require 'spec_helper' describe InvitationsController, "routes" do it { should route(:get, "/accounts/abc/invitations/new"). to(:action => :new, :account_id => 'abc') } it { should route(:post, "/accounts/abc/invitations"). to(:action => :create, :account_id => 'abc') } it { should route(:get, "/accounts/abc/invitations/xyz"). to(:action => :show, :account_id => 'abc', :id => 'xyz') } it { should route(:put, "/accounts/abc/invitations/xyz"). to(:action => :update, :account_id => 'abc', :id => 'xyz') } end describe InvitationsController, "permissions" do let(:account) { Factory(:account) } before { sign_in } it { should deny_access. on(:get, :new, :account_id => account.to_param). flash(/admin/) } it { should deny_access. on(:post, :create, :account_id => account.to_param). flash(/admin/) } end describe InvitationsController, "new", :as => :account_admin do let(:invitation) { } let(:projects) { ['one', 'two'] } before do Account.stubs(:find_by_url! => account) account.stubs(:projects_by_name => projects) Invitation.stubs(:new => invitation) get :new, :account_id => account.to_param end it "renders the new template" do should respond_with(:success) should render_template(:new) end it "assigns an invitation" do Invitation.should have_received(:new) should assign_to(:invitation).with(invitation) end it "assigns projects" do should assign_to(:projects).with(projects) end end describe InvitationsController, "valid create", :as => :account_admin do let(:invitation) { Factory.stub(:invitation) } let(:attributes) { 'attributes' } before do Invitation.stubs(:new => invitation) invitation.stubs(:account=) invitation.stubs(:save => true) post :create, :account_id => account.to_param, :invitation => attributes end it "redirects to the membership index" do should redirect_to(account_memberships_url(account)) end it "saves an invitation" do Invitation.should have_received(:new).with(attributes) invitation.should have_received(:account=).with(account) invitation.should have_received(:save) end it "sets a flash message" do should end end describe InvitationsController, "invalid create", :as => :account_admin do let(:invitation) { Factory.stub(:invitation) } let(:projects) { ['one', 'two'] } before do Invitation.stubs(:new => invitation) invitation.stubs(:save => false) Account.stubs(:find_by_url! => account) account.stubs(:projects_by_name => projects) post :create, :account_id => account.to_param, :invitation => {} end it "renders the new template" do should respond_with(:success) should render_template(:new) end it "doesn't set a flash message" do should_not set_the_flash end it "assigns projects" do should assign_to(:projects).with(projects) end end describe InvitationsController, "show" do let(:invitation) { Factory.stub(:invitation) } let(:account) { invitation.account } before do Invitation.stubs(:find => invitation) get :show, :id => invitation.to_param, :account_id => account.to_param end it "renders the show template" do should respond_with(:success) should render_template(:show) end it "assigns the invitation" do Invitation.should have_received(:find).with(invitation.to_param) should assign_to(:invitation).with(invitation) end end describe InvitationsController, "valid update" do let(:invitation) { Factory.stub(:invitation) } let(:account) { invitation.account } let(:attributes) { 'attributes' } let(:user) { Factory.stub(:user) } before do Invitation.stubs(:find => invitation) invitation.stubs(:accept => true) invitation.stubs(:user => user) put :update, :id => invitation.to_param, :account_id => account.to_param, :invitation => attributes end it "signs the user in" do should end it "accepts the invitation" do Invitation.should have_received(:find).with(invitation.to_param) invitation.should have_received(:accept).with(attributes) end it "redirects to the root page" do should redirect_to(root_url) end end describe InvitationsController, "invalid update" do let(:invitation) { Factory.stub(:invitation) } let(:account) { invitation.account } before do Invitation.stubs(:find => invitation) invitation.stubs(:accept => false) put :update, :id => invitation.to_param, :account_id => account.to_param, :invitation => {} end it "doesn't sign in" do should_not be_signed_in end it "renders the show template" do should respond_with(:success) should render_template(:show) end it "assigns the invitation" do should assign_to(:invitation).with(invitation) end end