describe Compel do context '#run' do context 'User validation example' do def make_the_call(method, hash) schema = Compel.hash.keys({ user: Compel.hash.keys({ first_name: Compel.string.required, last_name: Compel.string.required, birth_date: Compel.datetime, age: Compel.integer, admin: Compel.boolean, blog_role: Compel.hash.keys({ admin: Compel.boolean.required }) }).required }) Compel.send(method, hash, schema) end it 'should compel returning coerced values' do hash = { user: { first_name: 'Joaquim', last_name: 'Adráz', birth_date: '1989-08-06T09:00:00', age: '26', admin: 'f', blog_role: { admin: '0' } } } expect(make_the_call(:run, hash)).to eq \{ user: { first_name: 'Joaquim', last_name: 'Adráz', birth_date: DateTime.parse('1989-08-06T09:00:00'), age: 26, admin: false, blog_role: { admin: false } } }) end it 'should not compel and leave other hash untouched' do hash = { other_param: 1, user: { first_name: 'Joaquim' } } expect(make_the_call(:run, hash)).to eq \{ other_param: 1, user: { first_name: 'Joaquim', }, errors: { user: { last_name: ['is required'] } } }) end it 'should not compel for invalid hash' do expect{ make_the_call(:run, 1) }.to \ raise_error Compel::TypeError, 'must be an Hash' end it 'should not compel for invalid hash 1' do expect{ make_the_call(:run, nil) }.to \ raise_error Compel::TypeError, 'must be an Hash' end it 'should not compel' do hash = { user: { first_name: 'Joaquim' } } expect(make_the_call(:run, hash)).to eq \{ user:{ first_name: 'Joaquim', }, errors: { user: { last_name: ['is required'] } } }) end end context 'Address validation example' do def make_the_call(method, hash) schema = Compel.hash.keys({ address: Compel.hash.keys({ line_one: Compel.string.required, line_two: Compel.string, post_code: Compel.hash.keys({ prefix: Compel.integer.length(4).required, suffix: Compel.integer.length(3), county: Compel.hash.keys({ code: Compel.string.length(2).required, name: Compel.string }) }).required }).required }) Compel.send(method, hash, schema) end it 'should run?' do hash = { address: { line_one: 'Lisbon', line_two: 'Portugal', post_code: { prefix: 1100, suffix: 100 } } } expect(make_the_call(:run?, hash)).to eq(true) end it 'should not compel' do hash = { address: { line_two: 'Portugal' } } expect(make_the_call(:run, hash)).to eq \{ address: { line_two: 'Portugal' }, errors: { address: { line_one: ['is required'], post_code: ['is required'] } } }) end it 'should not compel 1' do hash = { address: { line_two: 'Portugal', post_code: { prefix: '1', county: { code: 'LX' } } } } expect(make_the_call(:run, hash)).to eq \{ address: { line_two: 'Portugal', post_code: { prefix: 1, county: { code: 'LX' } } }, errors: { address: { line_one: ['is required'], post_code: { prefix: ['cannot have length different than 4'] } } } }) end it 'should not compel 2' do hash = { address: { post_code: { suffix: '1234' } } } expect(make_the_call(:run, hash)).to eq \{ address: { post_code: { suffix: 1234 } }, errors: { address: { line_one: ['is required'], post_code: { prefix: ['is required'], suffix: ['cannot have length different than 3'] } } } }) end it 'should not compel 3' do hash = { address: { post_code: { prefix: '1100', suffix: '100', county: {} }, } } expect(make_the_call(:run, hash)).to eq \{ address: { post_code: { prefix: 1100, suffix: 100, county: {} } }, errors: { address: { line_one: ['is required'], post_code: { county: { code: ['is required'] } } } } }) end it 'should not compel 4' do hash = { address: nil } expect(make_the_call(:run, hash)).to eq \{ address: nil, errors: { address: ['is required'] } }) end it 'should not compel 5' do expect(make_the_call(:run, {})).to eq \{ errors: { address: ['is required'] } }) end end context 'Boolean' do context 'required option' do it 'should compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ admin: Compel.boolean.required }) expect({ admin: 1 }, schema)).to be true end it 'should not compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ admin: Compel.boolean.required }) expect({ admin: nil }, schema).errors[:admin]).to \ include('is