require "opentok/broadcast" require "opentok/broadcasts" require "opentok/opentok" require "opentok/version" require "spec_helper" describe OpenTok::Broadcasts do before(:each) do now = Time.parse("2017-04-18 20:17:40 +1000") allow(Time).to receive(:now) { now } end let(:api_key) { "123456" } let(:api_secret) { "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890" } let(:session_id) { "SESSIONID" } let(:broadcast_id) { "BROADCASTID" } let(:started_broadcast_id) { "13dbcc23-af92-4862-9184-74b21815a814" } let(:opentok) { api_key, api_secret } let(:broadcast) { opentok.broadcasts } subject { broadcast } it 'raise an error on empty sessionId' do opts = { :outputs => { :hls => {} } } expect { broadcast.create('', opts) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raise an error on nil sessionId' do opts = { :outputs => { :hls => {} } } expect { broadcast.create(nil, opts) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raise an error on empty options' do expect { broadcast.create(nil, {}) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raises an error if outputs is not set in options' do opts = { maxDuration: 5400 } expect { broadcast.create(nil, opts) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raises an error if outputs is set in options but is not a Hash' do opts = { outputs: [] } expect { broadcast.create(nil, opts) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raises an error if an HLS Broadcast object has both dvr and low_latency options set to true' do opts = { outputs: { hls: { dvr: true, low_latency: true} } } expect { broadcast.create(nil, opts) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'fetches a hls broadcast url', :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do opts = { :outputs => { :hls => {} } } b_hls = broadcast.create(session_id, opts) expect(b_hls).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::Broadcast expect( eq broadcast_id expect(b_hls.broadcastUrls['hls']).to eq "" end it 'starts a rtmp broadcast', :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do opts = { :outputs => { :hls => {}, :rtmp => [ { :id => "rubyTestStream", :serverUrl => "rtmp://", :streamName => "66c9-jwuh-pquf-9x18" } ] } } b_rtmp = broadcast.create(session_id, opts) expect(b_rtmp).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::Broadcast expect( eq broadcast_id expect(b_rtmp.broadcastUrls["rtmp"][0]["serverUrl"]).to eq "rtmp://" expect(b_rtmp.broadcastUrls["rtmp"].count).to eq 1 end it 'starts a broadcast with a specified multiBroadcastTag', :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do broadcast_tag = 'broadcast-1' opts = { :outputs => { :hls => {} }, :multiBroadcastTag => broadcast_tag } broadcast_1 = broadcast.create(session_id, opts) expect(broadcast_1).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::Broadcast expect( eq broadcast_id expect(broadcast_1.multiBroadcastTag).to eq broadcast_tag end it 'starts a broadcast with a matching multi_broadcast_tag value when multiBroadcastTag is specified', :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do broadcast_tag = 'broadcast-1' opts = { :outputs => { :hls => {} }, :multiBroadcastTag => broadcast_tag } broadcast_1 = broadcast.create(session_id, opts) expect(broadcast_1).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::Broadcast expect(broadcast_1.multi_broadcast_tag).to eq broadcast_tag end it 'starts a broadcast with a multi_broadcast_tag value of nil when multiBroadcastTag not specified', :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do opts = { :outputs => { :hls => {} } } broadcast_1 = broadcast.create(session_id, opts) expect(broadcast_1).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::Broadcast expect(broadcast_1.multi_broadcast_tag).to be_nil end it 'finds a broadcast', :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do b = broadcast.find started_broadcast_id expect(b).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::Broadcast expect( eq started_broadcast_id expect(b.broadcastUrls["rtmp"][0]["serverUrl"]).to eq "rtmp://" expect(b.broadcastUrls["rtmp"].count).to eq 1 end it 'raise an error on empty broadcastId in find' do expect { broadcast.find("") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raise an error on nil broadcastId in find' do expect { broadcast.find(nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raise an error on empty broadcastId stop' do expect { broadcast.stop("") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raise an error on nil broadcastId stop' do expect { broadcast.stop(nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'stops a broadcast', :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do b = broadcast.stop(started_broadcast_id) expect(b).