require 'rspec' require 'sequel' require 'sqlite3' require Pathname(__dir__) + '../lib/wyrm/schema_tools.rb' require Pathname(__dir__) + '../lib/wyrm/logger.rb' include Wyrm describe SchemaTools do after :each do @src_dst = nil end class Includer include SchemaTools include Wyrm::Logger def logger lgr = super # silence most logging lgr.level = ::Logger::FATAL lgr end def initialize( src_db, dst_db ) @src_db = src_db.andand.extension :schema_dumper @dst_db = dst_db end attr_reader :src_db, :dst_db end def src_dst( src_db: Sequel.sqlite, dst_db: Sequel.sqlite ) @src_dst ||= src_db, dst_db end def with_src src_dst dst_db: nil end def with_dst src_dst src_db: nil end describe '#same_db' do it 'for same db' do src_dst.same_db.should be_true end it 'for different db' do src_dst( dst_db: Sequel.postgres ).same_db.should be_false end end describe 'src_db dependencies' do describe '#schema_migration' do it 'executes' do String.should === with_src.schema_migration with_src.schema_migration.should =~ /Sequel.migration/ with_src.schema_migration.should =~ /change/ end it 'recreates table' do with_src.src_db.create_table(:things){|t| primary_key :id; t.String :name} with_src.schema_migration.should =~ /create_table/ end end describe '#index_migration' do it 'executes' do String.should === with_src.index_migration with_src.index_migration.should =~ /Sequel.migration/ with_src.index_migration.should =~ /change/ end it 'recreates table' do with_src.src_db.create_table(:things){|t| primary_key :id; t.String :name} with_src.src_db.add_index(:things, :name) with_src.index_migration.should =~ /add_index/ end end describe '#fk_migration' do it 'executes' do String.should === with_src.fk_migration with_src.fk_migration.should =~ /Sequel.migration/ with_src.fk_migration.should =~ /change/ end it 'recreates table' do with_src.src_db.create_table(:things){|t| primary_key :id; t.String :name} with_src.src_db.create_table(:times){|t| primary_key :id; t.foreign_key :thing_id, :things} with_src.fk_migration.should =~ /add_foreign_key/ end end end describe '#drop_table_options' do it 'empty for non-postgres' do with_dst.drop_table_options.should == {} end it 'cascade for postgres' do src_dst(dst_db: Sequel.postgres, src_db: nil).drop_table_options.should == {cascade: true} end end describe '#drop_tables' do #( tables ) it 'removes tables with no foreign keys' do with_dst.dst_db.create_table(:things){|t| primary_key :id; t.String :name} with_dst.dst_db.create_table(:times){|t| primary_key :id} with_dst.dst_db.tables.should == %i[things times] with_dst.drop_tables with_dst.dst_db.tables with_dst.dst_db.tables.should be_empty end it 'removes tables with some foreign keys' do with_dst.dst_db.create_table(:things){|t| primary_key :id; t.String :name} with_dst.dst_db.create_table(:times){|t| primary_key :id; t.foreign_key :thing_id, :things} with_dst.dst_db.tables.should == %i[things times] with_dst.drop_tables with_dst.dst_db.tables with_dst.dst_db.tables.should be_empty end if ::SQLite3::SQLITE_VERSION >= "3.6.19" it 'sqlite mutual foreign keys' do with_dst.dst_db.create_table(:things){|t| primary_key :id; t.String :name} with_dst.dst_db.create_table(:times){|t| primary_key :id; t.foreign_key :thing_id, :things} with_dst.dst_db.alter_table :things do add_foreign_key :times_id, :times end thing_id = with_dst.dst_db[:things].insert name: 'Gruffalo' time_id = with_dst.dst_db[:times].insert thing_id: thing_id with_dst.dst_db[:things].update times_id: time_id with_dst.dst_db.tables.sort.should == %i[things times] ->{with_dst.drop_tables with_dst.dst_db.tables}.should raise_error(/mutual foreign keys/) end else it "Can't test foreign keys with sqlite < 3.6.19" end it 'handles mysql foreign key exception' end describe '#create_tables' do MIGRATION = <<-EOF Sequel.migration do change do create_table(:things) do primary_key :id String :name, :size=>255 Integer :times_id end create_table(:times) do primary_key :id foreign_key :thing_id, :things end alter_table(:things) do add_foreign_key [:times_id], :times, :key=>nil end end end EOF it 'creates table from schema_migration' do with_dst.stub( :schema_migration ) do MIGRATION end with_dst.dst_db.tables.should be_empty with_dst.create_tables with_dst.dst_db.tables.sort.should == %i[things times] end end # just receive the methods describe '#create_indexes' do it 'creates indexes and foreign keys' do with_dst.should_receive(:index_migration){ 'Sequel.migration{}' } with_dst.should_receive(:fk_migration){ 'Sequel.migration{}' } with_dst.create_indexes end it 'resets key sequences for postgres' do with_dst.stub(:index_migration){ 'Sequel.migration{}' } with_dst.stub(:fk_migration){ 'Sequel.migration{}' } with_dst.dst_db.stub(:database_type){Sequel.postgres.database_type} with_obj = with_dst.dst_db.should_receive(:tables){[with_obj]} with_dst.dst_db.should_receive(:reset_primary_key_sequence).with(with_obj) with_dst.create_indexes end end end