required') end end context 'default option' do it 'should compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ admin: Compel.boolean.default(false) }) expect({ admin: nil }, schema).admin).to be false end end context 'is option' do it 'should compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ admin: }) expect({ admin: 1 }, schema)).to be true end it 'should not compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ admin: }) expect({ admin: 0 }, schema).errors[:admin]).to \ include('must be 1') end end end context 'String' do context 'format option' do it 'should compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ post_code: Compel.string.format(/^\d{4}-\d{3}$/) }) expect({ post_code: '1100-100' }, schema)).to be true end it 'should not compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ post_code: Compel.string.format(/^\d{4}-\d{3}$/) }) expect({ post_code: '110-100' }, schema).errors[:post_code]).to \ include('must match format ^\\d{4}-\\d{3}$') end end end context 'Time' do context 'format option' do it 'should not compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.time }) expect({ birth_date: '1989-08-06' }, schema).errors.birth_date).to \ include("'1989-08-06' is not a parsable time with format: %FT%T") end it 'should compel with format' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.time.format('%Y-%m-%d') }) expect({ birth_date: '1989-08-06' }, schema).birth_date).to \ eq(, 8, 6)) end it 'should compel by default' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.time }) expect({ birth_date: '1989-08-06T09:00:00' }, schema).birth_date).to \ eq(, 8, 6, 9)) end it 'should compel with iso8601 format' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.time.iso8601 }) expect({ birth_date: '1989-08-06T09:00:00' }, schema).birth_date).to \ eq(, 8, 6, 9)) end end end end context 'DateTime' do context 'format option' do it 'should not compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.datetime }) expect({ birth_date: '1989-08-06' }, schema).errors.birth_date).to \ include("'1989-08-06' is not a parsable datetime with format: %FT%T") end it 'should compel with format' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.datetime.format('%Y-%m-%d') }) expect({ birth_date: '1989-08-06' }, schema).birth_date).to \ eq(, 8, 6)) end it 'should compel by default' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.datetime }) expect({ birth_date: '1989-08-06T09:00:00' }, schema).birth_date).to \ eq(, 8, 6, 9)) end it 'should compel with iso8601 format' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.datetime.iso8601 }) expect({ birth_date: '1989-08-06T09:00:00' }, schema).birth_date).to \ eq(, 8, 6, 9)) end end end context 'Compel methods' do def make_the_call(method, hash) schema = Compel.hash.keys({ first_name: Compel.string.required, last_name: Compel.string.required, birth_date: Compel.datetime }) Compel.send(method, hash, schema) end context '#run!' do it 'should compel' do hash = { first_name: 'Joaquim', last_name: 'Adráz', birth_date:, 12, 24) } expect(make_the_call(:run!, hash)).to \ eq \{ first_name: 'Joaquim', last_name: 'Adráz', birth_date:, 12, 24) }) end it 'should raise InvalidHashError exception' do hash = { first_name: 'Joaquim' } expect{ make_the_call(:run!, hash) }.to \ raise_error Compel::InvalidHashError, 'hash has errors' end it 'should raise InvalidHashError exception with errors' do hash = { first_name: 'Joaquim' } expect{ make_the_call(:run!, hash) }.to raise_error do |exception| expect(exception.object).to eq \ 'Joaquim') expect(exception.errors).to eq \ ['is required']) end end it 'should raise InvalidHashError exception for missing hash' do expect{ make_the_call(:run!, {}) }.to \ raise_error Compel::InvalidHashError, 'hash has errors' end end context '#run?' do it 'should return true' do hash = { first_name: 'Joaquim', last_name: 'Adráz', birth_date: '1989-08-06T09:00:00' } expect(make_the_call(:run?, hash)).to eq(true) end it 'should return false' do hash = { first_name: 'Joaquim' } expect(make_the_call(:run?, hash)).to eq(false) end end end end