module Boson # This module contains the methods used to define the default option types. # # === Creating Your Own Option Type # Defining your own option type simply requires one method (create_@type) to parse the option value and create # the desired object. To create an option type :date, you could create the following create_date method: # # Drop this in your ~/.irbrc after require 'boson' # module Boson::Options::Date # def create_date(value) # # value should be mm/dd # Date.parse(value + "/#{}") # end # end # Boson::OptionParser.send :include, Boson::Options::Date # # In a FileLibrary, we could then use this new option: # module Calendar # #@options :day=>:date # def appointments(options={}) # # ... # end # end # # >> appointments '-d 10/10' -> {:day=>#<Date: 4910229/2,0,2299161> } # As you can see, a date object is created from the :date option's value and passed into appointments(). # # Some additional tips on the create_* method: # * The argument passed to the method is the option value from the user. # * To access the current option name use @current_option. # * To access the hash of attributes the current option has use OptionParser.current_attributes. See # for more about option attributes. # # There are two optional methods per option type: validate_@type and usage_for_@type i.e. validate_date and usage_for_date. # Like create_@type, validate_@type takes the option's value. If the value validation fails, raise an # OptionParser::Error with a proper message. All user-defined option types automatically validate for an option value's existence. # The usage_for_* method takes an option's name (i.e. --day) and returns a usage string to be wrapped in '[ ]'. If no usage is defined # the default would look like '[--day=:date]'. Consider using the OptionParser.default_usage helper method for your usage. module Options #:stopdoc: # Parse/create methods def create_string(value) if (values = current_attributes[:values]) && (values = values.sort_by {|e| e.to_s}) (val = auto_alias_value(values, value)) && value = val end value end def create_boolean(value) if (!@opt_types.key?(dasherize(@current_option)) && @current_option =~ /^no-(\w+)$/) opt = (opt = original_no_opt($1)) ? undasherize(opt) : $1 (@current_option.replace(opt) && false) else true end end def create_numeric(value) value.index('.') ? value.to_f : value.to_i end def create_array(value) splitter = current_attributes[:split] || ',' array = value.split(splitter) if (values = current_attributes[:values]) && (values = values.sort_by {|e| e.to_s }) array.each {|e| array.delete(e) && array += values if e == '*'} array.each_with_index {|e,i| (value = auto_alias_value(values, e)) && array[i] = value } end array end def create_hash(value) splitter = current_attributes[:split] || ',' (keys = current_attributes[:keys]) && keys = keys.sort_by {|e| e.to_s } if !value.include?(':') && current_attributes[:default_keys] value = current_attributes[:default_keys].to_s + ":#{value}" end # Creates array pairs, grouping array of keys with a value aoa = Hash[*value.split(/(?::)([^#{Regexp.quote(splitter)}]+)#{Regexp.quote(splitter)}?/)].to_a aoa.each_with_index {|(k,v),i| aoa[i][0] = keys.join(splitter) if k == '*' } if keys hash = aoa.inject({}) {|t,(k,v)| k.split(splitter).each {|e| t[e] = v }; t } keys ? hash.each {|k,v| (new_key = auto_alias_value(keys, k)) && hash[new_key] = hash.delete(k) } : hash end # Validation methods def validate_string(value) raise OptionParser::Error, "cannot pass '#{value}' as an argument to option '#{@current_option}'" if valid?(value) end def validate_numeric(value) unless value =~ OptionParser::NUMERIC and $& == value raise OptionParser::Error, "expected numeric value for option '#{@current_option}'; got #{value.inspect}" end end def validate_hash(value) if !value.include?(':') && !current_attributes[:default_keys] raise(OptionParser::Error, "invalid key:value pair for option '#{@current_option}'") end end # Usage methods def usage_for_boolean(opt) opt end def usage_for_string(opt) default_usage(opt, undasherize(opt).upcase) end def usage_for_numeric(opt) default_usage opt, "N" end def usage_for_array(opt) default_usage opt, "A,B,C" end def usage_for_hash(opt) default_usage opt, "A:B,C:D" end #:startdoc: end end Boson::OptionParser.send :include, Boson::Options