module ReactiveRecord # the point is to collect up a all records needed, with whatever attributes were required + primary key, and inheritance column # or get all scope arrays, with the record ids # the incoming vector includes the terminal method # output is a hash tree of the form # tree ::= {method => tree | [value]} | method's value is either a nested tree or a single value which is wrapped in array # {:id => primary_key_id_value} | if its the id method we leave the array off because we know it must be an int # {integer => tree} for collections, each item retrieved will be represented by its id # # example # { # "User" => { # ["find", 12] => { # :id => 12 # "email" => [""] # "todos" => { # "active" => { # 123 => # { # id: 123, # title: ["get fetch_records_from_db done"] # }, # 119 => # { # id: 119 # title: ["go for a swim"] # } # ] # } # } # } # } # } # } # To build this tree we first fill values for each individual vector, saving all the intermediate data # when all these are built we build the above hash structure # basic # [Todo, [find, 123], title] # -> [[Todo, [find, 123], title], "get fetch_records_from_db done", 123] # [User, [find_by_email, ""], first_name] # -> [[User, [find_by_email, ""], first_name], "Mitch", 12] # misses # [User, [find_by_email, ""], first_name] # nothing is found so nothing is downloaded # prerendering may do this # [User, [find_by_email, ""]] # which will return a cache object whose id is nil, and value is nil # scoped collection # [User, [find, 12], todos, active, *, title] # -> [[User, [find, 12], todos, active, *, title], "get fetch_records_from_db done", 12, 123] # -> [[User, [find, 12], todos, active, *, title], "go for a swim", 12, 119] # collection with nested belongs_to # [User, [find, 12], todos, *, team] # -> [[User, [find, 12], todos, *, team, name], "developers", 12, 123, 252] # [[User, [find, 12], todos, *, team, name], nil, 12, 119] <- no team defined for todo<119> so list ends early # collections that are empty will deliver nothing # [User, [find, 13], todos, *, team, name] # no todos for user 13 # evaluation will get this far: [[User, [find, 13], todos], nil, 13] # nothing will match [User, [find, 13], todos, team, name] so nothing will be downloaded # aggregate # [User, [find, 12], address, zip_code] # -> [[User, [find, 12], address, zip_code]], "14622", 12] <- note parent id is returned # aggregate with a belongs_to # [User, [find, 12], address, country, country_code] # -> [[User, [find, 12], address, country, country_code], "US", 12, 342] # collection * (for iterators etc) # [User, [find, 12], todos, overdue, *all] # -> [[User, [find, 12], todos, active, *all], [119, 123], 12] # [Todo, [find, 119], owner, todos, active, *all] # -> [[Todo, [find, 119], owner, todos, active, *all], [119, 123], 119, 12] class ServerDataCache def initialize(acting_user) @acting_user = acting_user @cache = [] @requested_cache_items = [] end if RUBY_ENGINE != 'opal' def [](*vector) root =, @acting_user, vector[0]) vector[1..-1].inject(root) { |cache_item, method| cache_item.apply_method method if cache_item } vector[0] = vector[0].constantize new_items = { | cache_item | cache_item.root == root} @requested_cache_items += new_items new_items.last.value if new_items.last end def self.[](vectors, acting_user) cache = new(acting_user) vectors.each { |vector| cache[*vector] } cache.as_json end def clear_requests @requested_cache_items = [] end def as_json @requested_cache_items.inject({}) do | hash, cache_item| hash.deep_merge! cache_item.as_hash end end def select(&block); █ end def detect(&block); @cache.detect █ end def inject(initial, &block); @cache.inject(initial) █ end class CacheItem attr_reader :vector attr_reader :record_chain attr_reader :root attr_reader :acting_user def value @ar_object end def method vector.last end def, acting_user, klass) klass_constant = klass.constantize if existing = db_cache.detect { |cached_item| cached_item.vector == [klass_constant] } return existing end super end def initialize(db_cache, acting_user, klass) klass = klass.constantize @db_cache = db_cache @acting_user = acting_user @vector = [klass] @ar_object = klass @record_chain = [] @parent = nil @root = self db_cache << self end def apply_method_to_cache(method, &block) @db_cache.inject(nil) do | representative, cache_item | if cache_item.vector == vector if @ar_object.class < ActiveRecord::Base and @ar_object.attributes.has_key?(method) @ar_object.check_permission_with_acting_user(acting_user, :view_permitted?, method) end begin new_ar_object = yield cache_item cache_item.clone.instance_eval do @vector = @vector + [method] # don't push it on since you need a new vector! @ar_object = new_ar_object @db_cache << self @parent = cache_item @root = cache_item.root self end rescue representative end else representative end end end def apply_method(method) method[0] = "find" if method.is_a? Array and method.first == "find_by_id" new_vector = vector + [method] @db_cache.detect { |cached_item| cached_item.vector == new_vector} || build_new_instances(method) end def build_new_instances(method) if method == "*all" apply_method_to_cache("*all") { |cache_item| cache_item.value.collect { |record| } } elsif method == "*" if @ar_object and @ar_object.length > 0 @ar_object.inject(nil) do | value, record | # just using inject so we will return the last value apply_method_to_cache(method) { record } end else apply_method_to_cache(method) {[]} end else apply_method_to_cache(method) { |cache_item| cache_item.value.send(*method) } end end def as_hash(children = [@ar_object]) if @parent if method == "*" @parent.as_hash({ => children}) elsif @ar_object.class < ActiveRecord::Base and children.is_a? Hash @parent.as_hash({method => children.merge({ :id => [], @ar_object.class.inheritance_column => [@ar_object[@ar_object.class.inheritance_column]], })}) elsif method == "*all" @parent.as_hash({method => children.first}) else @parent.as_hash({method => children}) end else { => children} end end end end def self.load_from_json(tree, target = nil) ignore_all = nil tree.each do |method, value| method = JSON.parse(method) rescue method new_target = nil if !target load_from_json(value, Object.const_get(method)) elsif method == "*all" target.replace value.collect { |id| target.proxy_association.klass.find(id) } unless ignore_all elsif method.is_a? Integer or method =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ignore_all = true target << (new_target = target.proxy_association.klass.find(method)) elsif method.is_a? Array new_target = target.send *method unless value.is_a? Array # value is an array if scope returns nil elsif value.is_a? Array target.send "#{method}=", value.first elsif value.is_a? Hash and value[:id] and value[:id].first new_target = target.class.reflect_on_association(method).klass.find(value[:id].first) target.send "#{method}=", new_target else new_target = target.send("#{method}=", target.send(method)) end load_from_json(value, new_target) if new_target end if target.respond_to? :save end end end