module Veewee module Provider module Core module BoxCommand def validate_tags(tags,options) unless self.exists? ui.error "Error:: You tried to validate box '#{name}' but it does not exist" exit -1 end unless self.running? ui.error "Error:: You tried to validate box '#{name}' but it is not running" exit -1 end if definition.winrm_user && definition.winrm_password # prefer winrm checks = checks_windows else checks = checks_linux end # Some reject here based on tags checks.reject! { |c| tagged = false c[:tags].each do |t| tagged = true if tags.include?(t) end ! tagged } # Assume clean exitcode exitcode = 0 # Loop over checks checks.each do |check| if check[:sudo] result = check_output_sudorun(check[:command],check[:expected_string]) else result = check_output_run(check[:command],check[:expected_string]) end if result[:match] ui.success("#{check[:description]} - OK") else ui.error("#{check[:description]} - FAILED") ui.error("Command: #{check[:command]}") ui.error("Expected string #{check[:expected_string]}") ui.error("Output: #{check[:output]}") exitcode = -1 end end exit -1 if exitcode < 0 end def check_output_sudorun(command,expected_string) result = { :command => command, :expected_string => expected_string, :output => nil } begin self.exec("echo '#{command}' > /tmp/ && chmod a+x /tmp/", :mute => true) sshresult = self.exec(self.sudo("/tmp/"),:mute => true) result[:output] = sshresult.stdout result[:match] = ! sshresult.stdout.match(/#{expected_string}/).nil? rescue result[:match] = false end return result end def check_output_run(command,expected_string) result = { :command => command, :expected_string => expected_string, :output => nil } begin sshresult = self.exec(command, {:exitcode => '*',:mute => true}) result[:output] = sshresult.stdout result[:match] = ! sshresult.stdout.match(/#{expected_string}/).nil? rescue result[:match] = false end return result end def checks_linux return [ { :description => 'Checking user', :tags => [ 'virtualbox','kvm', 'parallels'], :command => 'who am i', :expected_string => definition.ssh_user, :sudo => false }, { :description => 'Checking sudo', :tags => [ 'virtualbox','kvm', 'parallels'], :command => 'whoami', :expected_string => 'root', :sudo => true }, { :description => 'Checking ruby', :tags => [ 'virtualbox','kvm', 'parallels','ruby'], :command => '. /etc/profile ;ruby --version 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null; echo $?', :expected_string => "0", :sudo => false }, { :description => 'Checking gem', :tags => [ 'virtualbox','kvm', 'parallels','gem'], :command => '. /etc/profile ;gem --version 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null; echo $?', :expected_string => "0", :sudo => false }, { :description => 'Checking chef', :tags => [ 'chef'], :command => '. /etc/profile ;chef-client --version 2> /dev/null 1>/dev/null; echo $?', :expected_string => "0", :sudo => false }, { :description => 'Checking puppet', :tags => [ 'puppet'], :command => '. /etc/profile ;puppet --version 2> /dev/null 1>/dev/null; echo $?', :expected_string => "0", :sudo => false }, { :description => 'Checking shared folder', :tags => [ 'vagrant'], :command => 'mount|grep veewee-validation; echo $?', :expected_string => "0", :sudo => false } ] end def checks_windows return [ { :description => 'Checking user', :tags => [ 'virtualbox','kvm','vmfusion'], :command => 'whoami', :expected_string => definition.ssh_user, :sudo => false }, { :description => 'Checking ruby', :tags => [ 'virtualbox','kvm','vmfusion'], :command => 'ruby --version > %TEMP%\devnull && echo %ERRORLEVEL%', :expected_string => "0", :sudo => false }, { :description => 'Checking gem', :tags => [ 'virtualbox','kvm','vmfusion'], :command => 'gem --version > %TEMP%\devnull && echo %ERRORLEVEL%', :expected_string => "0", :sudo => false }, { :description => 'Checking chef', :tags => [ 'chef'], :command => 'chef-client --version > %TEMP%\devnull && echo %ERRORLEVEL%', :expected_string => "0", :sudo => false }, ] end end #Module end #Module end #Module end #Module