3.1 add_hpwh 518cde6f-1806-4b9a-bee9-ccaac49c7a53 1f3ac405-6cec-400a-8a3c-f4af50cd425d 2024-11-16T23:41:37Z A374667A AddHpwh Add HPWH for Domestic Hot Water This measure adds or replaces existing domestic hot water heater with air source heat pump system and allows for the addition of multiple daily flexible control time windows. The heater/tank system may charge at maximum capacity up to an elevated temperature, or float without any heat addition for a specified timeframe down to a minimum tank temperature. This measure allows selection between three heat pump water heater modeling approaches in EnergyPlus.The user may select between the pumped-condenser or wrapped-condenser objects. They may also elect to use a simplified calculation which does not use the heat pump objects, but instead used an electric resistance heater and approximates the equivalent electrical input that would be required from a heat pump. This expedites simulation at the expense of accuracy. The flexibility of the system is based on user-defined temperatures and times, which are converted into schedule objects. There are four flexibility options. (1) None: normal operation of the DHW system at a fixed tank temperature setpoint. (2) Charge - Heat Pump: the tank is charged to a maximum temperature using only the heat pump. (3) Charge - Electric: the tank is charged using internal electric resistance heaters to a maximum temperature. (4) Float: all heating elements are turned-off for a user-defined time period unless the tank temperature falls below a minimum value. The heat pump will be prioritized in a low tank temperature event, with the electric resistance heaters serving as back-up. remove_wh Remove existing water heater? Boolean true false true true true false false wh Select 40+ gallon water heater to replace or augment All can only be used with the 'Simplified' model Choice true false All Water Heaters (Simplified Only) All Water Heaters (Simplified Only) All Water Heaters (Simplified Only) vol Set hot water tank volume [gal] Enter 0 to use existing tank volume(s). Values less than 5 are treated as sizing multipliers. Double gal false false 0 type Select heat pump water heater type Choice true false Simplified Simplified Simplified PumpedCondenser PumpedCondenser WrappedCondenser WrappedCondenser zone Select thermal zone for HP evaporator Does not apply to 'Simplified' cases Choice true false N/A - Simplified N/A - Simplified N/A - Simplified Error: No Thermal Zones Found Error: No Thermal Zones Found cap Set heat pump heating capacity [kW] Double true false 23.4 cop Set heat pump rated COP (heating) Double true false 3.2 bu_cap Set electric backup heating capacity [kW] Double true false 23.4 max_temp Set maximum tank temperature [F] Double true false 160 min_temp Set minimum tank temperature during float [F] Double true false 120 db_temp Set deadband temperature difference between heat pump and electric backup [F] Double true false 5 sched Select reference tank setpoint temperature schedule Choice true false --Create New @ 140F-- --Create New @ 140F-- --Create New @ 140F-- flex0 Daily Flex Period 1: Applies every day in the full run period. Choice true false None None None Charge - Heat Pump Charge - Heat Pump Charge - Electric Charge - Electric Float Float flex_hrs0 Use 24-Hour Format String false false HH:MM - HH:MM flex1 Daily Flex Period 2: Applies every day in the full run period. Choice true false None None None Charge - Heat Pump Charge - Heat Pump Charge - Electric Charge - Electric Float Float flex_hrs1 Use 24-Hour Format String false false HH:MM - HH:MM flex2 Daily Flex Period 3: Applies every day in the full run period. Choice true false None None None Charge - Heat Pump Charge - Heat Pump Charge - Electric Charge - Electric Float Float flex_hrs2 Use 24-Hour Format String false false HH:MM - HH:MM flex3 Daily Flex Period 4: Applies every day in the full run period. Choice true false None None None Charge - Heat Pump Charge - Heat Pump Charge - Electric Charge - Electric Float Float flex_hrs3 Use 24-Hour Format String false false HH:MM - HH:MM Service Water Heating.Water Heating Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string Intended Use Case Model Articulation string Intended Use Case New Construction EE string Intended Use Case Retrofit EE string LICENSE.md md license 8696A072 README.md md readme 5E6E20CF README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 Flexible Domestic Hot Water Implementation Guide.pdf pdf doc F610A0B3 OpenStudio 3.0.0 2.8.0 measure.rb rb script 7A066B5F SmallHotel-2A.osm osm test EB637B7E add_hpwh_test.rb rb test 78D321AB