not for me :( this si life though. now how to let her off easily.
: i really want a tan! just reminded me -_- < :( :( im using dove summer glow lol :/ .. actually works!
yay, weekend! but still have hw to do :( boo!!!!!
thank you! guess i'm gonna have to retire him after sunday :(
i woulda liked to fruck em :(
i have not seen gui boratto live, but love the music! sunday is kinda tuff but i'll go w my $8 tix. wish you would b there. :(
i don't think it's a statement on you at all, just what happens when half the blogosphere goes nutcakes today. :(
have fun without me :(
dont u hate it when u try sooo friggin hard to b someones friend, and u get pushed away and pushed away? well i cant keep doin this... :(
i want hot cocoa..:: so i gotta get dressed :/ boo! i wanted that joe-stick :( bbl ♥ ||
nah not too much. i hope the guy was okay. the bloke next to me got hit on the head later by some twat throwing a sign. :(
don't you dare ask why, because you don't wanna know, quote. :( #mitelenovela
you forgot about ur favorite cousin :(
this is it. time to go :( bye everyone, gunna miss you so so much! i'll speak to you all in june! <333
i know! & did he "really" call us the "democrat party"? cuz that needs to stop :(
i'm rather excited. sorry if i spazzz :(
just drove by edwarda car in twilight! tried to get a pic but too late :(
my laptop crashed. :( be back on, soon.
i know :( my hopes of ever being an angel have been dashed.
now if ur trying to break my heart, is working cause u know :(
imagine john without edward that would be weird. :/ it would just be john. :( x
can you all get me 34 more followers please :(
well i could use a step father, lol---maybe if i saw you more in my life lol :(
oh, i'm from huddersfield hah! you hate the accent :( aw. i have to agree though, it sounds kinda lazy! x
the weather is bad today :( #tradegft
theyre not anymore :( apparently they were today xx
i wanna kno what that face was for :( lol
no laptop :( , no tinychat for me . so just hit up the cell , call or text
swinging on swings at locust park wiff amber :) now we're walking home bc theres funnel clouds :(
so jealous cant go in dec. either cant get time of work : ( hope youll get some good piccies so show off!!! x
omg they dnt have the uk on the mj site :( why not =/ ?
awww :( so i guess we're gonna talk more tomorrow then! </3
last hour is always the longest... totally forgot we're commission based only and lost out on 2 sales for faceplates :(
aww i want a shoutout from :(
eeeeek! i lost a followe :(
he would never do anything consciously to hurt me though, just doesn't even realize it, cause that's how he was raised :(
feeling like shit right now :(
huhurt :( yah badan gue panas,please jangan sakit dong strid!!
right now?? noooo i missed it :(
my health is being mean to me too :( stupid allergies... but other than that im good ^^
i think its corny and played out. :(
they were :(
thank you shanghai dumplings. you have made my cholesterol level through the roof :(
my burned hand looks like overcooked beef or something :(
i know where that kilo & a half went i'm happy to give it back!!! melbourne is fattening :-(
and of course i work tomorrow : ( <<me too!!
omg my little sister turns 18 at the end of this month! ommmgg! she's not a baby no more! :( i'm getting old! haven't even hit 21 yet lol
i cant believe this movie made me cry :(
i am in bed, but im cold :(
omgggg ! i wasnt talking bout mysseeelf ! fuck you :(
the editting on the show is really intense... it's not really seeming real :(
i don't like this suck.... :(
me too... not knowing is stressing me out... :(
finally off work. headed home to study for my test tomorrow. i'm exhausted :-(
looks like we've got a sick child on our hands. bethy just puked on our bed. so much for the zoo this weekend. :-( #fb
:( i dont u too but :/ if ur that tired xp
his prettyness keeps us up :(
:( damn i forgot ur mad old lol.
can't believe i'm having to drag myself halfway across the country :(
i'm so tired guys :( damn it i can't sleep lol
impersonating me :(
i just know imma b sick tomorrow, i can feel it :(
q:how come you don't luv me anymore? :( a:um i may still love you depends on who you are...
same here. i'm bored. and wanna go out after work but no one is free :(
tweeet me ? please been asking for ages now :! :( x
attn: reached her tweet limit! :(
holy shit :(
had a dream i was dating but in the dream he was still gay. :(
:( if only magic was reaaal. they said they're getting 3d, i don't know why they're so slow at it, ahha
i hope you get to read some of our replies, and are able to let us know what to do? i want to order! :(
our vcr broke a while ago, so i can't watch it for passover. :(
:( pwease
one of my favorite jerkin crews broke up recently :(
today is friday saint, you should stay at hojme :( qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq