v2.1  2013-04-02
  * Support Haml
  * Support Sass

v2.0  2013-03-29
  * Improve the layout folder structure, which add interesting side effects:
    - faster compilation
    - less use of compile command
    - takes less size on disk
  * Genit is now html5 only
  * Genit provide a web server for development
  * Config file is no longer an hidden file
  * I remove all css templates
  * Genit put an error message when the main template is malformed

v1.0.1  2013-03-13
  * Fix a bug that creates a bad html5 doctype

v1.0  2011-10-02
  * Genit creates a sitemap.xml
  * Genit puts an error message when:
    - config file not present
    - unknown tag
    - bad or incomplete fragment tag
    - syntax error in .config
  * Genit puts a warning message when a here tag is used without its counterpart
  * Version is added to the .genit file

v0.99  2011-09-25
  * Genit creates an RSS feed for your news articles

v0.9  2011-09-04
  * You can add news to your site with ease
  * The tag 'var' does not exist anymore. It is replaced by the two-part tag
    'here' & 'what'
  * Put your public files (photo, text, pdf, etc.) in the 'public' folder
  * Put your javascript in the 'scripts' folder
  * Relative links should be written relative to the root (the index.hmtl file)
  * New '--empty' switch for the 'create' command
  * New '--doctype' option for the 'create' command
  * Fix bug #38: named anchor crashes the compiler

v0.5  2011-08-06
  * You can pass string variables from page to template
  * Pages can be organized into subfolders
  * fix a bug where the cli option -v crashed 

v0.4.1  2011-07-30
  * Fix a bug where the closing part of auto-closing tags were forgotten.

v0.4  2011-07-25
  * better smoke test
  * basic user documentation 
  * genit use a simple project file
  * use clamp as a command line framework 

v0.3  2011-07-23
  * You can split a page in a multitude of fragments.

v0.2  2011-07-02
  * Globally styling your site
  * Manage a main menu

v0.1  2011-06-25
  * Create a project
  * Compile a project (one template, multiple pages)
  * A page can be in html or in markdown format