require 'spec_helper' require 'moo_moo/opensrs' require 'date' module MooMoo describe OpenSRS do before(:each) do def random_domain "domainthatsnottaken#{}.com" end @opensrs = @registered_domain = "" @contacts = { :title => "blahblah", :owner => { :first_name => "Owen", :last_name => "Ottway", :phone => "+1.4165550123x1902", :fax => "+1.4165550124", :email => "", :org_name => "Example Inc.", :address1 => "32 Oak Street", :address2 => "Suite 500", :address3 => "Owner", :city => "SomeCity", :state => "CA", :country => "US", :postal_code => "90210", :url => "" }, :admin => { :first_name => "Owen", :last_name => "Ottway", :phone => "+1.4165550123x1902", :fax => "+1.4165550124", :email => "", :org_name => "Example Inc.", :address1 => "32 Oak Street", :address2 => "Suite 500", :address3 => "Owner", :city => "SomeCity", :state => "CA", :country => "US", :postal_code => "90210", :url => "" }, :billing => { :first_name => "Owen", :last_name => "Ottway", :phone => "+1.4165550123x1902", :fax => "+1.4165550124", :email => "", :org_name => "Example Inc.", :address1 => "32 Oak Street", :address2 => "Suite 500", :address3 => "Owner", :city => "SomeCity", :state => "CA", :country => "US", :postal_code => "90210", :url => "" }, :tech => { :first_name => "Owen", :last_name => "Ottway", :phone => "+1.4165550123x1902", :fax => "+1.4165550124", :email => "", :org_name => "Example Inc.", :address1 => "32 Oak Street", :address2 => "Suite 500", :address3 => "Owner", :city => "SomeCity", :state => "CA", :country => "US", :postal_code => "90210", :url => "" } } end describe "ProvisioningCommands" do describe "#cancel_order" do it "cancels a trust service order" do VCR.use_cassette("provisioning/cancel_order") do res = @opensrs.cancel_order(123456) res.success?.should be_true res.result['order_id'].to_i.should == 123456 res.result['domain'].should == "" end end it "doesn't cancel an invalid trust service order" do VCR.use_cassette("provisioning/cancel_order_invalid") do res = @opensrs.cancel_order(111111) res.success?.should be_false res.error_code.should == 405 end end end describe "#cancel_pending_orders" do use_vcr_cassette "provisioning/cancel_pending_orders" it "cancels all pending orders" do result = @opensrs.cancel_pending_orders(1302890914).result result['total'].to_i.should == 0 result['cancelled'].should be_a_kind_of(Hash) result['cancelled'].should be_empty end end describe "#modify domain" do it "updates the contact information" do end it "updates the expire action" do VCR.use_cassette("provisioning/modify_domain") do res = @opensrs.modify({:type => 'expire_action', :domain => @registered_domain, :auto_renew => 1, :let_expire => 0}) res.success?.should be_true end end it "modifies all domains linked to the profile" do VCR.use_cassette("provisioning/modify_all_domains") do res = @opensrs.modify({ :type => 'expire_action', :affect_domains => 1, :auto_renew => 0, :let_expire => 1, :cookie => "0000000000000000:000000:00000"}) res.success?.should == true end end end describe "#process_pending" do use_vcr_cassette "provisioning/process_pending" it "processes the pending order" do result = @opensrs.process_pending(1878084).result result['order_id'].to_i.should == 1878084 result['id'].to_i.should == 730001 result['f_auto_renew'].should == "Y" end end describe "#renew_domain" do use_vcr_cassette "provisioning/renew_domain" it "requires a domain", :wip => true do requires_attr(:domain) { @opensrs.renew_domain(:term => 1, :current_expiration_year => 2011) } end it "requires a term", :wip => true do requires_attr(:term) { @opensrs.renew_domain(:domain => '', :current_expiration_year => 2011) } end it "requires a current_expiration_year", :wip => true do requires_attr(:current_expiration_year) { @opensrs.renew_domain(:domain => '', :term => 1) } end it "renews the domain" do result = @opensrs.renew_domain( :domain => "", :term => 1, :current_expiration_year => 2011 ).result result['order_id'].to_i.should == 1867227 result['id'].to_i.should == 678899 result['admin_email'].should == "" end end describe "#revoke domain" do use_vcr_cassette "provisioning/revoke_domain" it "removes the domain from the registry" do res = @opensrs.revoke(:domain => "", :reseller => MooMoo.config.user) res.success?.should be_true res.result['charge'].to_i.should == 1 end end describe "#register" do it "requires a domain", :wip => true do requires_attr(:domain) { @opensrs.register_domain(:contacts => @contacts, :nameservers => ['']) } end it "requires a contacts", :wip => true do requires_attr(:contacts) { @opensrs.register_domain(:domain => '', :nameservers => []) } end it "requires a nameservers", :wip => true do requires_attr(:nameservers) { @opensrs.register_domain(:domain => '', :contacts => @contacts) } end it "registers a domain" do VCR.use_cassette("provisioning/register_domain") do res = @opensrs.register_domain( :domain => '', :contacts => @contacts, :nameservers => ["", ""], :term => 1) result = res.result result['registration_text'].should match(/successfully completed/i) result['id'].to_i.should == 1885783 end end it "registers a pending domain registration" do VCR.use_cassette("provisioning/register_pending_domain") do res = @opensrs.register_domain( :domain => '', :contacts => @contacts, :nameservers => ["", ""], :term => 1, :options => {:handle => :save}) res.success?.should be_true res.result['id'].to_i.should == 1888032 end end it "fails if the domain is taken" do VCR.use_cassette("provisioning/register_taken_domain") do res = @opensrs.register_domain( :domain => '', :contacts => @contacts, :nameservers => ["", ""], :term => 1) res.success?.should be_false end end end describe "#register_trust_service" do use_vcr_cassette "provisioning/trust_service" it "registers the trust service" do csr = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- 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 -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- " @contacts.delete(:owner) @contacts.delete(:title) @contacts[:admin].delete(:url) @contacts[:billing].delete(:url) @contacts[:tech].delete(:url) res = @opensrs.register_trust_service(:csr => csr, :contacts => @contacts, :server_type => 'apachessl', :product_type => 'securesite', :server_count => 1, :term => 1) res.success?.should be_false res.error_code.should == 501 res.error_msg.should match(/Permission denied/i) end end describe "#update_contacts" do use_vcr_cassette "provisioning/update_contacts" it "updates the contacts" do res = @opensrs.update_contacts(:domain => @registered_domain, :contacts => @contacts, :types => ["owner", "admin", "billing", "tech"]) res.success?.should be_true res.result['details'][@registered_domain]['response_code'].to_i.should == 200 end end end end end