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::Broadcast expect( eq started_broadcast_id expect(b.broadcastUrls).to be_nil expect(b.status).to eq "stopped" end it "raise an error if layout options are empty" do expect { broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, {}) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raise an error if broadcast id is not provided" do expect { broadcast.layout("", { type: "custom", stylesheet: "the layout stylesheet (only used with type == custom)" }) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raise an error if custom type has no style sheet" do expect { broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, { type: "custom", }) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raise an error if non-custom type has style sheet" do expect { broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, { type: "pip", stylesheet: "the layout stylesheet (only used with type == custom)" }) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raise an error for non valid type" do expect { broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, { type: "not-valid", stylesheet: "stream {}" }) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "change the layout to custom type with custom stylesheet" do stub_request(:put, "{api_key}/broadcast/#{started_broadcast_id}/layout"). with(body: {type: 'custom', stylesheet: 'stream {float: left; height: 100%; width: 33.33%;}'}). to_return(status: 200) response = broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, { type: "custom", stylesheet: "stream {float: left; height: 100%; width: 33.33%;}" }) expect(response).not_to be_nil end it "raise an error if invalid layout type" do expect { broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, { type: "pip1" }) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raise an error if invalid layout type with screenshare_type" do expect { broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, { type: "pip", screenshare_type: "bestFit" }) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raise an error if invalid layout screenshare_type" do expect { broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, { type: "bestFit", screenshare_type: "pip1" }) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "calls layout on broadcast object", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" } } do b = broadcast.find started_broadcast_id expect(b).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::Broadcast expect( eq started_broadcast_id expect { b.layout( :type => 'pip1', ) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "changes the layout of a broadcast", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" } } do stub_request(:put, "{api_key}/broadcast/#{started_broadcast_id}/layout"). to_return(status: 200) response = broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, { :type => "verticalPresentation" }) expect(response).not_to be_nil end it "changes the screenshare option in the layout of a broadcast", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" } } do stub_request(:put, "{api_key}/broadcast/#{started_broadcast_id}/layout"). to_return(status: 200) response = broadcast.layout(started_broadcast_id, { :type => "bestFit", :screenshare_type => "bestFit" }) expect(response).not_to be_nil end it "adds a stream to a broadcast", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" } } do opts = {} response = broadcast.add_stream(started_broadcast_id, '12312312-3811-4726-b508-e41a0f96c68f', opts) expect(response.code).to eq(204) end it "removes a stream from a broadcast", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" } } do response = broadcast.remove_stream(started_broadcast_id, '12312312-3811-4726-b508-e41a0f96c68f') expect(response.code).to eq(204) end context "for many broadcasts" do it "should return all broadcasts", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do broadcast_list = broadcast.all expect(broadcast_list).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::BroadcastList expect( eq 6 expect(broadcast_list.count).to eq 6 end it "should return broadcasts with an offset", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do broadcast_list = broadcast.all :offset => 3 expect(broadcast_list).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::BroadcastList expect( eq 3 expect(broadcast_list.count).to eq 3 end it "should return count number of broadcasts", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do broadcast_list = broadcast.all :count => 2 expect(broadcast_list).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::BroadcastList expect(broadcast_list.count).to eq 2 expect(broadcast_list.count).to eq 2 end it "should return part of the broadcasts when using offset and count", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do broadcast_list = broadcast.all :count => 4, :offset => 2 expect(broadcast_list).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::BroadcastList expect(broadcast_list.count).to eq 4 expect(broadcast_list.count).to eq 4 end it "should return session broadcasts", :vcr => { :erb => { :version => OpenTok::VERSION + "-Ruby-Version-#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"} } do broadcast_list = broadcast.all :sessionId => session_id expect(broadcast_list).to be_an_instance_of OpenTok::BroadcastList expect( eq 3 expect(broadcast_list.count).to eq 3 end end end