# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true require 'json/canonicalization' module JSON::LD module Flatten include Utils ## # This algorithm creates a JSON object node map holding an indexed representation of the graphs and nodes represented in the passed expanded document. All nodes that are not uniquely identified by an IRI get assigned a (new) blank node identifier. The resulting node map will have a member for every graph in the document whose value is another object with a member for every node represented in the document. The default graph is stored under the @default member, all other graphs are stored under their graph name. # # For RDF-star/JSON-LD-star: # * Values of `@id` can be an object (embedded node); when these are used as keys in a Node Map, they are serialized as canonical JSON, and de-serialized when flattening. # * The presence of `@annotation` implies an embedded node and the annotation object is removed from the node/value object in which it appears. # # @param [Array, Hash] element # Expanded JSON-LD input # @param [Hash] graph_map A map of graph name to subjects # @param [String] active_graph # The name of the currently active graph that the processor should use when processing. # @param [String] active_subject (nil) # Node identifier # @param [String] active_property (nil) # Property within current node # @param [Boolean] reverse (false) # Processing a reverse relationship # @param [Array] list (nil) # Used when property value is a list def create_node_map(element, graph_map, active_graph: '@default', active_subject: nil, active_property: nil, reverse: false, list: nil) if element.is_a?(Array) # If element is an array, process each entry in element recursively by passing item for element, node map, active graph, active subject, active property, and list. element.map do |o| create_node_map(o, graph_map, active_graph: active_graph, active_subject: active_subject, active_property: active_property, reverse: false, list: list) end elsif !element.is_a?(Hash) raise "Expected hash or array to create_node_map, got #{element.inspect}" else graph = (graph_map[active_graph] ||= {}) subject_node = !reverse && graph[active_subject.is_a?(Hash) ? active_subject.to_json_c14n : active_subject] # Transform BNode types if element.key?('@type') element['@type'] = Array(element['@type']).map {|t| blank_node?(t) ? namer.get_name(t) : t} end if value?(element) element['@type'] = element['@type'].first if element ['@type'] # For rdfstar, if value contains an `@annotation` member ... # note: active_subject will not be nil, and may be an object itself. if element.key?('@annotation') # rdfstar being true is implicit, as it is checked in expansion as = node_reference?(active_subject) ? active_subject['@id'] : active_subject star_subject = { "@id" => as, active_property => [element] } # Note that annotation is an array, make the reified subject the id of each member of that array. annotation = element.delete('@annotation').map do |a| a.merge('@id' => star_subject) end # Invoke recursively using annotation. create_node_map(annotation, graph_map, active_graph: active_graph) end if list.nil? add_value(subject_node, active_property, element, property_is_array: true, allow_duplicate: false) else list['@list'] << element end elsif list?(element) result = {'@list' => []} create_node_map(element['@list'], graph_map, active_graph: active_graph, active_subject: active_subject, active_property: active_property, list: result) if list.nil? add_value(subject_node, active_property, result, property_is_array: true) else list['@list'] << result end else # Element is a node object ser_id = id = element.delete('@id') if id.is_a?(Hash) # Index graph using serialized id ser_id = id.to_json_c14n elsif id.nil? ser_id = id = namer.get_name end node = graph[ser_id] ||= {'@id' => id} if reverse # Note: active_subject is a Hash # We're processing a reverse-property relationship. add_value(node, active_property, active_subject, property_is_array: true, allow_duplicate: false) elsif active_property reference = {'@id' => id} if list.nil? add_value(subject_node, active_property, reference, property_is_array: true, allow_duplicate: false) else list['@list'] << reference end end # For rdfstar, if node contains an `@annotation` member ... # note: active_subject will not be nil, and may be an object itself. # XXX: what if we're reversing an annotation? if element.key?