defaultDelegate = (options) -> authDelegate = new fyre.conv.RemoteAuthDelegate() authDelegate[k] = v for k, v of options.auth authDelegate load = null (-> __loadedScripts = [] fjs = null load = (source, id, options) -> return if (document.getElementById(id)) return if __loadedScripts[id] __loadedScripts[id] = true fjs = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0] unless fjs js = document.createElement("script") = id js.async = true js.src = source js[k] = v for k, v of options if options fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs) js )() cookie = (token) -> m = document.cookie.match(new RegExp(token + "=([^;]+)")) if m then m[1] else null utils = (options) -> obj = load: load # At some point, callback should move to the last param # keeping this order for backwards compat for now. startLogin: (url, width = 600, height = 400, callback = null, windowName = null) -> left = (screen.width / 2) - (width / 2) top = (screen.height / 2) - (height / 2) popup = url, windowName, "menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,width=#{width},height=#{height},toolbar=no,left=#{left},top=#{top}" @finishCallback = callback @startLoginPopup(popup) startLoginPopup: (popup) -> @tries = 0 @popup = popup @timer = setInterval(=> @__checkLogin() , 100) __checkLogin: -> token = cookie(options.cookie_name || "livefyre_utoken") if token and @timer clearInterval(@timer) @popup.close() if @popup @popup = null @timer = null @finishCallback() if @finishCallback window.fyre.conv.login(token) else if @popup and @popup.closed try @tries += 1 if @tries > 30 # 3 seconds clearInterval(@timer) @timer = null @popup = null catch err _initialized = false @initLivefyre = (options) -> if _initialized and !options.force throw "Livefyre has already been initialized" _initialized = true e = document.getElementById(options.element_id || "livefyre_comments") if e options.config ||= checksum: e.getAttribute("data-checksum") collectionMeta: e.getAttribute("data-collection-meta") articleId: e.getAttribute("data-article-id") siteId: e.getAttribute("data-site-id") postToButtons: JSON.parse(e.getAttribute("data-post-to-buttons")) el: ||= e.getAttribute("data-network") options.domain ||= e.getAttribute("data-domain") options.root ||= e.getAttribute("data-root") returnable = utils(options) @FYRE_LOADED_CB = -> options.preLoad(fyre) if options.preLoad opts = network: authDelegate: options.delegate || defaultDelegate(options) console.log options.config fyre.conv.load opts, [options.config], (widget) -> returnable.widget = widget token = cookie(options.cookie_name || "livefyre_utoken") if token try fyre.conv.login(token) catch error window.console.log "Error logging in:", e if window.console unless options.manualLoad element = load "http://#{options.root}/wjs/v3.0/javascripts/livefyre.js", null, {"data-lf-domain":} returnable else null