/.*)\)/, /(raise_error\(RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError,) (.*\))/, /(fail_\w+)\((\/expected: \\\({\(:.*)\)/, # "expected: (hash_not_including(:a=>1))" /(fail_\w+) ("expected: \(hash.*)/, # fail_matching "expected: (duck_type(:abs, :div))" /(fail_\w+) ("expected: \(duck_type.*)/ ] end def self.symbol_do_not_replace_regexes # in these cases, the symbols do come in correctly in Opal [ # fails when args are expected but none are received 'raise_error(RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError, %q|Double "test double" received unexpected message :foobar with (no args)|)', # fails if unexpected method called 'raise_error(RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError, "Double \"test double\" received unexpected message :something with (\"a\", \"b\", \"c\")")' ].map { |r| } end def self.sub_in_files files = super symbols_in_expectations files end def self.additional_load_paths [ 'rspec-mocks/spec' # a few spec support files live outside of rspec-mocks/spec/rspec and live in support ] end end end end