('@annotation') # rdfstar being true is implicit, as it is checked in expansion as = node_reference?(active_subject) ? active_subject['@id'] : active_subject star_subject = reverse ? {"@id" => node['@id'], active_property => [{'@id' => as}]} : {"@id" => as, active_property => [{'@id' => node['@id']}]} # Note that annotation is an array, make the reified subject the id of each member of that array. annotation = element.delete('@annotation').map do |a| a.merge('@id' => star_subject) end # Invoke recursively using annotation. create_node_map(annotation, graph_map, active_graph: active_graph, active_subject: star_subject) end if element.key?('@type') add_value(node, '@type', element.delete('@type'), property_is_array: true, allow_duplicate: false) end if element['@index'] raise JsonLdError::ConflictingIndexes, "Element already has index #{node['@index']} dfferent from #{element['@index']}" if node.key?('@index') && node['@index'] != element['@index'] node['@index'] = element.delete('@index') end if element['@reverse'] referenced_node, reverse_map = {'@id' => id}, element.delete('@reverse') reverse_map.each do |property, values| values.each do |value| create_node_map(value, graph_map, active_graph: active_graph, active_subject: referenced_node, active_property: property, reverse: true) end end end if element['@graph'] create_node_map(element.delete('@graph'), graph_map, active_graph: id) end if element['@included'] create_node_map(element.delete('@included'), graph_map, active_graph: active_graph) end element.keys.each do |property| value = element[property] property = namer.get_name(property) if blank_node?(property) node[property] ||= [] create_node_map(value, graph_map, active_graph: active_graph, active_subject: id, active_property: property) end end end end ## # Create annotations # # Updates a node map from which annotations have been folded into embedded triples to re-extract the annotations. # # Map entries where the key is of the form of a canonicalized JSON object are used to find keys with the `@id` and property components. If found, the original map entry is removed and entries added to an `@annotation` property of the associated value. # # * Keys which are of the form of a canonicalized JSON object are examined in inverse order of length. # * Deserialize the key into a map, and re-serialize the value of `@id`. # * If the map contains an entry with that value (after re-canonicalizing, as appropriate), and the associated antry has a item which matches the non-`@id` item from the map, the node is used to create an `@annotation` entry within that value. # # @param [Hash{String => Hash}] node_map # @return [Hash{String => Hash}] def create_annotations(node_map) node_map.keys. select {|k| k.start_with?('{')}. sort_by(&:length). reverse.each do |key| annotation = node_map[key] # Deserialize key, and re-serialize the `@id` value. emb = annotation['@id'].dup id = emb.delete('@id') property, value = emb.to_a.first # If id is a map, set it to the result of canonicalizing that value, otherwise to itself. id = id.to_json_c14n if id.is_a?(Hash) next unless node_map.key?(id) # If node map has an entry for id and that entry contains the same property and value from entry: node = node_map[id] next unless node.key?(property) node[property].each do |emb_value| next unless emb_value == value.first node_map.delete(key) annotation.delete('@id') add_value(emb_value, '@annotation', annotation, property_is_array: true) unless annotation.empty? end end end ## # Rename blank nodes recursively within an embedded object # # @param [Object] node # @return [Hash] def rename_bnodes(node) case node when Array node.map {|n| rename_bnodes(n)} when Hash node.inject({}) do |memo, (k, v)| v = namer.get_name(v) if k == '@id' && v.is_a?(String) && blank_node?(v) memo.merge(k => rename_bnodes(v)) end else node end end private ## # Merge nodes from all graphs in the graph_map into a new node map # # @param [Hash{String => Hash}] graph_map # @return [Hash] def merge_node_map_graphs(graph_map) merged = {} graph_map.each do |name, node_map| node_map.each do |id, node| merged_node = (merged[id] ||= {'@id' => id}) # Iterate over node properties node.each do |property, values| if property != '@type' && property.start_with?('@') # Copy keywords merged_node[property] = node[property].dup else # Merge objects values.each do |value| add_value(merged_node, property, value.dup, property_is_array: true) end end end end end merged end end end